28th Hall of Fame


Cuties (2020) -

I wasn't eager to watch this film given the controversy it got, but I'm still happy I gave it a fair chance. With that being said, while I didn't hate this film, its point ultimately fell apart for me. Firstly, no, this film isn't child pornography by any means. The film clearly has different intentions in mind. I also think the type of content shown in this film can function in the right context, in the same way that extreme portrayals of violence and racism in media can be used to create a point on both subjects. Rather, where this film falls apart for me is that the young actresses don't have the ability to properly consent to being portrayed the way they are in this film, which includes wearing revealing clothing, dancing in sexually suggestive ways, and showing close-ups of them twerking. While I appreciate the point Doucouré was making with this film, I think it would've worked better if the content was either shown in a different medium or if the film took the route that many high school sex dramas/comedies take by having adults play younger kids (though, the latter suggestion would've obviously been hard to pull off since the girls in this film are supposed to be 11, as opposed to 16 or 17). I will give the film some credit in a few areas though. Fathia Youssouf does a great job as Amy, a naïve young girl slowly falling out of touch with her religion as she spends time with Angelica and her friends, all the while being unaware of the consequences her actions have on her and other people. There's also some technically impressive moments here and there, like the opening and closing shots. I also thought there were some non-problematic disturbing scenes in the film here and there, like a scene where Amy walks in on her friends watching porn in a bathroom or when Amy's asked to photograph a random boy's penis. I wouldn't say these aspects outweigh my issues with the film and I wouldn't say I enjoyed watching it, but I do think there's a fair share of compelling bits mixed in with the problematic bits which made it easier to stomach. Anyways: Right intentions, wrong execution of them.

Next Up: Miracle Mile

Nominated by The Naughty Navigator

I understand the controversy some people may have over this film but I, myself, see it as a way that younger girls want to be popular. Having a daughter that was once this age, there is a lot of media that encourages girls to be "popular, idolized, sexy" and in no way, do I feel this is what should truly happen to them. They want to appear older and more mature but keep the values of their innocence. This movie shows both of these aspects. Amy struggles between what she knows is morally right and how she wants to appear to her new friends. She does what is somewhat natural to young girls who are heading to maturity. She becomes "a woman" in her culture's eyes during this film. She wants to be popular among her friends to the point of lying, stealing, and even posting inappropriate picture on the net. In the end, Amy does realize her actions were not what she truly wanted and had remorse for the wrong she has done to her family.

This movie isn't about sexualizing the innocent as some people out there believed. It's showing, what I see, as the truth about our young children and their perception of the media. Am I saying it's wrong, to a point, yes.

I did enjoy this film enough to watch it a second time to get what I can take from it.

In less than 15 minutes into Blue Spring, I texted my daughter and asked if there was a manga/anime called this and her reply was "Yes.".

In less than 15 minutes into Blue Spring, I texted my daughter and asked if there was a manga/anime called this and her reply was "Yes.".
hahaha yes i have tricked you all into watching a comic book movie!

hahaha yes i have tricked you all into watching a comic book movie!
No, its not really a comic book film. Manga and American comics are far different.

in this regard, the context makes the difference. Most anime/manga/light novels I have read are aimed at a specific gender or age group. I can tell this is a Shonen as it's about teenage boys and their angst and it's aimed toward teenage boys. Where American comics are not Shonen or any other style of manga. They are aimed at anyone of any age.

I have read a few mangas and light novels
I have watched a few anime series and films.

I have read some yaoi and enjoyed it as well.

in this regard, the context makes the difference. Most anime/manga/light novels I have read are aimed at a specific gender or age group. I can tell this is a Shonen as it's about teenage boys and their angst and it's aimed toward teenage boys. Where American comics are not Shonen or any other style of manga. They are aimed at anyone of any age.

I have read a few mangas and light novels
I have watched a few anime series and films.

I have read some yaoi and enjoyed it as well.

every product is aimed at a specific age or gender. i think any batman comic is just as "for boys" as any shonen.

every product is aimed at a specific age or gender. i think any batman comic is just as "for boys" as any shonen.
I disagree. That's why they insert female superheroes and villains. Batman had Catwoman, Superman had Supergirl. Both males and females alike enjoy comics.

I have read several of them myself. Even met the artist Salvator Larocha while at the Wizard World comic convention in Chicago. I read all his Xtreme X-Men comics. I have read some that are cutesy and some that are violent like "Caligula"

the most popular shonen series' have girls in the main cast and from my personal experience i know far more women who watch or read shonen than men. even the shonen series' that are wholly focused on dudes seem to appeal more to girls, at least in the west.

the most popular shonen series' have girls in the main cast and from my personal experience i know far more women who watch or read shonen than men. even the shonen series' that are wholly focused on dudes seem to appeal more to girls, at least in the west.
a preteen and teenage girl.

Dude, no way in heck I would read something like Dragonball Z. Im 55 years old and still enjoy watching Mushishi or Hell Girl.

I am reading a light novel now called "Torture Princess" and its pretty dang good.

Blue Spring
Nominated by The Obra Dinn

As I noted previously in this thread, I could tell this was based off a manga within 15 minutes of watching the movie. The dialog shows that its probably direct from the manga and the casting would probably be very similar to the art.

I found it at times slow and uninteresting. Their life was humdrum to me. Very little violence until almost the end of the movie.

I probably would have enjoyed reading the manga more.

a preteen and teenage girl.

Dude, no way in heck I would read something like Dragonball Z. Im 55 years old and still enjoy watching Mushishi or Hell Girl.

I am reading a light novel now called "Torture Princess" and its pretty dang good.
Naruto, Demon Slayer, JoJo, InuYasha, FMA, MHA,all have a ton of female fans. the only reason i don't jump into much shonen is because they tend to go on forever (and yeah Mushishi is incredible)

Naruto, Demon Slayer, JoJo, InuYasha, FMA, MHA,all have a ton of female fans. the only reason i don't jump into much shonen is because they tend to go on forever (and yeah Mushishi is incredible)
I enjoy Darker than Black and there are several anime movies I enjoy.

I have tried to watch Bleach with my daughter but there is so much filler in it. I really enjoy the American anime show "Avatar: the Last Airbender". But I have to say, I enjoyed one of the very first anime's that came to the United States when I was very young - Mach Gogogo aka Speed Racer.

I enjoy Darker than Black and there are several anime movies I enjoy.

I have tried to watch Bleach with my daughter but there is so much filler in it. I really enjoy the American anime show "Avatar: the Last Airbender". But I have to say, I enjoyed one of the very first anime's that came to the United States when I was very young - Mach Gogogo aka Speed Racer.
i need to watch a lot more of it but Speed Racer is so fun lol. i'd argue both Speed Racer and Avatar are shonen so i'd say we have plenty of examples of shonen having cross appeal. even me, a girl who does happen to not find shonen specifically appealing, still really likes One Piece.

i need to watch a lot more of it but Speed Racer is so fun lol. i'd argue both Speed Racer and Avatar are shonen so i'd say we have plenty of examples of shonen having cross appeal. even me, a girl who does happen to not find shonen specifically appealing, still really likes One Piece.
if you read manga, check out March Story. Its pretty violent. I bought it for myself but my daughter took the books and finished them off. My great nephew is currently reading the series after my daughter and I told him, he would probably enjoy it.

Angel Sanctuary is pretty good as well.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Cuties (2020)

First time watch and I didn't see anything that should cause a controversy. In fact I liked the movie and I actually was expecting to hate it. I had previously seen it was rated a dismal 3.4 on IMDB, what the f*** only the crappiest films should ever be rated that low. I'm guessing those ridiculously low ratings are the result of some alt-right christian types who hate this movie enough to login to IMDB and down-vote it to a 1...and no doubt without even having seen it I mean geez, we already had a little girl dancing provocatively at a competition 16 years ago with Little Miss Sunshine...so why are people being so offended now???

Anyway, I laughed at the antics during the first part of the film like when Amy wouldn't carry the giant bowl of chopped onions on her head (who can blame her?) but instead ditched them and took off...And I was sad for her as I seen her life was spiraling out of control as she began to act in very unappropriated ways, like unzipping her pants for her cousin who only wanted his stolen phone back...and of course the explicit photo she took of herself and uploaded to the web...That was heart breaking because if Amy was a real person she most likely would have acted that way due to be sexually abused. In fact I think this film isn't condemning modern culture or the internet as much as it's condemning the way these girls were neglected and mistreated by their families. I think it's telling when during the prayer scene Amy is told hell has many more women then men.

Good film, good nom! Thanks Allaby

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Cuties (2020)

First time watch and I didn't see anything that should cause a controversy. In fact I liked the movie and I actually was expecting to hate it. I had previously seen it was rated a dismal 3.4 on IMDB, what the f*** only the crappiest films should ever be rated that low. I'm guessing those ridiculously low ratings are the result of some alt-right christian types who hate this movie enough to login to IMDB and down-vote it to a 1...and no doubt without even having seen it I mean geez, we already had a little girl dancing provocatively at a competition 16 years ago with Little Miss Sunshine...so why are people being so offended now??? I also read that Turkey banned this movie, don't they marry off their daughters at 12 years of age there?

Anyway, I laughed at the antics during the first part of the film like when Amy wouldn't carry the giant bowl of chopped onions on her head (who can blame her?) but instead ditched them and took off...And I was sad for her as I seen her life was spiraling out of control as she began to act in very unappropriated ways, like unzipping her pants for her cousin who only wanted his stolen phone back...and of course the explicit photo she took of herself and uploaded to the web...That was heart breaking because if Amy was a real person she most likely would have acted that way due to be sexually abused. In fact I think this film isn't condemning modern culture or the internet as much as it's condemning the way these girls were neglected and mistreated by their families. I think it's telling when during the prayer scene Amy is told hell has many more women then men.

Good film, good nom! Thanks Allaby

I didn't see anything wrong with it. My 29-year-old was 11 at one time and yes, girls do silly things like these girls. They know very little about sex but want to be mature enough to think they do.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I didn't see anything wrong with it. My 29-year-old was 11 at one time and yes, girls do silly things like these girls. They know very little about sex but want to be mature enough to think they do.
Yeah me too, I didn't see anything wrong with Cuties. Both the wife and I liked the movie...I'm totally surprised there was such an uproar over the movie when if first came out.

I just read everyone's reviews here of Cuties and all the reviews here had insightful views and I could agree with what was being said. So far this is turning out to be a very interesting HoF!

I just read everyone's reviews here of Cuties and all the reviews here had insightful views and I could agree with what was being said. So far this is turning out to be a very interesting HoF!
I'll probably end up in the minority in regards to the film in this thread, but unlike some people, I didn't hate the film or anything.