Pig Chit: The Uwe Boll story


ObiWanShinobi's Avatar
District B13

Does it get any more disgusting than that?

Is Ed Wood an oscar winner compared to him?

I'm going to put this simply: SIX MOVIES IN 3 YEARS.

Oh yea, and they are all based off of B videogames, and the last two movies he did about videogames are considered some of the worst in cinema history.

If I had to choose between giving Ed Wood best picture for Plan 9 or saving this man's life from death by testicle electrocution I would not only give Ed Wood the oscar, but rename the oscar the wood AND provide the testicle clamps for Uwe Boll's death.

I'm sorry but I really liked House of the Dead series.

And we are here to discuss Uwe Boll, so how would you kill/emasculate/neuter this peversion of organic function?

ObiWanShinobi's Avatar
District B13
Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
wow. tell us how you really feel.
Have you seen House of the Dead!? That made me cry with anger!