What are Your Standards When Watching a Film?


Lots of great stuff, guys. You've all given fine answers and a lot for me to now think about when I watch cinema. Things like, why did the director do this or that? Does the film have personality? Does it strive for creativity, or to be unique? Above all else, is it successful in what it sets out to be? Those are things I think I place value in, too, and I'm glad to have a better understanding of that.

I can respect people for enjoying a movie, I just don't appreciate praise or criticism that can't be explained.

"It's a great movie!"
"I don't know, it's just good."

I hate that.

Personally I put a lot of weight on plot consistency, morally relatable characters, engaging editing, and strong music/atmosphere.
Yeah, I'm not so bothered by it in other people, but I am bothered by it in myself. Maybe it's because I admire those people who really understand the language of cinema and can speak about it intelligently. My strength has always been emotion, which is a fine thing - I am happy to be a passionate individual - but speaking a little more eloquently about what I love is something I want to personally improve on, which is part of why I made this thread.

For someone like me, understanding why exactly I like certain films is important. Not only does it speak of my taste, but it speaks of me as a person. For example, why are there times I invest myself in bleak, nihilistic cinema, and why are there times I prefer to watch something more light-hearted and joyous? Does it reflect something I'm going through, or who I am as a person?

I guess it speaks of all art, not just film. Understanding just why we like the art we like can provide a window into our core being. Why a film may speak to us, with all our individual histories. Maybe that's the purpose of all art, or one of the purposes.

I mean, I'm just thinking out loud here. But it is interesting.

why are there times I invest myself in bleak, nihilistic cinema, and why are there times I prefer to watch something more light-hearted and joyous? Does it reflect something I'm going through, or who I am as a person?

I guess it speaks of all art, not just film. Understanding just why we like the art we like can provide a window into our core being. Why a film may speak to us, with all our individual histories. Maybe that's the purpose of all art, or one of the purposes.

I mean, I'm just thinking out loud here. But it is interesting.
Sometimes it's jut playing to a particular aesthetic that appeals to us. I think it's important that aesthetic never overshadows substance though. Ideally, both should compliment each other.

Two answers.

1. Drew Barrymore.

2. That I like/enjoy it.

But each viewing is more to do with you than it is the film.
5-time MoFo Award winner.