Do You Believe Time Travel is Possible?


-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I have always been intrigued by unknown and it's really fascinating, we do not even know our planet, our oceans and yet we have been to the Moon, just an example of how much we do not know yet.

I'm not asking do you believe someone is already time traveling or are there are people coming from the future or whatever, but do you believe we will ever be able to manage it. Time itself can be a separate topic, so simply, do you believe time travel could be achieved?
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

Trouble with a capital "T"
Star Trek: Enterprise...episode Shockwave part 2

Silik: Who are you working with from the future?

The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that time travel is impossible.

Silik: Does Captain Archer agree with that opinion?

This is not an opinion.

Silik: Does Archer agree with that determination?

Captain Archer believes Crewman Daniels... comes from the future.

But Daniels is dead.

Captain Archer claims he saw Daniels two days ago.

Your Captain is gone. Did Daniels take him into the past or the future?

Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that time travel is impossible.

Just find a DeLorean
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Into the future? Sorta/kinda, based on relativity and a loose definition of the term "time travel."

Into the past? Absolutely not.
Agreed, future is not made yet, past is. At least that is something that first comes to mind. But personally I don't like terms "impossible" etc. we accomplished many impossible deeds, they are impossible only until someone dose it. Of course, this dose not mean we will actually manage this one, but it's fun to think about it.

I agree with Yoda. Impossible this is.

(Although I like Demetri Martin's joke: “I have a time machine at home. It only goes forward at regular speed.”)

Or I could time travel into the future and ask you tomorrow?
That would prove nothing though

Trouble with a capital "T"
Looks like they drank a lot of booze is that why the water is so yellow? If they traveled back in time they could visit the bathroom before getting into the hot tub

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
If time travel is possible, why hasn't someone from the future already traveled to the past to tell us about their experiences?
I knew someone is going to mention that, but as I already said, I'm not talking about Doctor Who time travel. Also, there are theories on how time would work, some believe as soon as you change something you go to separate line. So maybe someone came back, but that ain't our world.

I'm just playing devils advocate, as I said already, it's not like I actually believe it's possible, at least not soon and not how we imagine it.

time travel is impossible.

But I've had fun exploring the religious aspects of it.
Someone dies and goes to hell. You travel back in time, change them, they die and go to heaven.

Man is more powerful than god.

Anyway it's not real though, just a funny concept.

On a serious scientific note - the kind of time travel that may one day be possible or even unavoidable is the kind in such films as Planet of the Apes (1968).
And that is travel into the future at a faster-than-normal rate. If someone goes on a ship out into space at a certain rate of speed, then turns around and comes back, only a couple years for them may have passed, while decades may have gone by on Earth.

Most of the sci-fi stories where people are exploring space in ships moving at incredible speeds don't seem to take relativity into account where, when they return to Earth, most of the people they know would be elderly or dead.

I think dreams are time travel. Not ACTUAL time travel, but the closest thing we've got to it. I frequently dream about the past -- even long ago -- and it feels like I'm right back there. Sometimes I even experience feelings and emotions and see things I had forgotten about. To me that's time travel.

Not only that, but I also think we can dream about the future -- the future our mind is predicting and rehearsing us for in case it happens.