This movie has haunted me....


I saw this when I was very young and never forgot it scenes although might be a little distorted, has to be at least 24 years old. I remember people on a boat dock(?) man being put into some type of barrel and some kind of liquid/powder was being dumped into it and then they hammered a lid on it. His foot was sticking out of the bottom and they chopped it off. another man was either being beat with a chain or force to swallow some kind of chain.

Where were my parent when I was watching this movie?!?!

reservoir dogs circa 1881
cant say for sure im thinking billy bathgate or mobsters but probabily totally off remember any other tiny details?

not really I was very young when i saw this had to be between 6-10 years old and that was 24+ years ago. but those 2 scenes stood out cause they were violent. Its one of the first movies I remeber watching as a kid.

reservoir dogs circa 1881
haha i like the vague age you ladies like your mysteries,im gonna have to research this now[film not your age]cos its definately familiar and its gonna twist my melon if i dont find out.dont suppose you can help with my unknown film thread can you?it doesnt sound like something you would watch but you never know

haha i like the vague age you ladies like your mysteries,im gonna have to research this now[film not your age]cos its definately familiar and its gonna twist my melon if i dont find out.dont suppose you can help with my unknown film thread can you?it doesnt sound like something you would watch but you never know
LOL @ being vague. I'm 34 but since I'm not sure how old I was when I saw the movie I say 24+ cause i was 10 or younger. I just now I have always remembered those 2 scenes vaguely