Movie You're Watching Tonight


Sonatine (1993)

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Recommended by Camo-

Small Faces (1996)
I didn't actually recommend that, it was one of my pictures for the Guess The Screenshot game. I barely remember it tbh. The only reason i saw it as a kid was because the high rise flats i grew up in are featured in a scene. A friend told me that when i was a kid and i didn't believe him, ended up going out to buy it and he was right!

“I was cured, all right!”
Would be shocked if i didn't been wanting to see it for ages. Also watching My Voyage To Italy later this week, have you seen that?
Not yet, I was planning to watch last week but my girlfriend asked me to wait 'cause she wants to wach with me. Here in Brazil was released a good copy of both My Voyage To Italy and A Personal Journey on DVD, I bought it last month. I just loved A Personal Journey. Added lots of films mencioned by Scorsese to my watchlist, watched some of them, and I'm watching John Ford now, thanks to him.

and I'm watching John Ford now, thanks to him.
Good to hear Ford is mentioned. Just came off a bender of his movies recently, seen 18. He has a few stinkers but overall he's one of my favourite directors at this point and i've still got about 70 of his available films to see.

“I was cured, all right!”
Good to hear Ford is mentioned. Just came off a bender of his movies recently, seen 18. He has a few stinkers but overall he's one of my favourite directors at this point and i've still got about 70 of his available films to see.
Liked all the 5 films I watched so far.
It's insane how much films he has made, it's a shame lots of others are lost now. It's the same thing with Ozu and Mizoguchi. It's so sad. But 70 available? That's still a lot, I will have lots of fun with his films. =]