DVD Repair


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Does anyone have one of the many DVD repair devices out there? I was going to buy one to fix some of my stuff and then i read customer's reviews. 50% of the people said it broke their games, cds, dvds etc. and the other 50% say it works perfectly. I just wanted the opinions of people here who actually own one and what results you get with it..Thanks
Boards don't hit back

I use one at my place of work...it seems to work most of the time, but the end product still may have some problems, I normally use it on data cds though. Not sure how it would work on DVD's
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

i think all itdoes is clean the disc.. if its badly damaged it might not do much for you....
DVD Movie Reviews

I have a kit that I've used on cd's, not yet on dvd's, but it worked to remove some really bad scratches on the cd's (with a lot of time and work by me). I don't know any reason why it wouldn't work on a dvd. The computer guy at work says the disc fixers all just rub off the plastic on the surface... the real data is imprinted further under the surface than you usually have to rub off with the repair kits.

FYI -mine uses a fluid and some lint free cloths... and a lot of rubbing.
Lord of the Rings loony

I had a rented Disc that was damaged really badly so i used my sister's Doctor Cleaner or something and it made worse left alot more scratches. and i returned it to the store and never gotten a phone call complaining about that HUGE scratch i made. I Think i used it wrong but i always try to keep my dvd's in good condition. Is there like a DVD Player that is like skip proof like CD players are.???