Fox Searchlight - Opinions?


What's everyone think of Fox Searchlight? Apparently they've brought us films like A Midsummer Night's Dream, Boys Don't Cry. Super Troopers, The Impostors (one of my favorites), The Full Monty, and, next month, One Hour Photo.

Now, from what I understand, they take on relatively low-budget projects and distribute them. This seems to fly in the face of the gripes a lot of, well, "snobby" moviegoers seem to have these days. Here's a big corporation devoting a branch of its operations to making money with lower-budget films, and so far, it appears to be working. Most of the aforementioned flicks were significantly successful, financially, and given One Hour Photo's tiny budget, I imagine it'll serve this point even further when it's released.

So, what do you all think of this division? Is it good? Is it bad? I'm assuming you'll all choose the former. More important questions, though: is there really room to complain about Hollywood when this sort of thing has begun? Things like this take time, in my opinion, and if Fox Searchlight continues to profit from these films, I see no reason why the other studios won't follow eventually.

I think there are a lot of studios that already have divisions that they devote to low budget/indie films. New Line has Fine Line Features, Miramax has Dimension Films--and don't Revolution Studios and Gramercy Pictures belong to bigger companies?
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

Well, we've got to define what a "low budget" film at this point. Dimension Films, for example, has had a hand in such flicks as The Others, the two Spy Kids movies, The Faculty, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, the two Scary Movie movies, and all three Scream flicks...I think several of these have budgets exceeding $50 million.

You're definitely right about Fine Line Features, though.

Yeah, Dimension doesn't quite fit. They mostly do the horror stuff for Miramax, I think.

But Sony has Sony Pictures Classics.