Wes Craven: Sell Out


I honestly think that Wes Craven is a complete sell out with that Music Of The Heart crap...It's bad enough it screwed up the scream sequels...GO AWAY WES!

oh yeah let's not forget about Wes Craven Presents Dracula 2000


I'll agree with you Wes Craven has fallen off. I wouldn't say he's sold out, its ok for him to expand his creative direction and make a drama. But in terms of his horror movies, he has definetly dropped. Scream 3 was one of the worst movies ever made in my opinion. Scream and Scream 2 were ok, but they were not true horror movies, more like teeny bopper thrillers.
In my opinion the best movie Wes Craven has ever made is The People Under the Staris. Its not a scary movie, but its so corny, it just entertaining. A cult classic for sure.

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
What exactly makes him a sellout? A sellout is someone who betrays his cause or associates. I don't know of any associates he has sold out, and I'm not sure he has a cause.

He makes movies. He may have wanted to make dramas for a long time but had a hard time getting backing for something other than horror flicks.

I think his movies are entertaining. They won't win any awards, but they are fun to watch.
Jim Lewis
To BE or Not to BE, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Barium Enema
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Did Wes Craven direct "Music From The Heart"?

Registered User
Did Wes Craven direct "Music From The Heart"?
Wes Craven directed "Music of the Heart."
Bob Messinger

Employee of the Month
He also directed "Red Eye", a straight and highly entertaining thriller. I generally can`t take this subculture-mumble-sellout-thing serious. Craven can do what he want, as long as it`s good. And it is. He is not only one of Hollywoods best directors, he is also a very nice guy, who is creating a familiar atmosphere on the set. Watch "Red Eye", watch the special features, it`s fun.

I'd pretty much got it that he wanted to do other things than horror, but those never turned out very well so he goes back to what he's good at.

I don't think he's in any way a sell out. Can't blame him for wanting to do something different, I'm sure we don't have the same jobs all our lives.