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Decided to give series 1 a try after noticing all the series up on Amazon prime. Stayed away from it for years because I wasn't a fan of the British series but actually ended up really enjoying the American version and love Steve Carell in it.

Decided to give series 1 a try after noticing all the series up on Amazon prime. Stayed away from it for years because I wasn't a fan of the British series but actually ended up really enjoying the American version and love Steve Carell in it.

I loved the original so much I never could watch this version.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Tuned in to watch this years Eurovision. Israel, despite all the people 'boycotting' and protesting received nearly 400 points. More than the UK, who got about 46 points and zero points from the audience voting.

Just finished up the seven episode run of Bodkin on Netflix. It caught my eye because Will Forte was in it and I hadn't really seen him in anything since The Last Man On Earth was canceled abruptly. But he actually doesn't star in it. He gets a "and Will Forte" with a fourth billing which makes sense since he's basically a supporting character. The real star is Siobhán Cullen as Dove Maloney, followed by Robyn Cara as Emmy Sizergh and David Wilmot as Seamus Gallagher. It's about podcaster Gilbert Power (Forte) who journeys to the Irish coastal town of Bodkin to research the disappearance of three people during the Samhain festival 25 years before.

Cullen plays an investigative journalist from Dublin who's trying to distance herself from her own indiscretions. Cara is Gilbert's assistant and an aspiring journalist and Wilmot has the meatiest role as a fisherman with lots and lots of things to hide. I loved him in The Guard where he played the self described "sociopath not a psychopath" Liam O'Leary. It starts out well enough then gets better and draws you in. But then it goes on a little too long and the ending sort of sputters and fizzles. It's still worth a watch though.

Tuned in to watch this years Eurovision. Israel, despite all the people 'boycotting' and protesting received nearly 400 points. More than the UK, who got about 46 points and zero points from the audience voting.

Still can’t believe this actually still exists.

Just finished up Fallout on Prime. It started out kind of slow (at least to me). But I just figured it was because I don't play video games so I had zero familiarity with the story outside of it being post apocalyptic. But it certainly got better at least to the point where I kept starting additional episodes. A lot of that had to with the way they set up the S1 arc. With numerous mysteries to be delved into and sussed out.

What happened in Vault 32 and what's going on with the Overseers? The origins of the Ghoul (Walton Goggins refuses to disappoint you no matter what the role). Vault-Tec Corporation and the Enclave and the New Republic of California. They crammed a lot in but it didn't feel overstuffed (at least to me). They did set up a S2 and I looked up enough about the game to assume it'll be based on Fallout: New Vegas. I'll definitely check it out.

I also just finished up S2 of Sweet Tooth after rewatching S1 in preparation for Thursday's release of the third and final season. It was kind of weird watching two distinctly different post apocalyptic shows at the same time. I watched Fallout by myself and Sweet Tooth with my family. ST being the more family friendly show. It's okay. Some of it was a little cloying and I thought the villain, General Douglas Abbott, was missing whatever it is that makes for a compelling bad guy. From the looks of the S3 trailer they shed excess baggage by wrapping up numerous storylines and kept the more interesting characters. I'll be watching day after tomorrow.

Finished up the third and final season of Sweet Tooth. It ended about the only way it could with the hybrids and the remaining human population and the Sick looming over everything. I never read the DC comic so I don't know how faithful it was but all in all I'm glad I watched it.

🚨Random show alert 🚨

Desert High on Apple found it’s way into my life last night. You know. Going to bed early, just gonna kick around the phone a bit and then…

Up pops the world’s favorite snaggle-tooth in a story about a daughter grieving the loss of a parent while dealing with an opioid addiction. It’s not as heavy as it sounds. She’s a PI!

Brad Garrett (not being a cartoon), Ben Stiller’s wife, Matt ….. not Matt Damon, the other one, a guy who you will think is Billy Elliot and more make this an experience.

Any show that makes you want to watch the next episode is always a good sign![/font]

Boy Swallows Universe

Excellent Aussie mini series, that's part crime drama & part fantasy. The little kid who plays the lead is utterly brilliant, alongwith the rest of the cast.

It felt like reading a nice little book.