guess the movie


A novel adaptation.
I have a couple of quotes:

"You and your ****ing rope."
"So you're Chekov, huh? Well, this here's McCoy. Find a Spock, we got us an away team."
"So you're telling me it was one guy with six guns, and he was a senior frigging citizen?"
"You know what they say: People in glass houses sink ships!"

"Okay Duffy, have any theories to go along with that tie?"

I'll post more if you guys cant guess it, although I'm thinking that that is pretty unlikely.
"We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow-worm."
--Winston Churchill

All of Herodotus' quotes are from Boondock Saints.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

"And if you F*** this up, I'm gonna take your nuts, and tie 'em in a knot, and run 'em through my shredder."
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

A novel adaptation.
Ok, Nice one Holden. Here are some more quotes. These are all quotes from one movie. This one is going to be pretty hard, or at least, I think so, I could be wrong. It's kind of hard to gauge:

"You cannot let them see you, or they'll kill me for tricking them!"

Between the mind that plans and the hands that build there must be a Mediator, and this must be the heart."

Good luck, if you guys dont get it, which I still think is unlikely. I'll post more

A novel adaptation.
The answer was: Metropolis.

not that anybody seems to care, but I just couldnt leave this thread un-answered.