What if John Carpenter's The Thing was instead made by Roger Corman?


Hey guys, can each of you give your own interpretation on the budget, how the special effects would've been done, etc. Just curious.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Carpenter's track record really isn't all that great. I think he is a little more talented than Corman, but it isn't a huge divide.

Corman is more of a busnessman who also directs. Judged by that standard, he made in the sixties quite a few good genre movies.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

The poster, title and tagline would have been way cooler...

more like...

Attack of the Blood Drenched THING!

Monsters, flamethrowers...and boobs

See it now in all new SHOCK-O-VISION!!!

The monster pops up in a pre-credits sequence to rip bikini tops off a couple of bimbos, who for some unexplained reason; are sunbathing in Antarctica. 4 day shoot with Johnathan Demme frantically re-writing the script every night, and a plethora of before-they-were-famous stars working behind the scenes. Plus Dick Miller.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
What if Roger Corman directed Johnny Guitar?

It would have been Gunslinger.