LGBT Rights Thread!


Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
what is the point ?? in europe at least ( the region of the world where tolerance for gays is highest ) , the population of those who want to tolerate gays is decreasing at an alarming rate . the newer ones who are filling it ( muslims who else ) are totally intolerant towards gays and while you westerners are living in you own cuckooland discussing gay rights , intolerance towards gays is quietly increasing . also towards jews .

sorry to break your party , but soon gays and jews will have flee europe if this continues .
Do you have any sources? Because I'd say the complete opposite is occurring in Europe, at least in the UK anyway from my experience. I do think we have some way to go though, but seeing people fleeing from Belgium, the Netherlands and Scandinavia for fear of homophobia is totally ridiculous.

I honestly don't pay a whole lot of attention to the whole gay rights movement. I know that it has blown up tremendously the past year as it seems like every mainstream media outlet is covering it. I'm not against it, but I thought it was weird how the gay marriage legalization was practically forced here in the US instead of the states making the decision; I can see how it concerns some citizens who feel like they might not have a say in future decisions.

Question to the gay rights supporters though—are you gonna support polygamy rights when it starts gaining attention?
I keep seeing people ask this, and some people even said bestiality would start gaining leverage... but they're in no way connected, I just don't get it

There is a Mormon guy from another forum i visit who always asks that, nice guy just very Conservative, Religious and old fashioned not that those are necessarily bad things. He does start going crazy when he says, Paedophilia and zoophillia will be legal soon too though.

My two cents, i support gay marriage my mums twin brother is gay as well as some of my friends and i'd never deny them their chance to be married. I'm not gonna lie and say i'm passionate about it though, if there was a vote i'd give my yes but i wouldn't be out there campaigning or anything. Also i agree with you, it should have been left up to the states. Whatever anyone thinks of people who disagree with gay marriage, some states wouldn't have passed it i imagine and they deserved their say too.
That's pretty much exactly how I feel about it.

I keep seeing people ask this, and some people even said bestiality would start gaining leverage... but they're in no way connected, I just don't get it
But would you still support polygamy? I've already noticed that they're hard at work trying to demonize it. There's this reality TV show called "Escaping Polygamy" that I've seen commercials for and it's apparently about women trying to escape some polygamous cult. I have to laugh cause it's so obvious what they're trying to do...

Just like gay rights, all you really need to do is get a few people to put on a sad face and say "We're not hurting anybody, we just want to live our lives. Why can't we be accepted like everybody else?" And then you'll start to get sympathizers and heck the gay community would probably support them too so then it'll be like, "Well we accepted gays so why can't we accept polygamists?" There wouldn't really be a good answer for that.

About the bestiality rights—you never know. I really wouldn't be surprised if it starts popping up. Though it would be a lot harder to accept than homosexuality and polygamy.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
But would you still support polygamy? I've already noticed that they're hard at work trying to demonize it. There's this reality TV show called "Escaping Polygamy" that I've seen commercials for and it's apparently about women trying to escape some polygamous cult. I have to laugh cause it's so obvious what they're trying to do...

Just like gay rights, all you really need to do is get a few people to put on a sad face and say "We're not hurting anybody, we just want to live our lives. Why can't we be accepted like everybody else?" And then you'll start to get sympathizers and heck the gay community would probably support them too so then it'll be like, "Well we accepted gays so why can't we accept polygamists?" There wouldn't really be a good answer for that.

About the bestiality rights—you never know. I really wouldn't be surprised if it starts popping up. Though it would be a lot harder to accept than homosexuality and polygamy.
Thanks for explaining!

I don't think public opinion is particularly supportive about this, but that might be largely because no one has really thought about it before, I haven't given it any time really But in my lifetime alone, gay rights has progressed so so much, so who knows, in twenty years they could have made radical strides for the acceptance of it. I think it might be more difficult, considering the acceptance for homosexuality has been around for much longer than the push for gay marriage and adoption has been, whereas they'll probably be setting off from square one.

As to my thoughts, I'm guess I'm okay with it if it's what they decide to do, and everyone involved is happy with the arrangements, then why not? But I'm pretty indifferent about it, I wouldn't get involved in rallies or anything. I also think polygamous relationships will be a lot more difficult to maintain, because there'll always be one person feeling isolated and not as loved as the others, but in all honesty I don't know anything about it, so I might be talking a load of rubbish.

As for bestiality... I'd like to think I'm a tolerant and open minded person, but that's one push too far for me, I will never support it

I keep seeing people ask this, and some people even said bestiality would start gaining leverage... but they're in no way connected, I just don't get it
Sure they are; virtually every argument you hear in favor of gay marriage logically includes polygamy. Examples:

"You can't legislate love."
"Who are you to say who can or can't get married?"
"How does it affect you, anyway?"

All of these arguments can be made in favor of polygamy just as easily.

Technically, you can take the position that marriage is always between two people, but a) this is almost always at odds with the sweeping rhetoric gay marriage advocates employ and b) the question then becomes why it's inexcusable to limit the gender makeup of a marriage, but perfectly fine to limit the number of people.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have to partially agree with Ashdoc, in countries that are becoming Muslim controlled, you are not going to see gay rights. And if someones a gay Jewish person good luck with that. Muslim dominated countries are intolerant of gays, so you won't see gay marriage in Saudi Arabia any time soon.

As far as polygamy goes, I personal disagree with it but I wouldn't tell consenting adults that they could not be legal married in a polygamous relationship.

I liked what Stephen Fry (i'm not bringing him up because he is gay btw, he is just one of my favourite people ever) said about polygamy on QI. In a discussion he asked why cheating isn't illegal if Polygamy is, his view is that whether he would ever have a polygamous relationship or not he sees no problem with consenting adults deciding that for themselves. I tend to agree, as long as it is with consent and not an incest-cult abomination.

A LOT of gay men practice their own polygamy from what I've seen. Only they tend to call it "polyamory" or something like that.

Even if they don't, a lot of them still have open marriages. Might as well be polygamy.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Sure they are; virtually every argument you hear in favor of gay marriage logically includes polygamy. Examples:

"You can't legislate love."
"Who are you to say who can or can't get married?"
"How does it affect you, anyway?"

All of these arguments can be made in favor of polygamy just as easily.

Technically, you can take the position that marriage is always between two people, but a) this is almost always at odds with the sweeping rhetoric gay marriage advocates employ and b) the question then becomes why it's inexcusable to limit the gender makeup of a marriage, but perfectly fine to limit the number of people.
That's very true Yoda! I should probably think more before I type

I guess I'd just say what I said up above though, the push to accept homosexuality has been around for quite some time, whilst this is only getting attention now, and even then it's minimal at best. I don't think there is anything outrageous about it, but its connotations are quite sinister and dark at the moment, because like False Writer said, the media demonises it, and they have done consistently for a while. I think the legalisation of polygamy will therefore be a very slow movement.

I guess I'd also say homosexuality is a lot more similar to heterosexuality than polygamy is, and maybe that contributes to its rapid progression. All you have to do is replace one person with someone of the same gender, so you have the same number of people, and in the case of parenting, the same number of parents, it's just a standard relationship with only a slight varying factor. For polygamy, it's a lot more complex, and quite vastly different to social norms, and only accounts for an extremely minimal proportion of people too. I bet most people know, or have at least encountered, an LGBT person, whereas I doubt very few of us have met someone in a polygamous relationship, so I think their demands will fall on deaf ears for quite some time. But who knows

I liked what Stephen Fry (i'm not bringing him up because he is gay btw, he is just one of my favourite people ever) said about polygamy on QI. In a discussion he asked why cheating isn't illegal if Polygamy is, his view is that whether he would ever have a polygamous relationship or not he sees no problem with consenting adults deciding that for themselves. I tend to agree, as long as it is with consent and not an incest-cult abomination.
Heck, aren't orgies "legal"? Then I really don't see a reason why polygamy should be ostracized while gay marriage is accepted.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I voted for gay marriage in my state. I have to say I think it's backward thinking to support gay marriage and deny polygamous people a chance to be married.

I voted for gay marriage in my state. I have to say I think it's backward thinking to support gay marriage and deny polygamous people a chance to be married.
Why does it depend a lot on gay marriage? If gay marriage wasn't an issue, would you still support polygamy with straight people?

If polygamy became legal, how many people should be allowed to be married? If only 5, why not 6 or 7?

If unlimited, could someone marry 1,000 people?

Sure at $100 per marriage license fees, the state would get rich. But what would happen if you got 1000 divorcees
You would probably ask Halle Berry for advice.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.

"You can't legislate love."
"Who are you to say who can or can't get married?"
"How does it affect you, anyway?"
This works for trees as well. That would be interesting
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

If polygamy became legal, how many people should be allowed to be married? If only 5, why not 6 or 7?

If unlimited, could someone marry 1,000 people?
I'd say 999 or under any more and it would become a Goodfellas wedding, all those Paulies and Maries would make me dizzy.

I'd say 999 or under any more and it would become a Goodfellas wedding, all those Paulies and Maries would make me dizzy.
I was thinking it would be something more like Facebook:

"You have marriage requests from Leilani Puffer, Chantel Morrison, John Swanson, Greta Gibbons, Monica Harris, Brett Spina and Delores Treadway. Click I DO or I DON'T to marry them."

THAT'S the future, people! That IS the future that's coming for us.

I was thinking it would be something more like Facebook:

"You have marriage requests from Leilani Puffer, Chantel Morrison, John Swanson, Greta Gibbons, Monica Harris, Brett Spina and Delores Treadway. Click I DO or I DON'T to marry them."

THAT'S the future, people! That IS the future that's coming for us.
I really hope Greta Gibbons is a real person, that is my favourite name ever. If i have a kid he/she will be named Greta Gibbons Lettuce Bickle Cameron. Got a feeling that very few will agrre with me though