Why are some established actors able to keep themselfs out of every issue of gossip m


Employee of the Month
Why are some established Hollywood-actors seems to be able, to keep themselfs out of every issue of every gossip-journal... and others not? Right, many young It-Girls and actors would die for a little fame. And even established actors need free promotion. But when it comes to the private parts, some actors are save behind the curtain and others are fair game.
Do anyone have a idea why?

~Loves a good classic movie~
I think it depends on why that person became an actor in the first place. Some for money and fame. Some for the love of the art of acting. Some, a little of all three. The ones we never hear much about and don't seek publicity are just trying to do the work they love to do and go home and enjoy a quiet lifestyle that their profession allows if they keep their privacy sacred. Others just want the attention and the $$$$.

I think everyone's fair game, but the main thing is that some actors are just too smart to give the tabloids any excuse to write about them. There's probably an element of luck, but not being too unbelievably good looking and not going out to clubs all the time or generally engaging in debaucherous behavior probably cuts the odds of ending up in a gossip rag dramatically.

But yeah, I don't think they generally lay off people. I doubt there's a single performer the tabloids wouldn't go nuts on if they did something crazy.

There are also certain restaurants and clubs that *nudge nudge wink wink* that the paparazzi stake out. If you don't want your face splashed on the front cover the Enquirer, you simply eat somewhere else in peace. But if you do want the attention, those places are well known to everyone in the biz.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Maybe they don't confuse their self-worth with their $ value in Hollywood, so they are not driven to seek press. That being said, as a fickle member of the public, I do thoroughly enjoy finding out who in Hollywood is a filthy degenerate--that's why I got TMZ on my celphone!
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

If you ask me, it's about time Meryl Streep hits the streets, calls all her girlfriends, goes out partying, shows her vajayjay, adopts 15 Chinese babies, goes to rehab, comes out and murders her husband and kids before dropping dead in the Olsen Twins' apartment with her hair all shaved off and Larry King ready to take your calls.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
It definalty depends on the type of person they are, personally if I were famous I would stay away from the paparazzii as much as I could. It does make me laugh when you see storys about people who are always in the media view and then when something goes wrong or something they dont want the media to know then the media hounds are all over them like a bad smell, this always puts a smile on my face. If you play the media they will follow you everywhere looking for the perfect shot of you, I dont know taking a poop or something.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I think it boils down to two things. One, do you want it? Two, do you sell? If they're both "no", then you've got no trouble. It usually pans out that those who don't court it, aren't papped beyond red carpet events and dining at 'those' restaurants/clubs.

I think mystique is also essential for a great film actor. You project more onto them as they move from character to character, but they remain essentially a enticing blank canvas---curiously reflecting our own likes and dislikes. The more you know about them, the less iconic they become.

I mean, if read somewhere that say, Megan Fox's favorite film of all time was Police Academy 6, Jeepers, I don't think I could respect her as an actress.

There are some movie actors and singers who simply live quiter lives and just don't attract media attention. I mean you got Robert Mitchum getting busted for dope and photographed hugging a topless blonde at Cannes back when either event could have been a career-stopper. Then there were people like James Cagney who didn't like to go to parties and preferred to stay home on his horse ranch with his wife, and like to read. Some are out there bouncing from bed to bed like Madonna or slugging photographers like Penn. And then there are recluses like Bob Dylan.

Basically, it's like any other profession--if you go to work, do your job, go home and live quitely, not going out much or having rowdy parties that disturb the neighbors, nobody notices. But show your butt in public and that will always attract attention.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Because some actors aren't horndogs, crazy, addicts or drunks. It's a short list.

ruffy, you have a Master's Degree, correct?
Yep, in mass communications with a minor in government. So what did I do now besides spelling quieter wrong below????

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
I was just slumming on TMZ and noticed how in so many paparazzi photos, these starlets seem to be clutching handfuls of stuff, ie, celphones, cigarettes, soft drinks etc. Hollywood...sheeesh....