The MoFo Demographics Survey


Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Golgot
Cool, i'm not saying there should be a Jainism section or anything . I just figured seeing as Islam punches a similar weight globally to Christianity etc it'd be worth a slot. And kinda interesting to see too
Oh, it would be... if we had any muslim here. I'll add it next time, and we'll see if any come out of the woodwork.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

1. What is your age?

2. Hey, baby, what's your sign?
Leo, raaawr.

3. What is your geographic location?

4. What is your education level (please choose one):
In college

5. What is your religion?
Lapsed humanist

6. What is your political affiliation?
Pragmatic moderate

7. Your employment:
Part time Lover.

1. Age

2. Sign

3. Geographic Location
North East United States

4. Education Level
In college

5. Religion

6. Political Affiliation
None, really

7. Job
Student/Co-Proprietor of Diner

Originally Posted by adidasss
yes its true, I'm 31 serious... and I used a different font just to respond to you!
one cannot live without the other...
Ive tried and realized, theres something about you, something about your ways.... mwah

Wuv,tru wuv will forrow you forevah
1. What is your age?
17 (September 11th will be 18)

2. Hey, baby, what's your sign?

3. What is your geographic location?

4. What is your education level (please choose one):
Freshman heading off to college

5. What is your religion?

6. What is your political affiliation?

7. Your employment:
Receptionist during summer @ Dad's business

rhymes with Goebbels
1. What is your age?

2. Hey, baby, what's your sign?

3. What is your geographic location?

4. What is your education level (please choose one):
In University

5. What is your religion?

6. What is your political affiliation?
authoritarian socialist

7. Your employment:
No job
A devilish combination of slightly bored and quite hungry

1. What is your age?

2. Hey, baby, what's your sign?

3. What is your geographic location?
The Netherlands

4. What is your education level (please choose one):
In highschool

5. What is your religion?

6. What is your political affiliation?
dont give a damn (not into is)

7. Your employment:
part time
I Amsterdam

And do check my "art": Deviant

So Sammy, how's the survey coming?

1. What is your age?
2. Hey, baby, what's your sign?
3. What is your geographic location?
4. What is your education level
GCSE, I Have got an NVQ in Motor Mechanics aswell

5. What is your religion?

6. What is your political affiliation?

7. Your employment:
Lorry Driver

1. What is your age?

2. Hey, baby, what's your sign?

3. What is your geographic location?
Northeast (Connecticut)

4. What is your education level (please choose one):
College graduate, kinda

5. What is your religion?
Atheist/Agnostic depending on my self-assuredness on any given day

6. What is your political affiliation?
Anarchist Left-Libertarian

7. Your employment:
Catch as catch can stagehand full-time Dad and Househusband

1. What is your age?
2. Hey, baby, what's your sign?
3. What is your geographic location?
4. What is your education level (please choose one):
Last year at school
5. What is your religion?
Not sure Christian I guess
6. What is your political affiliation?
Don't care much about politics
7. Your employment:
Studying at the moment
I'm in movie heaven