Reviewing movies that are out now in the theaters!

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I thought I would ask if yuo guys can pick a movie that is out right now and give what star you think it should get and a review on it.

Ok here is my review on Timeline!

TIMELINE PG-13 * I thought this movie was horrible and a big disapointed it was notheirng like the book which was better!
And the acting was horrible and most of the people in the cast was unknow(Well inleast to me!)If you had not read the book i think that you might enjoy this movie but if you had read the book don't waste your money on this firm it really sucked big time!
See you around!JM NOw it is your turn!
Jackie Malfoy
Favorite Movie of all time:Star Wars!
Online offline boyfriend:AdarkSideJedi(brad)
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Man, one thing I can't stand is when people give a movie a negative review simply because it's different from the book. I've gotten into a few discussions regarding the Lord of the Rings with some people. Movies are a totally different medium than books and it's impossible to make a movie that is EXACTLY like the book--it's just doesn't work. It's the production crew's job to take a book and put it into movie form--obviously some changes need to happen either because of logisitics or simply because the crew thinks changes are needed to make a better movie. Everybody should consider books and movies as separate and judge the movie on the movie and not how it relates to the book. By the way I never read Timeline, never saw the movie and have no desire to do either. Just a rant.

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I saw Master & Commander a week ago and I really liked it. The books are cool too. I don't think they made the doctor enough like the book -- he's better in the book, though not as cute at Bettnoy. And why did they use two books. The first book was exciting and had lots of sea fighting, so they could have used those battles instead. But I liked it otherwise. Very exciting


Forget the book when you're watching the movie. Throw it out the window, it isn't a direct adaptation I assume, and I doubt it was intended to be. Also, just because a cast is unknown doesn't mean they're bad actors.
The Last Samurai - 4 stars out of 5.

The storyline is certainly not a new idea but, I believe it is the best take on the idea so far. Tom Cruise does an excellent job at portraying the main character. This movie has made a very emotional connection largely do to the great acting. It is an epic that is able to stand out from other epics. It is certainly one of the best films of the year and it is an all-around great samurai film.

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