New Forum Features


Yeah, the feature has a little quirk, as Destiny's describing. As of right now, there's no way to turn if off for individual users, so I'd have to turn it off altogether to alleviate the problem.

I will try to find time to examine the code myself to see if I can find the problem, though I'll have to put it off for a little bit to wrap some other things up. I'll let you guys know if I find anything. Hopefully I'll luck out and the guy who wrote it will have already written a patch to fix the issue.

How long have we been able to see everyone's rep count, by holding our cursor over their green thingies . . . or red thingies . . . depending? Maybe I missed that post, or this is old news, but I accidentally discovered it just now. That is how I normally discover things, though. By accident.

Actually, that's an accident, too; I put it there while I was debugging something. Dunno if it matters if I leave it up, though. Can't think of a reason anyone would have a problem with it.