Hotseat! Grill a MoFo:Godoggo


I am half agony, half hope.
Do you do cardio and weights, or just one of the two when you work out?

Do you dress like Jamie Lee Curtis in Perfect when you work out?

What is your favorite thing about yourself?
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

Johann von Goethe

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Do you do cardio and weights, or just one of the two when you work out?

I do cardio every time I go and weights every other time. I also do an abs and glutes class once a week that is pure torture.

Do you dress like Jamie Lee Curtis in Perfect when you work out? No, but that would be really funny. There are some people at the gym who dress close to that though.

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

My sense of humor. The highest compliment that anyone can give me is that I am fun to be around.
Oh and Destiny, (I can't do the marks on your name) that is funny about the spell check. I think that would be a fitting nickname for me here.

Do you like parties?

Have you been to many?

Do you drink, or have you ever?

Have you ever been drunk?

How old are you?

Do you like steak?

Do you like seafood?

What is your favorite restaurant?

What is your favorite dessert?

Do you get along with your family OK?

What is your favorite hobby, besides watching movies?

If you had to throw away all your movies but one, which one would you keep?

Who is your favorite actor?

Who is your least favorite actor?

What is your favorite song, band, singer . . . ?

What is your favorite music genre?

What is your favorite movie genre?

Do you like animated movies?

Do you like animated TV shows?

What are your favorites, from both categories?

Do you avoid watching certain movies, simply because of an actor that is in them?

Name 5 actors you would love to meet, and why. What would you want to do to, or with them?

Name the movie you hate the most.

Name the oldest movie you've seen.

Name the newest movie you've seen.

What is your favorite TV show?

Name your favorite sports.

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Suspense Thriller?
Martial Arts?