Best Of The Year/Every Year


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
best actress:
brie larson - the glass castle
Lots of good stuff Inmate but wanted to highlight this because I was pretty excited for it until reviews started coming in and ended up skipping it. I need to rectify that. You like the film overall or just the performance?

the movie itself was pretty mediocre but the performances made it watchable and occasionally even good
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Top 3 Films of 2017 (so far)

1) Phantom Thread
2) The Florida Project
3) The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Some 2017 films I still have to watch that seem very promising to me:

Last Flag Flying
I Love You, Daddy
I, Tonya
You Were Never Really Here
L'Amant Double
The Square
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

You guys get this already? Only played festivals here. Think it hits theaters next month.
It was in theaters already here, yeah, but unfortunately I missed it. I always use IMDb years, by the way, so I'd consider it a 2017 film nevertheless.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
2016 Supporting Actor

Alright, not afraid to kick this puppy off. Figured I would start with the support role this go around, much like the Oscars do themselves. While I'm not that well traversed in 2016 supporting roles, here would be my nominees:

Mykelti Williamson- Fences
Dev Patel- Lion
Michael Sheen- Passengers
Stephen Henderson- Fences

With the winner being.....

Lucas Hedges- Manchester by the Sea

This might just do nobody any good.
I was pretty surprised at all the praise Mahershala Ali got for Moonlight. It’s a good performance, for sure, but Andre Holland does so much more with his shorter bit. The movie peaks at the moment Kevin looks at Chiron after years of being apart. It’s at once disbelief, recognition, awe and hope. Love at new first sight.

The best of Florida Project is Willem Dafoe chasing the pedophile off of his motel. Such a great performance by Dafoe and this is probably his best scene which gives him a shot at contention here.

Number one is going to Phantom Thread though. The brilliant scene where Day Lewis is in bed and sees his mother watching him in it evokes chills. Even more so with Vicky Krieps character in the room and that is the scene that I'll put down as my favorite for this year, although I could have chose quite a few from that film, it's the one that sticks with me the most.
Those two are fantastic scenes indeed.

I'd also like to add the scene in The Killing of a Sacred Deer where Colin Farrell tells his son the (either true or fake) outrageous story about giving his own (sleeping) father a hand job, in order to make his son confess that he's faking his illness. Shocking, hilarious and perfect in that film's context.
Nicole Kidman trying to influence her husband's decision by offering him sex in the peculiar way he likes it (reflecting on one of the very first scenes), is another hilarious moment with a similar dark taste to it.

I've seen quite a few more 2016 films so this will be a bit more fun

2016 Best Supporting Actor

Mahershala Ali - Moonlight

Gonna have to agree with the Oscars on this. Ali was excellent and while I do think the film lost a little quality after he left, its still one of my favourites from 2016.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

This might just do nobody any good.
I’ll come back and edit this post to add some commentary on the picks:

Best Supporting Actor, 2016.

1. Andre Holland (Moonlight) - see my previous post.

2. Billy Crudup (20th Century Women) - this one comes from a personal place but Crudup basically plays a composite of the many men I’ve known growing up. Along with the rest of the movie his performance hits the perfect note between nostalgic and authentic. He’s someone worth looking up to but not someone you ought to aspire to be.

3. Sam Neill (Hunt for the Wilderpeople) - similar to the last entry but played for comedic effect.

4. Ralph Ineson (The Witch) - Ineson has so much presence here but, as I’ve explained in other threads, it’s the way his droopy facial features are employ that really sell the character. Despite of all his physical strength and spiritual will, he’s undone by the surface of his situation, his family, the land they chose and their rigid ideals.

5. Michael Shannon (Midnight Special)

Bonus: Issei Ogata (Silence) - “Palpatine The Hutt”

2017: Best Supporting Actor

01. Mahershala Ali - Moonlight
02. John Goodman - 10 Cloverfield Lane
03. Woody Harrleson - The Edge of Seventeen
04. Sam Neill - Hunt For The Wilderpeople
05. Ben Foster - Hell or High Water

Sam Neill probably could have went in lead but whatever. Mahershala Ali gave my favourite performance of 2016, completely fell in love with him. Not a fan of 10 Cloverfield Lane overall but dang was Goodman unnerving. Woody Harrelson and Steinfeld's dynamic was outstanding, think she gave the significantly better performance though. Really hated Chris Pine in Hell or High Water, it probably had more to do with his character that was having a moral dilemma; was much more into Foster owning his crimes and acting like a scumbag coz that's what he was, plus he was fun and Pine was basically an emo. So his nom probably has more to do with the writing than his actual performance but whatever.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Best Scene 2016

I am going to start with an easy choice for me. Yes, for the second year in a row it is a musical scene, but this is the one that slays me. One of my favorite scenes of the decade so far. Beautifully acted, written, and sang. Audition from La La Land.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Best Script 2016

Honorable Mentions: Fences, La La Land, The Salesman, Manchester By The Sea, The Nice Guys Lots of good choices there but my favorite script was the surprise of the year for me. The very funny and Coen like Hell Or High Water.No other film surprised me as much in 2016 and the writing was the biggest reason why.

Best Cinematography 2016

Lots of beautiful films in 2016. Two sun drenched Pablo Larrain films. The surprising American Honey. The modern Western Hell Or High Water and my second choice La La Land. For me nothing was as visually immersive as Scorsese's period piece on faith. Silence was not my favorite film of 2016, but it just might end up being so as it is the film I probably think about the most and the visuals are a huge reason why.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Best Scene

It almost feels like a crying shame that the La La Land Audition scene isn't the top dog for me as it's one of my favorite movie scenes of all time, but I give the top honor to this Manchester by the Sea scene.

Other great scenes include the devastating furnace scene in Manchester by the Sea, the La La Land opening scene (which, initially had me very worried about the film but I have grown to love every aspect of this film). Actually I could pick literally about 5-10 scenes from La La Land.

How about that ending scene of Contratiempo? I was completely shocked at that and it was brilliant.

A very underrated scene IMO is in Moana with the How Far I'll Go scene. Loved it.

But yeah, that Manchester scene takes the cake. Like I said before, 2016 is one of my favorite years of film, so no shortage of greatness here.

Not sure what the best scene of 2016 is but the one that's stuck with me most is Chiron answering the phone to Kevin in part 3 of Moonlight. For such a simple interaction it was incredibly affecting for me seeing Chiron transform back into a scared teenager from remaking that connection.