You favorite and least favorite Star Trek movie.


I actually liked ST Insurrection. It's the only ST movie Johnathan Frakes got to direct. It's like a feature length episode of Next Gen and for the fans of that show it was a real treat. The JJ Abrams reboots aren't Star Trek, just another action flick that usurped the ST name. I seen the fist one in 2009 and that was enough for any serious Star Trek fan to bail on the rest.
I thought he directed First Contact as well? I remember enjoying that one.*

I actually liked ST Insurrection. It's the only ST movie Johnathan Frakes got to direct.
I thought he directed First Contact as well.

EDIT: D'oh!

"How tall is King Kong ?"
I actually liked ST Insurrection. It's the only ST movie Johnathan Frakes got to direct. It's like a feature length episode of Next Gen and for the fans of that show it was a real treat. The JJ Abrams reboots aren't Star Trek, just another action flick that usurped the ST name. I seen the fist one in 2009 and that was enough for any serious Star Trek fan to bail on the rest.
I liked its two and a half first minutes. They could have had a mystery there, a genuine reason behind Data's seemingly erratic behavior, a deliberate unmasking of the truman show-like observers. But the cheap "it was just random because bonk" reveal defined the film, for me.

And yeah, I semi-enjoyed the reboot thingies as their own (very forgettable) things, but even I was aware that I wasn't watching star trek. For the worse or the better.

How is it so hard to make a good space opera ?
Get working on your custom lists, people !

Updating my old post...
As a rabid Star Trek Fan I have to rate these from a Trekker standpoint.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
This gave fans what the TV series hadn't, hard core sci fi. The opening sequence with Spock on his home world actually speaking Vulcan was awesome. The Directors Cut, which is what most people watch these days, is a
, more is not always better.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kha
Khan was back! Stylish, high energy fun, just like the TV series had been.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
This one struck me as corny. UPDATE: after watching this again, I noticed all sorts of Star Trek nuances and beginnings of Star Trek lore. I'd rate it

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
This one had a sense of humor just like the TV series did. "there not your damn whales." LOL

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
I liked the character of Spock's half brother. A full blooded Vulcan who had rejected logic and embraced emotions. And with the ability to look inside someone and show them their pain, so that they could conquer it and be free. Kind of a neat concept.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Good high adventure. UPDATE: I was a bit bored with this last time so I'll lower my rating to a

Star Trek: Generations
I liked Malcom McDowels in this, I would have liked to see more development of his character and his motives.

Star Trek: First Contact
This is the only movie I've ever seen on it's opening night. The audience was stoked! They must have all been ST fans! The opening sequence with a close up on Picard in the Borg Cube, then as the camera pulls back, and back and back....finally we see Picard just a tiny speck, lost in the vastness of the Cube. That's powerful cinematography.

Star Trek: Insurrection
OK...UPDATE after watching this again I realized that Johnathan Frakes had made a love-letter-movie for the fans of Next Gen. My updated rating is a

Star Trek: Nemesis
This has to be the most powerful ST movie done. UPDATE after my last viewing the power of the film wore off some, I'm lowering it to a

Favorite: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Sure, it's a safe choice, but where to begin...exciting space battles, an excellent score by James Horner, a timeless performance by Ricardo Montalban as the movie series' best villain, it doesn't skimp on the science, the main characters all resemble themselves much better and they're more developed than they are in the previous movie (which I like, but that's its most glaring flaw). Plus, it's endlessly rewatchable. In short, everything that makes me a fan of Star Trek can be found in it.

Least Favorite: Star Trek IX: Insurrection

The criticism that it seems like a mediocre two-part episode is accurate. It also looks cheap and as if it was made with little care, thought or effort. Also, the story seems like an uninspired retreated of Dances with Wolves' and it falls apart under scrutiny. It just doesn't seem to have a reason to exist other than to milk the franchise before the average moviegoer stops caring about the TNG characters.

I'm back...Yup me remembering wrong, nothing unusual about that Frakes did direct two ST movies.

My least favorite Trek movie is Final Frontier (because duh), while my favorite one would have to be Undiscovered Country, not only because it shows Meyer delivering a more cinematic overall style (as opposed to the flatter, more "TV"-ish aesthetic of the otherwise good Khan), but also because I feel it strikes the best balance between both capturing the fundamental optimism of Roddenberry's vision of the future, while also delivering the more intense thrills needed to reel in casual viewers, as opposed to something like The Motion Picture, which lacked the latter, or Into Darkness, which didn't have enough of the former (although I still enjoyed it as a mindless blockbuster, even though it was technically "bad" as a Trek movie).

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
My favorite is either Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan or Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, depending on my mood. ST2 is better as a tense action movie, but ST4 is better as a light adventure and a comedy movie.

My least favorite is Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. They should have just released the parts with Kirk, Spock and McCoy at Yosemite, and left the rest of the movie on the cutting room floor.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Favourite: Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan
Least favourite: Star Trek: Generations

Much preferred the original tv series to any of the fillums tbh.

Sookie I see you posting this =/ What does it mean?
i mean the star trek of the movie i remember was from the 90s i cant remember the title it use to be my least favorite when i was young!

Favourite is First Contact just because I like the Borg. Least favourite is Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. I thought this one had some good ideas but I couldn't get on board with Shatner's direction