The 12th Hall of Fame


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'm not in this HOF, but I am really surprised that it correlated with skipping a HOF that I had little interest in so many of the films nominated. Of course, who knows if I actually would not like them, but I just thought it was ironic.

Trouble with a capital "T"
So far I'm batting zero but I'll keep watching away, I'm bound to find a few films I like.

I had seen your post about Hiroshima Mon Amour, but I haven't read it yet. I wanted to watch the movie and write my review first. So I'll go read the other post on the movie, shortly.

So far I'm batting zero but I'll keep watching away, I'm bound to find a few films I like.

I had seen your post about Hiroshima Mon Amour, but I haven't read it yet. I wanted to watch the movie and write my review first. So I'll go read the other post on the movie, shortly.
I'm thinking about writing a second post about it because i stopped after writing about the first 20 minutes because it was already ridiculously long haha.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

City of Lost Children

**Some minor spoilers**

This has the intriguing feel of a steampunk rendition of a Grimm's Fairytale in a very good way.
I was very taken by the sets, bizarre characters and all the little nuances. In particular, the Octopus (siamese twins). Not only did they finish one another's sentence but the interaction was fantastic to watch. When they are cooking and both sets of hands are moving in concert; one scratches the other's arm and when one eats, the other chews. . . Damn near ballet.
Scenes like that and of the multiple clones in any singular shot were particular highlights.
One oddity I noticed was that the children seemed far more mature, or played as adults then most of the adults themselves; which played out very well. Meitte, in particular held a more mature stature which could be due to the hard life she leads. Also, I got a big kick out of Denree's appetite. That made me chuckle throughout.
This is a dark, fantastical film with some amusing situations that kept me caught up from the get go. I think the reason it was so easy to find a comfort zone in this, so quickly, was that I enjoy movies like this: 12 Monkeys (the future scenes set underground) and the director's later movie Alien Resurrection along with Dark City. All of which have similar stage sets and from that I was already invested.

If you enjoy movies by Tim Burton or Terry Gillman, you very well may enjoy this.
Thanks for nominating this, Clazor.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Y Tu Mama Tambien Review:
Y Tu Mama Tambien
(2001, Alfonso Cuarón)
When I first started watching this movie, I mistook it for another road trip movie about "finding yourself and relationships, but I soon realized that it was much more than that. Y Tu Mama Tambien is one of the deepest most thought provoking films I've ever seen, and I really had to stop for a while after I saw it just to think about what I watched.

The film follows two high school boys who go on a road trip to a made up beach with an older woman. At first glance this film may seem stereotypical and clichéd, but it isn't at all. The film deals with many complex themes and subject matters, and not in a way that you feel like it is being shoved in your face. Throughout the film, the characters are constantly unaware of their surroundings, and focused on their own selfish needs. This is something that I found incredibly powerful, and I think this film features one of the best uses of narration.

I don't want to get into spoilers, but the end of the film really stuck with me. It put the entire movie into a whole new perspective with only a single line of dialogue. The ending of this film was definitely a highlight for me, and I was thinking of how much different the movie could have been had they just cut out the very last scene. The acting in this movie was really fantastic, and I did not realize that Diego Luna was in the film until his name appeared in the credits. This film was great, and I think everyone should take the time to see it.

Overall Rating

Deep, emotional, and thought provoking

I rewatched this one about a month ago and loved it. The first time I watched it was like 3,4 years ago, when I started really getting into film and the image it left me was an ok movie, I wasn't particularly impressed nor did it left me a bad impression. I'm happy to see the difference between the way I experience films when I was 16 then I do now when I'm 20.

The story isn't what makes this film great, it's a pretty straight forward story, nothing particularly new or thought provoking about it. The greatness of this film relies on the acting, the music and the way it's put together. The relationship between Elsa and Rick is great because of the way it is filmed, that it is presented, gradually, where we don't learn everything at the start, not because of the content of the relationship itself. What Casablanca does, I think, is take an average story and making it a timeless piece of cinema. The image of Rick at the end walking away in the mist with Paul Rains is so beautiful it signifies much more then what it would if it was filmed otherwise.

Also, Bergman and Bogart are electric together, I don't know if I've ever seen an on screen chemistry so good, so perfect where every look they give each other seems to have such passion and restreint at the same time. Paris, that we actually see for about 2,3 minutes of the film if my memory is correct is there every time Bogart and Bergman are on screen together, it's insinuated, it's in their look, their habits, the way they are. It's almost as if in 2 minutes of screen time, Curtiz gives the characters the resonance or the depth and complexity that would have characters in a 12 hours mini series.

I really loved this film and it's now among my personal favorites, it's an example of perfect filmmaking and of perfect acting, and it's certainly a film I will revisit on a regular basis for all my life.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
WARNING: "Y tu mamá también" spoilers below
The more I think about the ending, the more I get from it. I realize that it wasn't so much the fact that the two guys had sex that made them go apart. I mean they are huge friends, always together, but they find out that each one of them is constantly having sex with the other's gf,and in case of Julio,with Tenoch's mom. So why are they so close with all these things hapenning. You'd think that they'd behave differently. Maybe they know they're gay the whole time and they just had a crush on eachother, and that what is holding them together, not the friendship. That's why they just chose to be far away from each other, because being gay is not an option.


They found out their friendship is so wrecked with all those things happening that is impossible to continue. But I prefer the first option.

Midnight Run
Dir. Martin Brest
Starring: Robert De Niro, Charles Grodin, John Ashton

Simply put:
Midnight Run is just a lot of fun. Charles Grodin is very irritating, but for once it's done in a comedic manner that actually works for me. I think I laughed at him the most, but both he and De Niro were highly entertaining throughout the entire film. I loved listening to their quips, and it's their relationship that really sells the film. It's probably an odd thing to point out, but I really liked all the insults and threats in the script, particularly De Niro and Dennis Farina's dialogue. It just struck a chord with me, and I think a lot of the lines are rather quotable.

While the music is a bit dated, its cheesiness just adds another layer of comedy to the film, and seems to fit the overall tone just fine. The plot is just ridiculous enough to be funny, but not so over-the-top that it makes you stop and question its believability. It does have its serious moments as well, and luckily the film does those just as well as it does the comedic elements. It's all very well balanced and incredibly engaging.

I had actually caught part of this film on tv many years ago, but never knew the name or remembered to look it up. I'm glad that it was nominated so I got the chance to see the whole thing.
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Woody Allen is a pedophille
WARNING: "Y tu mamá también" spoilers below
The more I think about the ending, the more I get from it. I realize that it wasn't so much the fact that the two guys had sex that made them go apart. I mean they are huge friends, always together, but they find out that each one of them is constantly having sex with the other's gf,and in case of Julio,with Tenoch's mom. So why are they so close with all these things hapenning. You'd think that they'd behave differently. Maybe they know they're gay the whole time and they just had a crush on eachother, and that what is holding them together, not the friendship. That's why they just chose to be far away from each other, because being gay is not an option.


They found out their friendship is so wrecked with all those things happening that is impossible to continue. But I prefer the first option.
WARNING: "Y Tu Mama Tambien" spoilers below
What I interpreted from it was that the two of them always had feelings for each other, but obviously never acted on them until the end of the film. Based on the two's constant use of the word f***** they were homophobic. This is also somewhat referenced when they mention their friend who came out of the closet, both of them seem very uncomfortable talking about it. After the threesome, they acted on their feelings for each other, and because of this, it became very awkward and uncomfortable for them to be around each other, believing that their feelings for each other was wrong, so they ended their friendship.

I have 5 films left now, including Casablanca (which I'm not sure I need to watch again). I'll probably have time to watch one tomorrow, but that'll likely be it until the weekend again.

Those of you who have seen Sugata Sanshiro, did you watch the 80 or 97 minute version? Is one highly recommended over the other (if anyone is familiar with both)?

Woody Allen is a pedophille
I have 5 films left now, including Casablanca (which I'm not sure I need to watch again). I'll probably have time to watch one tomorrow, but that'll likely be it until the weekend again.

Those of you who have seen Sugata Sanshiro, did you watch the 80 or 97 minute version? Is one highly recommended over the other (if anyone is familiar with both)?
I have only seen the 80 minute version because it is the one I own on DVD. There is a disclaimer at the beginning that says some of the footage was lost and could not be found. I think you should watch the 80 minute one first, because I think the 90 minute version won't make much sense because of scenes that have no conclusion due to missing footage.

Okay, I was checking the runtimes on the remaining films I had left to watch and thought the runtime seemed a bit low for that one. When I googled it, it stated the runtime as being 97 minutes instead, so I was worried I had an incorrect copy. Google had two listed versions, one at 79 minutes and one at 97 minutes, though I didn't want to look at what the description of the differences between the two were, in case it mentioned spoilers.

WARNING: "Y tu mamá también" spoilers below
The more I think about the ending, the more I get from it. I realize that it wasn't so much the fact that the two guys had sex that made them go apart. I mean they are huge friends, always together, but they find out that each one of them is constantly having sex with the other's gf,and in case of Julio,with Tenoch's mom. So why are they so close with all these things hapenning. You'd think that they'd behave differently. Maybe they know they're gay the whole time and they just had a crush on eachother, and that what is holding them together, not the friendship. That's why they just chose to be far away from each other, because being gay is not an option.


They found out their friendship is so wrecked with all those things happening that is impossible to continue. But I prefer the first option.
So glad you liked it Nope, you're the man

WARNING: "y tu mama tambien" spoilers below
One thing i find so powerful about the ending is that i personally think they did a great job of creating a meaningful relationship between Julio and Tenoch. Some might not agree which is fine, i mean they are little a-holes i completely agree with everyone who said that but they also come across like how alot of teenage boys act together and they clearly meant alot to each other. I mean they've basically shaped each others personalities completely off each other, they do everything together, they have the same, humour, interests, attitudes, etc, they are practically the same person. Think something that important quickly coming to an end probably hurt me more than Luisa's death.

Personally i don't think they were gay, if the director or whatever came out and said so then fine. Don't know maybe they were, maybe they were bi but personally i think the scene is more powerful if they weren't. In my scenario i think they were only interested in the threesome at first because they'd get to have sex with Luisa and that during an intense drunken moment with Luisa's subtle encouragement they just went for it in the moment, i mean it was really heated and their anger and resentment to each other at this time are powerful emotions which can be turned to something else during a powerful, passionate moment. I think shame probably did play a part in them not seeing each other again, but whether they were gay or not i really do think the film was saying that their relationship was already over anyway.

Anyway just my thoughts.

WARNING: "Y Tu Mama Tambien" spoilers below
What I interpreted from it was that the two of them always had feelings for each other, but obviously never acted on them until the end of the film. Based on the two's constant use of the word f***** they were homophobic. This is also somewhat referenced when they mention their friend who came out of the closet, both of them seem very uncomfortable talking about it. After the threesome, they acted on their feelings for each other, and because of this, it became very awkward and uncomfortable for them to be around each other, believing that their feelings for each other was wrong, so they ended their friendship.
WARNING: "y tu mama tambien" spoilers below
I think this is honestly the most likely answer but personally i hope it was what i said because i think it makes it more powerful.

The City of Lost Children

This is another one where i really didn't know what to expect, i caught the end of Ed's review yesterday when he mentioned Tim Burton so that intrigued me. For the record i watched the Subbed version, no way was i watching a live action film dubbed; animated films are bad enough that way. I Don't have that much to say about this, it was so weird and there was so much going on that i don't think i could do it justice. Some of this i absolutely adored; the visuals, the general weirdness. I really loved the scene at the start with the Santa's and the weird, i dunno how to put it rubbery movement of everything in the shot, great opening. I loved how dark it was both the story and visually yet it felt like a kids film somehow, well to me anyway. Can definitely see the comparisons to Burton there as well as the gothic look of the film. It reminded me of Dark City more than Tim Burton though. It was funny at times too, and while for the most part they were the most hit and miss part for me i do think the villains were interesting. The only thing that stopped me from loving this is that i found it a bit overwhelming at times, the closeups and weird angles, the crazy and often loud characters; these things did get on my nerves a bit sometimes. It wasn't often enough that it made me dislike the film but it did affect my overall enjoyment. I thought some of the characters were a bit too cartoonish for me at times which i get was the intention since it was supposed to be a surreal fantasy world, it took me out of a few scenes though. Was stunned when i saw Ron Perlman was in this, i thought at first i was imagining things and it was just a French actor who looked like him haha. I really like Ron alot and he was perfect as a sympathetic strongman, think he's always great at playing a likable yet intimidating guy. He was a big loveable idiot. The kids were awesome too, loved Miette think she was my favourite character. All in all it had a great selection of weird and interesting characters, some didn't work for me then some did alot.

So yeah, i do think this is a very good film and i enjoyed it, some of it wasn't entirely for me though. Good nom Clazor . That's me finished then, getting my list to Cricket in a minute.

Sent my list. Like always i decided to send it right away so i don't overthink it. I'll still stick around to read the reviews, and i'm still planning on writing up Y Tu Mama and Joe or at least joining in in any discussions about them.

WARNING: "y tu mama tambien" spoilers below
I think this is honestly the most likely answer but personally i hope it was what i said because i think it makes it more powerful.
I agree with your interpretation Camo.

WARNING: "Y Tu Mamá También" spoilers below
You could see throughout the film that there was a rift forming between the two boys, which had more to do with them just becoming more honest with each other (partly at Luisa's prompting, but also partly in anger, especially towards the end). Early in the road trip, the narrator mentions that even though they are good friends, there are still some things things they don't dare say to each other. Clearly that notion is completely gone by the end of the film.

Like you said, they are very similar people and clearly have been friends a long time, but their lives are not heading in the same direction any more. Their families are on completely different pages and social classes, and as they got older I think those differences were slowly becoming more pronounced. I think the end of their friendship was more so a culmination of all those changes and their new found honesty, and less to do with sexuality (though the threesome definitely did contribute).

I think that even if the threesome didn't happen, the two would've grown apart anyway.