Hey Laurie --- > Re-Release Questions


Registered User
Just wondering, are there any plans for re-makes of these movies (Just decided to make a seperate thread for it to grab attention )

Raging Bull
Jackie Brown
The King of Comedy
The Family Man

also, are companies gonna make it a habit of rereleasing films every 2 years?


Casino - In pre-pro
Raging Bull - In pre-pro
Jackie Brown - Special Edition release with Pulp Fiction soon.
The King of Comedy - no info
Ronin - Feb of 2002 or sooner if rescheduled
The Family Man - Target release is now May for initial run. Disc has plenty of stuff on it, so it won't see multiple versions.
Scarface - In pre-pro

I'd expect to see a TON of re-released Special Editions in the near future for a few reasons.

1) When DVD first came out studios like my companies rushed to get product out, so they just issued film-only DVDs. Now that the market is established and manufacturers know what consumers want on their discs, the studios are re-releasing their initial product to meet the new demands.

2) When DVD format was first realized, the technology for special features was no where near what it is now. Since Digitial Compression has evolved so drastically in 4 short years, bigger and better features are available.

3) Studios are going through old archive footage to add to titles already on the market. Ben Hur is an example. When it was first released it was movie-only. Now it has archived footage of Leslie Nielsen being tested for the film.

4) Actors and crew are more willing to give time to the format in the form of interviews and commentaries. This creates a bigger market and forces a re-release.

I'd hold off buying first run editions of films that were originally released to DVD in 1997 and 1998. I can almost guarantee that another version will be coming out. Look at all the Kubrick, Hitchcock, and Oliver Stone films. Every single one is either already redone or soon will be.
No I'm not going to kiss you. Although you need kissing, badly.

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