The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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Haven't seen either one. Plan on rectifying that in the future.

I have Phantom Thread at my #3. Looking back I like it even a little more than my review from when it came out:

Phantom Thread (2017)

It stands to reason that serious movies deserve seriously considered commentary. Films which have drawn together first rate writers, director, cast and craft people are at a higher level in terms of expectations, and set a higher standard for reflection.

Paul Thomas Anderson's Phantom Thread has been placed in that elite group of films which come out every so often that have garnered the type of attention and anticipation reserved for serious cinematic artists. In fact the film was already considered to be of the highest caliber before most people even saw it. And in most aspects the picture did not disappoint.

The film is beautiful to watch. The camera work, art and set design by Denis Schnegg and Veronique Melery, and costume design by Mark Bridges, along with attention to detail, expertly place the viewer into mid-1950s London where the story takes place. The music score by Johnny Greenwood uses an entire palette of musical styles from several periods (Romantic, Impressionism, Modern, avant-garde) to enhance the story. Reportedly Anderson had no cinematographer, but relied heavily for the photography on the camera people.

We are immediately drawn into the high end personal dressmaking trade of the 1950s, and to one of it's most painstaking and eccentric high priests of the trade, Reynolds Woodcock, whose designs grace the figures of wealthy, famous, and royal ladies of London. He lives and breathes dressmaking, which allows him no personal life apart from interaction with his sister, who serves as his manager, confidant, and sounding board. His dress making process is like battlefield preparation, assembling his soldiers for their tasks, and having the maneuvers carried out with military precision. But soon Woodcock happens upon a waitress by whom he is enchanted, and the rest of the story mostly concerns their relationship.

The film was anticipated to be masterful, the presumption magnified by Daniel Day-Lewis' announcement that he was retiring from film making due to the rigors of performance in this project. His acting was predictably exceptional and many-faceted. Lesley Manville, as Woodcock's sister, turned in an icy cold and first class performance, putting many in mind of Judith Anderson's Mrs. Danvers in Hitchcock's Rebecca. Vicky Krieps was good as Woodcock's mistress, although she seemed slightly miscast, lacking of a full range. The rest of the cast was as natural and believable as if it were a documentary. And in fact many of those playing Woodcock's staff were not actors, but professional seamstresses.

There was no plot to the film, but instead more of a linear story. The relationship between Woodcock and his mistress, who he eventually marries, goes through many changes, as does the juxtaposition of his sister and wife. But midway through the final act Woodcock suddenly has a major personality change. Within five minutes the movie shifts from an intriguing drama to an art house film. The result is mystifying and not quite believable.

WARNING: spoilers below
To suddenly believe that Woodcock would knowingly and purposefully consume poisonous mushrooms to make himself ill in order to enter into a pact with his wife, who will then both control and take care of him, is perplexing and uncharacteristic. Putting his life in jeopardy to continuously be his wife's ward strains credulity. The scene offered the opportunity for a fine bit of acting from &nbspay-Lewis; and in fact reportedly the idea for this came from a time when Anderson himself was sick, and his wife showed him extreme tenderness. But yet the notion that the protagonist as a self-centered monomaniacal artist who insists on obedience and complete control of all his endeavors would suddenly cede his life and well being to another is irretrievably far-fetched. Presumably Anderson must have been consumed by the story point, but since it was not lead up to with sufficient preparation, it didn't make sense.

The title Phantom Thread was itself a phantom, since the word "phantom" has no bearing on the story, except to perhaps give the project more mystique. One could imagine that simply "Thread", or "Woodcock's Thread" might have better fit the bill.

Will we see another project for Daniel Day-Lewis, despite his announced retirement from films? It
has been 5 years since his last outing, so perhaps in time he'll change is mind. We hope so.

Doc's rating: 7/10

That's not true. It's Such a Beautiful Day did make his list. I just double-checked what I sent Yoda and it was at #7. Though, obviously, he hadn't actually finalized his list and all of his picks could have ended up in different places. I do remember him talking a lot about how the rankings of his lists and even what ended up on them were entirely dependent on how he was feeling that day and any number of things deserved to make his lists even if they got the boot on that particular day.

I obviously love Don Hertzfeldt, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, and I think It's Such a Beautiful Day was my #1. It's just a really beautiful movie.
I was going to comment I was at least mildly surprised by it not being on his ballot, since on the comedy countdown he chose It's Such a Beautiful Day over World of Tomorrow for the comedy countdown, and we know World of Tomorrow was on his ballot for this.

That's not true. It's Such a Beautiful Day did make his list. I just double-checked what I sent Yoda and it was at #7. Though, obviously, he hadn't actually finalized his list and all of his picks could have ended up in different places. I do remember him talking a lot about how the rankings of his lists and even what ended up on them were entirely dependent on how he was feeling that day and any number of things deserved to make his lists even if they got the boot on that particular day.

I obviously love Don Hertzfeldt, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, and I think It's Such a Beautiful Day was my #1. It's just a really beautiful movie.
Oops, must've missed that. Thanks for the correction.

I decided to double check mark f's ballot and here's his current ballot:

2. Nightcrawler (#55)
5. 1917 (#86)
7. It's Such a Beautiful Day (#16)
10. Gravity (#34)
12. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (#44)
14. The Act of Killing (#47)
16. The Shape of Water (#52)
20. World of Tomorrow (#99)
24. Behemoth (one pointer)

Sorry for the confusion.

Yeah, but it sounds too obvious and I really don't expect Baby Driver to make it at this point, but who knows. Shooting my shot.

Yeah, but it sounds too obvious and I really don't expect Baby Driver to make it at this point, but who knows. Shooting my shot.
To be fair, crumbsroom put it at #1 on his ballot, so I'd say it has a good shot.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I didn't think I'd see The Hateful Eight show up on the list, and especially not above Django Unchained. So Baby Driver showing up won't be the least bit surprising.

Yeah, but it sounds too obvious and I really don't expect Baby Driver to make it at this point, but who knows. Shooting my shot.

Seems more likely than Fury Road (my guess) dropping to 14.

Have seen neither of the latest two but definitely know about them. So, well, you know...

My List so far:
#2. Moonrise Kingdom #37
#4. Silver Linings Playbook #24
#5. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri #44
#6. True Grit #40
#10. Hell or High Water #73
#11. Zero Dark Thirty #58
#15. Edge of Tomorrow #68
#24. Gone Girl #65
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Looking at letterboxd, apparently Baby Driver is really popular. I wouldn't have guessed.
It's hard for me to think of an alternative to that besides the Florida Project. Both of those have been guessed.
14. Arrival (I suspect this is in the top 10)
13. The Lobster (I think this is either The Master (first guess) or 12 Years a Slave)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched It's Such a Beautiful Day a few years ago, (I think for the Animated Movies Countdown), and I thought it was okay, but I didn't really understand the love for it, so I rewatched it for this countdown. I pretty much had the same feelings about it. It's just okay for me. I think it's a cute movie, but I just don't get what everyone seems to love about it.

I watched Phantom Thread for a HoF, but I didn't really like it. I didn't expect my feelings about the movie to change, so I didn't rewatch it for this countdown.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
mark f

I couldn't find any ratings/reviews mark f wrote for Phantom Thread.

Neither film made mark f's ballot.

This was Mark's rating of the movie Phantom Thread:

Phantom Thread (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2017)

Fashion designer Daniel Day-Lewis and his close assistant (Vicky Krieps) often argue about who’s in charge of personal time they share together.

This was Mark's ranked list of the 2018 Best Picture Nominees:

What the hell... here's my "dire" list.

1. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
2. Dunkirk
3. The Shape of Water
4. The Post
5. Call Me By Your Name
6. Get Out
7. Phantom Thread
8. Lady Bird
9. Darkest Hour