Quest for a Favorite Horror


The Bib-iest of Nickels
I would definitely recommend checking out “The Babadook” and “Oculus.” Glad to see “Sinister” near the top of your list, as it is one of my favorite horror films. By “Blair Witch” do you mean the new “Blair Witch” or the original “Blair Witch Project?” I happen to really enjoy “The Blair Witch Project,” but it did lose some of its magic when it was revealed that the events portrayed were not real.
I thought Oculus was alright, procrastinated on Babadook, will definitely watch it eventually. I hated the original Blair Witch Project, and was indifferent with the new one. Thanks for your comment though.

Updated: I watched .found which was on my list of things to watch again. It's off the list now, put it that way.

I'm the opposite. I enjoyed the new Maniac, but didn't enjoy the original.

Let the Right One In was enjoyable when I watched it the first time, I liked it a fair bit. I have also watched and own Let Me In, which is, about on-par, but slightly inferior, so I won't be revisiting the remake.

Tonight, I'll be watching and writing a review of The Conjuring 2, which I enjoyed a lot when I watched it in theaters. I am hoping I enjoy it just as much as I did in theaters.
The new Maniac gave me a head ache. The first person perspective really messed with me for some reason. Love the original though.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I re-watched A Nightmare on Elm Street (The film I'd always remembered as being the best of the series I've adored for my entire life.) and it 'twas okay. I still love the idea of it, but it wasn't as good as nostalgia suggested. A lot of cheesy jump-scares and awkward execution, filled with nonsense horror cliches, and a lot of things I don't think have aged well. I also watched Freddy v. Jason. I'd always loved this film as well, regardless of how everyone bashed it. I liked the characters and their portrayal, and I thought it brought the best performance out of Robert Englund as Freddy and the best usage of Jason in a film.

The original Maniac was amazing. The remake looks garbage.
Surprisingly, it's not.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I've always wanted to find a good Japanese horror film. South Korea exceeded expectations in that respect, what, with films like Oldboy and I Saw the Devil, which I consider both as a horror of some respect. I watched The Audition after it constantly being recommended, and, I thought it was underwhelming as a film. Most horror films I've watched from Japan, like Ghost Theater (which turned me off on wanting to watch the director's Ring series) or One Missed Call have left me particularly underwhelmed. The American adaptation of The Grudge, which was directed by the guy who the original films, also killed my interest in watching the original films. Am I being too hasty with ignoring Ringu and Ju-On? Can anyone think of a truly great Japanese horror film? If you can think of a great South Korean horror film that you'd vouch for, I'd also be appreciative.

Some Japanese horror films I liked...

The Cure
Noriko's Dinner Table
Noroi: the Curse

In case you're looking for more, just let me know and I can send you a full list of all Asian horror films I've seen and liked.

Kwaidan is great. Doubt McConnaughay would like it though.
Should still give a shot.

Give it a shot, McConnaughay.

Let the night air cool you off
The original Maniac was amazing. The remake looks garbage.
The Maniac remake is pretty solid, I think. Not as good as the original, but solid.
I know. I watched and posted about it last month. It surprised me but the original is still much better.
Seems we agree here.

And as far as Japanese horror films go, you should watch Tetsuo, Hausu, and Jigoku

Let the night air cool you off
In case you're looking for more, just let me know and I can send you a full list of all Asian horror films I've seen and liked.
Not my thread, but I'd be interested in seeing this list.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Noriko's Dinner Table
Noroi: The Curse
The Cure

Thanks for the list, these four films are the ones that seem most appealing to me, personally. I might check out Kwaidan, if I can find it for a reasonable price. These lesser known Japanese films are a lot more expensive than, say, Suicide Club, or something like that.

I Saw The Devil.

Top 50 for me.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Not my thread, but I'd be interested in seeing this list.
I'll compile the list tomorrow and send it your way. By the way, I'll gladly take recommendations, also.

Then I'll just post the list here. I'm off for now, hope you enjoy those films, McConna.

Let the night air cool you off
I'll compile the list tomorrow and send it your way. By the way, I'll gladly take recommendations, also.
I think I've already exhausted my recommendations of Asian horror with my list of three. I've not seen very much of the genre.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I understand a lot of these films have been posted on YouTube and other streaming mediums, I usually try and purchase stuff I want to watch. I like the idea of owning the film and I believe watching it on my television, instead of my laptop, makes me pay more attention. Unfortunately, all these films are priced at like 20-30 dollars apiece, and with foreign horror films being so often to disappoint, ... which is no different than domestic, ... it's hard to justify. The only issue I have is that I live out in the country and, because of this, I have a limited data package. I have 25gb a month and am charged a ridiculous amount for overage, but I have a free-period between midnight to 5 in the morning, (I work overnights, so this isn't so inconvenient.) maybe I'll watch them then.

Here it is, as promised. Though, I might be missing some, but if I come across more I'll post them. This is in addition to the ones already posted...

A Tale of Two Sisters
Neighbor No. 13
Spider Forest
Black House
Ab-Normal Beauty
The Chaser
Coming Soon
The Isle
Hansel & Gretel
Sick Nurses
Black Rat
Gantz: The Perfect Answer
Blood Rain

Seeing how puny my list actually is, reminds me I have a lot of catching up to do in the Asian horror department.