What are some of your favourite Film Noir?


Does Dark City count?
If there is such a thing as sci-fi-noir then Dark City (one of my favorites) sits high on the list, along with Blade Runner.

I just got a DVD set of a couple dozen noir films and watched The Stranger. It is really pithy and atmospheric, with Edward G Robinson as a nazi hunter and Orson Welles (who also directed) as a fugitive nazi hiding out in the US. When I was a kid, I had a similar guy in my neighborhood, not an escaped nazi death camp commander, but a minor character who had "reformed", came to the US and had an unremarkable life in the house next to mine. He was always reclusive and when the story got out in the neighborhood, the family made their exit to somewhere else. The Stranger seemed strangely reminiscent.

Off the top of my head...
  • The Maltese Falcon
  • Out of the Past
  • The Big Sleep
  • Double Indemnity
  • Detour
  • Laura
  • The Killers
  • Shadow of a Doubt
  • The Lady from Shanghai
  • D.O.A.
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Trouble with a capital "T"
Some of my favorites film noir's have Gloria Grahame getting in harms way. Some of Gloria's noir films are very well known and some aren't.

Crossfire (1947)
In a Lonely Place (1950)
The Big Heat (1953)

Not so well known:
A Woman's Secret (1949)
Macao (1952)
Sudden Fear (1952)
The Glass Wall (1953)
Human Desire (1954)
Naked Alibi (1954)
Not as a Stranger (1955)

One of my favourite genres. Just to name a few but my list could go on:

Double Indemnity (1944)
The Glass Key (1942)
The Killers (1946)
The Lady From Shanghai (1948)
Laura (1944)
The Naked City (1948)
Out of the Past (1947)
Phantom Lady (1944)
White Heat (1949)
Scarlet Street (1945)
The Set Up (1949)
This Gun For Hire (1942)
Touch of Evil (1958)
The Big Sleep (1953)
Fallen Angel (1945)
Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950)
Whirlpool (1949)
Night and the City (1950)
The Blue Dahlia (1946)
Les Diaboliques (1955)
The Dark Mirror (1946)