What's the Scariest movie you've ever seen?


Schindlers List is scary? Dunno about that. There were sad parts but not scary. And it certainly had kind of a dumb ending. Too bad, it was almost a great movie.
God save Freddie Mercury!

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Well it's scary to think that this was actually happening at a time in history. If this was happening to you, I think you would reconsider it being scary.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Cause i mean just like Pearl Harbor, when all these people that survive this stuff go to see it, this literally makes them s**t their pants, well probably not, but this was a tramatic time in their life, and the last thing that person needs is a walk down memory lane.

My granddad was at pearl harbor, and you literally have to jar a story out of him about it, he doesn't want to talk about it, I think he was in wwII, but he doesn't talk about that either.

Any movie dealing with something big like the Holucast, War, whatever, will have an impact on a person that was there, as well as ones that weren't. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be starved to death or executed just because of your beliefs.

You guys need to take more consideration into movies dealing with a tragic time in history. It's a touchy feely kinda subject.

None of these movies are scary. The Exorcist wasn't even gross. Umm..the scariest movie would have to be...blah, it's not scary, just creepy, but the original Halloween. Well, seeing a picture of Michael Mayers spooks me out...o_o
You don't have to be sober to weigh spinach.

Registered User
I can't get scared with ghosts and all of that. It just doesn't happen.

To scare me you have to get me thinking that something is going to happen to me.

So my scariest movie is Scream 2.

Think about.

Scream II opens in a movie theatre where everyone is watching a slasher flick. Someone decides to be a copycat of the story portrayed on screen and starts killing people at the theatre.

Meanwhile you're sitting in a movie theatre watching a slasher flick. It doesn't take a big leap to start thinking about "What if life imitates art about life imitating art?"

Chris Beasley
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I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Good point aspen. That's kinda what I was thinking about this whole attack. I mean it seems like something you would see in a movie. Ever see The Seige? That's when you have to ask yourself are movies taking things that are ficitional too far? I mean that's where ideas for attacks are coming from half the time, and I know that something has been brought up about this, but it is just movies, but are they maybe giving terrorists ideas?

Scary movie?
Drop Dead Gorgeous.
Dysentery and Salmonella?

Registered User
The little mermaid (shudder).....thier coming for me..Ursula(AHHHHHHH)
Jack be nimble Jack be Quick Jack jumps over the candle stick(silly Jack should have jumped high)

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Originally posted by SultanBigPants
Drop Dead Gorgeous.
Sultan, Are you serious? I mean scary to see it bomb so badly, but certainly not a scary movie. Actually pretty funny.

You may have missed my explanation.
The seafood...

Registered User
i would have to agree with alot of people and say the Exocist. But also, a very scary movie is Last House on the Left, very, very disturbing, as was the last scene in Blair Witch Project. These are some oldies but goodies, great on a cold and windy night, The Tingler (vicent price and his wierd experiment.) Invasion of the Body Snatchers ( the original.) The Bogeyman. The Conqueror Worm(vincent price again, this time as a witch hunter,a true part of our history makes it even scarier.)The Legend of Hell House. one of my favorites is not really scary so much as just kinda creepy,is Freaks, you've got to see this to beleive it, a cast of real circus freaks and geeks,Gooble Ga!