All Things West Side Story


Hi, Captain Steel!

Please read my posted thread, "How I Came to Love West Side Story", which is right above this thread. Hope I've been of some help here.
He was being sarcastic

I thought West Side Story was very cheesy. And the dance moves made me cringe.

I thought West Side Story was very cheesy. And the dance moves made me cringe.
To each their own, Apex. I happen to really love this film.
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

To each their own, Apex. I happen to really love this film.
Yeah, I noticed

7 3/4 years here at the site, and at least half of the 28 threads you made are about West Side Story. Please stop. Really, Im sorry, but nobody gives a damn.

7 3/4 years here at the site, and at least half of the 28 threads you made are about West Side Story. Please stop. Really, Im sorry, but nobody gives a damn.
So what if half of my posts are of West Side Story?

That's my prerogative. Thanks.

Well ysee Normy West Side Story is a cheap spinoff from Romeo & Juliet, and that Shakespeare fella stole that from the egyptians. All the way back your egyptian emperor Tutancomon had longings ysee for a slave girl who was puerto rican.....

He was being sarcastic
Tongo has learnt my sense of humor.

To West Side Story Lover - my interest would have been genuine had I not know that you make repeated threads over & over about the same topic. Why not do what I do when no one reads my threads (which is all of them), just bump them yourself. Sometimes I even debate myself - which has turned me into a chronic master debater (that joke never gets old).
Why make a new thread on the same topic when you have an existing one already on the board?

Tongo has learnt my sense of humor.

To West Side Story Lover - my interest would have been genuine had I not know that you make repeated threads over & over about the same topic. Why not do what I do when no one reads my threads (which is all of them), just bump them yourself. Sometimes I even debate myself - which has turned me into a chronic master debater (that joke never gets old).
Why make a new thread on the same topic when you have an existing one already on the board?
What are you talking about? You've never debated yourself here!
Or have I missed some of YOUR posts? If anyone would be aware of YOUR postings, it would be ME. So stop exaggerating, Capt, and trying to gain attention with the Sybil routine!

Time for a moderator to step in!
Cap, I thought I told you to shut up! No one cares what you think! Why don't you zip it up and go watch West Side Story! (or go play on your stupid list thread and "master debate" over your photos of Asian chicks!) Pervert!