Interview the Person Below You


1. Ever watched Arrested Development? If so, thoughts?
2. What kind of job do you have?
3. Dream job?
1.I think one episode with Charlise Theron I didn't feel it at all maybe I might give it a second chance some day I am watching way to many tv shows right now
2.Nothing at the moment
3.Adult Film Star,kidding,Movie Director(but the first is an option )

1.Do you think you could survive a zombie apocalypse?
2.Which famous celebrity would you do?
3.How Old are you?
I'm in movie heaven

He's called Tequila. He's a tough cop.
What are you talking about? I have 3 questions Ill answer yours.

1. Only seen the pilot but it was hilarious.
2. Student
3. Historical advisor on a movie set haha. Anything in movie industry really.

Edit: I've given up on responding to threads like this on my Ipod.
"Travis Bickle: Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man."

Ask me a question, any question: Grill a MoFo: Dill-Man

Welcome to the human race...
1. Possibly.
2. Pass.
3. 19.

1. Do you reckon Casablanca is worth the hype?
2. Preferred sub-genre of horror films?
3. Which European country makes the best films in your opinion?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

1. No, but I've only seen it once.
2. Toughie, werewolves I guess? Creatures of any kind... aliens.
3. France!


1. If you could direct a film, what genre would you do first?
2. Who would you cast in the lead?
3. Would you make it a really long epic or not?

1. Some Sci Fi action something like that
2. For one Idea that I have I always Imagined a better version of myself(how selfish of me) O and Emma Watson I just want to save her from the Harmione Stereotype
3. Of course it will be epic you have no Idea what I'm cooking in my head I'll even leave a back door for sequel which I won't do

1. What is your favorite alcoholic beverage(Brand)?
2. If you could live in 1 movie which one would it be?
3. Who is your favorite Philosopher?

Welcome to the human race...
1. I don't have one.
2. A George Romero zombie movie.
3. Voltaire is the first one that comes to mind, although I think there are elements of Nietzsche I find appealing.

1. Do you study?
2. Do you work?
3. Do you live a good life?

1. Sometimes, usually just before exams, midterms, tests, etc.
2. Not at the moment, but i do occasionally work-out
3. huh, interesting you should mention that, because just yesterday, I finished my philosophy essay regarding Aristotle's thoughts on what constitutes a good life and how best to live one.
so in staying with Aristotle's thoughts on the subject, I don't really live a good life because the happiest/ best life is one of reason... a philosophers life. While I am not entirely convinced that this is the foundation for the best life, I suppose taking philosophy is a start

1. What is your favorite brand of clothing?
2. What is your favorite war-era to watch (WW1, WW1, Civil War, etc.) and what theater of the war?
3. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
One day you will ask me, what's more or your life. I will answer my life and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life

1. a proper watch. who needs clothes when you have a great watch??

2. when I was younger it was the Vietnam War. currently, and if we're talking recent history - it would WWII or the Cold War. im not a buff so I dont like one WWII theater over another, and I think my pique in interest has a lot to do with the MOH games. (go ahead and laugh at this point. ) so far, its been mostly the european that ive seen (e.g. The Great Escape, Saving Private Ryan, etc.), but there have been a few pacific theater films (e.g Pearl Harbor, etc.). Of course, the movies depicting fictional accounts of classic melee-style wars are great as well.

3. licking is playing. just put it in your mouth and suck. youll get to end at some point. or do like me and bite down, hard. instant gratification, my friend.


1. If your current hometown became zombie ridden, a la Dawn of the Dead / 28 Days Later,

a. where would you go, and by what means would you travel (peds, bike, car, truck, helicopter, etc. - I mean something you could do in "real life.")?
b. what would you take with you?
c. who would you take with you?

2. Do you have a fire/burglary/disaster escape plan from your apt/house? What is it?

3. how is your year shaping up for you so far?
something witty goes here......

Registered Creature
1. Um.. I can't drive, so I would be in huge trouble! Ah, I guess if my parents were still alive I'd obviously get in a car with them and drive to.. wherever that isn't completely crawling with zombies. I would take my family with me and nothing else, except the clothes I'm in.

2. Nah. But that's a good idea.. I'm gonna bring that up with my family! I definitely think we should have one o' those.

3. So-so.


1. What kind of personality do you have?
2. If you could change your first name, what would you change it to?
3. Would you let yourself be seduced by a mermaid?

You want to post like me?
1. I hate these questions. They always come off as selfish and shallow. Allow me to illustrate: Well I guess I'm a fun, characteristic young man, who have no trouble differing between occasions to be silly and occasions to be serious. When silly; I'm downright hilarious. When serious; I'm a great listener and usually know the right thing to say... And blurp goes the vomit.
2. David
3. Hell yeah! As long as it's not a siren. And how many people can say they've gotten freaky with a mermaid.

1. What's your favorite thing to do on a Friday night?
2. What be your ancestral origin?
3. How are you?
The Freedom Roads

KasperK, I was gonna take Daff literally and just post the results of a fun online personality quiz. you beat me to the punch!

1. hang out with my friends.
2. african/native-american
3. great!


1. where are you located?
2. what's your fav/best place to take friends who visit from out of town?
3. describe a perfect dessert!

You want to post like me?
1. The capitol of IKEA.
2. This British pub called Barry's. There's also this little cocktail place which is very nice.
3. You ready for this? You take an ordinary banana split, but instead of normal vanilla ice cream, you use the Ben & Jerry's browney version. The you mix small pieces of French white nougat with hazelnuts into the mix... Aight I've never had one of those, but doesn't it sound amazing?

If you were a cocktail, which one would it be?
If your sexlife was a car, which one would it be?
What's your idea of a perfect vacation?

Welcome to the human race...
1. I don't know cocktails. Maybe a martini, there's nothing special about them.
2. I don't know, some lemon of a car that only works every few months or something like that.
3. One without people where I can indulge my tastes in film, literature and electronic gaming to my heart's content. Other people are optional.

1. If they made a movie about your life, who would you want to direct it?
2. What's the best English TV show ever made?
3. Coke or Pepsi?

Movie Forums Extra
1. Have you ever looked up your EX or a person you were attracted to on the internet? Yes, they are on my facebook...
2. Do you believe there is a REASON/MEANING to life? if yes, what? Nope.
3. At a resturant, a customer leaves an enormus tip what do you do? Tell them you will be right back with their change.

Movie Forums Extra
1. Waffles or pancakes?
2. Vanilla or chocolate?
3. Where was your last vacation?

Making a difference
1. Pancakes
2. Vanilla
3. At my parents home in Lagos

1. Prison break or 24 series?
2. Ever seen any movie from Nollywood?
3. Do you mind working on a story told in an African perspective?

Welcome to the human race...
Spoiler, you're a dumbass. You're supposed to answer the other person's questions before asking a new set. Way to not learn the rules of the game.


1. I guess I should say Prison Break because I managed to watch the first two series, yet haven't made it through a single series of 24.
2. Don't think so.
3. Depends on what you mean by working. If the pay's good and the work's bearable, maybe.

1. If they made a movie about your life, who would you want to direct it?
2. What's the best English TV show ever made?
3. Coke or Pepsi?1.

1. Lynch or Gilliam
2. Ask me another day and I'd probably give you another answer but, today, it's series 2-4 of Blackadder. Of those, Blackadder Goes Fourth.
3. Pepsi.

1. Favourite biscuit/cookie?
2. What's your favourite Pixar film?
3. What's your favourite decade for music?

Welcome to the human race...
1. Oreos.
2. Toy Story 2, maybe. I don't play favourites with Pixar.
3. Tough call between the 70s and 80s. I think I'll give the edge to the 70s.

1. If there was a documentary and a Hollywood biopic made about your life and you could only see one or the other, which one and why?
2. Favourite island? (Continents don't count.)
3. Do you have a song that you consider to be your personal "theme" song for whatever reason (e.g. the lyrics sum you up, has the kind of sound you love, etc)?

Making a difference
1. Documentary would go because seeing a documentation of my humble self and works would definitly come with a greater pleasant feeling. Stars get biopics while legends are documented, I think.
2. Phew! Never been to any island outside my country of resident. In the ones I see and know, Victoria Island in Lagos would do.
3. Yay, I do! I even wrote the music myself lol

1. Music or Movies?
2. Danny Boyle or Paul Haggis?
3. If you are to advice a group of young aspiring passionate film maker, what would your say to keep them inspired?