Gatsby's Occasional Movie Contemplations

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Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
lone fruit fly...and cat aficionados such as Miss Vicky, There, problem solved.
Um....*raises hand*....I liked it as well. Can you add another exception in there?

Like MV I'm not going to argue for it being a great film, or having the depth and intelligence of the best stuff from Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks etc. But just as a purely fun film I really enjoyed it. Also more than Finding Dory which I found to be a big disappointment; just rather lazy and phoned in

Master of My Domain
Yeah, I think my standards were too high when I was watching it, as the film is by no means unentertaining. Funny how viewing experiences work, some films just rub you the wrong way. But it is shallow fodder for kids (compared to other films), and in the golden age of animation, it's a waste of effort on behalf of Illumination and waste of time if you're the audience.

Meh, at least I like Wreck-it Ralph.
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Master of My Domain
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) - by Wes Anderson

Can't believe how entertaining this movie was. It proved to me that Wes Anderson is just as masterful in delivering quixotic delights that can be enjoyed without irritation. But I did dismiss Moonlight Kingdom as an average film too obsessed with quirks. I think The Royal Tenenbaums is different because of the dynamic interactions that can only come from an ensemble of flamboyant characters. This film didn't feel limited because Anderson did a great job of creating character-driven situations, resembling classic Hollywood films. Not just dialogue, but the way characters or objects would enter/exit a frame, and how things were positioned made a huge difference. These acted as a way for him to tell the story by describing and not by simply explaining. There was a typical narrated introduction, but at the end of the film I was ready to let it pass. I look forward to Rushmore, which is Wes Anderson's crown jewel in his filmography.

Just noticed this thread. I didn't like The Secret Life of Pets either. At first i hated Tenenbaums then i gave it another chance and liked it, it's still one of my least favourite Wes films tho.

Master of My Domain
Just noticed this thread. I didn't like The Secret Life of Pets either. At first i hated Tenenbaums then i gave it another chance and liked it, it's still one of my least favourite Wes films tho.
Are you a Wes fan Camo? I wouldn't call myself one yet, but he's on my 'rising' list. And how do you rate his films.

Thanks for finding this thread bro, took you a lot longer than I expected.

Are you a Wes fan Camo? I wouldn't call myself one yet, but he's on my 'rising' list. And how do you rate his films.

Thanks for finding this thread bro, took you a lot longer than I expected.
Yah, big Wes fan. The only one of his films i'm not sure that i like is The Darjeeling Limited, i at least don't dislike it tho. What have you seen from him? Not sure how i'd rate them i'd have to rewatch some, i'd rank them like this:

01.Fantastic Mr. Fox
03.Moonrise Kingdom
04.Bottle Rocket
05.The Grand Budapest Hoteel
06.The Royal Tenenbaums
07.The Life Aquatic WIth Steve Zissou
08.The Darjeeling Limited

Haven't been on much lately so i pretty much needed you to bump it haha.

As I've said before, The Royal Tenenbaums was one of the first movies I ever really loved as a teenager, it really jumpstarted my love of film in general. I can't get enough of it, glad you liked it.

I didn't care for The Secret Life of Pets much either, but woah, that's a harsh score! I can understand, though. It's pretty obnoxious.

Master of My Domain
Fox is my number one too. Great visual aesthetic and humor. I had fond memories of reading the original book as a kid so that helped my viewing experience. I've also seen The Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom. Both were solid but had parts in the film that were stagnant. Need to see Rushmore and his other minor films.

Master of My Domain
I didn't care for The Secret Life of Pets much either, but woah, that's a harsh score! I can understand, though. It's pretty obnoxious.
Obnoxious indeed. Kevin Hart bunny took away 'bout one and a half popcorn.

Obnoxious indeed. Kevin Hart bunny took away 'bout one and a half popcorn.
I think down the road somewhere Illumination Entertainment forgot the likability of their Looney Tunes esque sensibilities after Despicable Me in favor of something more ungodly when those damn Minions became a household name. I still cannot get myself to watch Minions, despite enjoying the first two.

I like Kevin Hart well enough in terms of delivery, and energy, maybe not so much his material. It's a shame I'm never interested in any of his movies.

Minions is my most hated film this decade, avoid it. I didn't love Despicable Me either though so maybe you'd like it more.
I probably will someday if I happen to get in the mood for something like that. Although the Minions were my least favorite part of both movies, so I can't imagine I'd like it too well.

Master of My Domain
Minions is my most hated film this decade, avoid it. I didn't love Despicable Me either though so maybe you'd like it more.
Despicable Me is better than Pets. But it's one of those films that you watch and don't feel anything afterwards.

Camo do you have a ranked 2015 list anywhere?
Only saw 25 2015 films, the only year this decade with less is 2014 with 20.

02.Going Clear
04.Ex Machina
05.Inside Out
06.Mad Max: Fury Road
07.Beasts of No Nation
08.The Hateful Eight
10.Best of Enemies
11.The Martian
13.The Force Awakens
14.Embrace of the Serpent
16.Listen To Me Marlon
18.The Good Dinosaur
23.Kung Fury
24.The Gift

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Only saw 25 2015 films, the only year this decade with less is 2014 with 20.

02.Going Clear
04.Ex Machina
05.Inside Out
06.Mad Max: Fury Road
07.Beasts of No Nation
08.The Hateful Eight
10.Best of Enemies
11.The Martian
13.The Force Awakens
14.Embrace of the Serpent
16.Listen To Me Marlon
18.The Good Dinosaur
23.Kung Fury
24.The Gift
You haven't seen The Revenant yet?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Nah, i know i'm pretty much the only one. Fury Road was the first film i saw this year as well
Just for future reference, you should be watching my top ten every year. They are the ten best of any given year. Your welcome.