The 11th Hall of Fame


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Also got to say it's as if people are picking movies to please me as so many of these i really want to see

I've seen your taste in movies, and this worries me.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Think Cosmic may be our 10th member.
That would be cool, Cosmic is a nice person and it's great to get new people into the Hofs Cosmic, I think you'll have a lot of fun!

Thanks! I just sent in my nomination. It's probably rather different from the films you guys have already picked, but I promise it's not along the same lines as the films currently populating my review thread.

Got Cosmics nom. I'll try to do the reveal soon, not got enough time to do it right now as i'm going out to eat shortly. gbg and Vamp are still maybes as far as i'm aware and if everyone is ok with it i'm fine with them still joining after the reveal as long as it isn't a long while after we've started. Think gbg might make her decision after she sees the noms in case she thinks something looks too gory or whatever. There's only one that i think could be but i'm just going off the title i know nothing about it.

Thanks! I just sent in my nomination. It's probably rather different from the films you guys have already picked, but I promise it's not along the same lines as the films currently populating my review thread.
Nah, these are pretty varied. There's one i had never heard of and it wasn't your nom.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nah, these are pretty varied. There's one i had never heard of and it wasn't your nom.
Who's nom hadn't you heard of? I'm just curious and It's cool if you don't want to say.

Who's nom hadn't you heard of? I'm just curious and It's cool if you don't want to say.
Yours. I really like a film by that director as well i just wasn't really aware of his other films.

OK, i know how annoying it is waiting on these things so i got them up. If you don't like the poster i used just PM me another one and i'll edit it later as i said i'm going out soon so didn't have the chance to look for a good one. Their in this post

I love your nomination Neiba. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of those movies I watch every Winter because it incidentally takes place during Christmas haha.

For my nomination, even if you're not familiar with the issues surrounding German reunification, Good Bye, Lenin! is still a very clever and charming film that has a nice blend of comedy, drama, and political commentary. I think it's a shame that it doesn't seem to have much exposure here (right now there is nothing for it in the Review section), so hopefully some of you guys will appreciate this film as much as I do.

Great stuff! This'll be my first Kobayashi film, and he's a director I've been curious about.

Moonrise Kingdom

(Love it. Second or third favourite Wes and he is one of my favourite directors.)


(Love it, one of my favourites of the decade. Hate that MV didn't pick something i could ***** on though since she'll no doubt do so to mine )

Samarai Rebellion

(So glad this was picked. Harakiri is one of my favourite films and i also love Kwaidan. Been meaning to see more Kobayashi for ages.)

The Flowers of War

(The only one i hadn't heard of. Really like Hero a lot by Zhang so i'm looking forward to it.)

The Dead Girl

(I had heard of this but i know nothing about it so i don't have a clue what to expect)

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

(Watched this earlier this year and didn't like it that much, sorry. Going to make sure to rewatch it as i might appreciate it more now)

Le Cercle Rouge

(Again, so glad this was nominated. Le Samourai and Army of Shadows are two of my favourite films and i've been meaning to see this for ages.)

Embrace of the Serpent

(Looks cool but i don't have a clue what it is about. Looking forward to it because i think Swan has great taste and he's been really passionate about this.)

Good Bye Lenin!

(Same as Topsy's. I had heard of this but don't have a clue what this is about so i don't have a clue what to expect.)

Bringing Up Baby

(With the grim (still don't find it grim myself) Dead Man's Shoes as my choice last time i decided to go for something lighter and i don't think there are many more pleasant films than this for me anyway. It's not actually my favourite Hawks or even my favourite Hawks rom-com both would be His Girl Friday but i figured the lightning fast dialogue would alienate some people. Some might find this a bit silly, and i know K-Heps character gets on somes nerves but i just love it and think both her and Grant have mad chemistry here. Can't wait to watch it again)

Good varied set of noms. I've already seen 4/10 but i'm planning on rewatching at least 2 of them.