Best Kevin Smith Movie so Far

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Best Kevin Smith Movie so Far
7 votes
5 votes
8 votes
Chasing Amy
12 votes
3 votes
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
35 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Enemies are so stimulating.
i picked dogma mainly because i havent seen some of the others for a while so i cant remember if they were better than dogma. plus i love alan rickman in that film 'do you spray everyone that comes into your room with flame retardent chemicals? no wonder your single!'

dogma is also just so funny and i love the buddy christ lol. and the **** demon. and jason lee is brill in it. as is ben afleck and matt damon....basically the whole cast is great and the film makes me laugh every time i watch it.
I don't have Parkinson's. I inherited my shaking head from my grandfather Hepburn. I discovered that whisky helps stop the shaking. Problem is, if you're not careful, it stops the rest of you too. My head just shakes, but I promise you, it ain't gonna fall off!

I See You When You're Sleeping
I have to pick Dogma, because it's the only one in the list that feels like a FULL film. I'm not sure I can explain that but I just think the other movies although are ok, but lack something when viewing multiple times. Oh that and I haven't seen Clerks.

Master Of My Destiny
Originally Posted by MinionTV
I have to pick Dogma, because it's the only one in the list that feels like a FULL film. I'm not sure I can explain that but I just think the other movies although are ok, but lack something when viewing multiple times. Oh that and I haven't seen Clerks.
Althought not a kevin smith film,but is a viewaskew production. Vulgar is very cool and shocking.
kevin smith and jason mewes do make an apearance,but not as jay and silent bob.

Did anyone else see this Bryan Johnson film?
I'm Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today!

clerks and chasing amy were pretty enjoyable.

dogma however, made my stomach turn and my eyes dry up into prune-like egg whites; that's how unfunny, gonadless, and stupid i found it.

i only saw little bits and pieces of mall rats, and avoided jay and silent bob when my family rented it.

Clerks - Boooooring
Mallrats - Um... storyline?
Chasing Amy - Too stupid
Dogma - Genious, pure and simple
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - Ok, but relied to heavily on cursing to make it funny

That's my take on things.
You were named after the DOG?

Dogma, followed by Mallrats, the Clerks...chasing amy was good to and so was jay and silent bob strikes back, but at many times during Jay and Silent Bob strikes back i found it very lacking
The world is spinning, but no one feels it look up to the sky..and one day a spark...and the whole sky is on fire -Leonardo Dicaprio (Gangs of New York)

We're no longer called Sonic Death Monkey. We're on the verge of becoming Kathleen Turner Overdrive, but just for tonight, we are Barry Jive and his Uptown Five. -Jack Black (High Fidelity)

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
I think they are all pretty darn cool.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

I love Kevin Smith movies. His movies are the sh-t. No one makes movies like him, no one has the balls to make movies like his. Though I went with Malrats cause it was the first film of his I saw.

I'd have to go with Clerks. I like all of his movies--they all have something in them I enjoy--but Clerks is the only one that I'd consider adding to a Top 20 list.

I give Dogma points, though, for about the same reasons as Steve. I remember seeing Smith on Politically Incorrect around the time it came out, along with a prominent Christian who was a leader of the boycott. Smith defended himself well, as I recall.

Damn, it seems like that was ages ago.
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

i hated it, i think for much of the same reason as you liked it. it had plenty of criticisms to fling, but did any of them really hit the mark? in the end i felt he was trying to make fun only of organized religion while endorsing some sort of vaguely utopian pseudospiritual aspirations. this didnt do anything for me.

basically i felt dogma was too dumb and silly to be "smart funny", and too inoffensive and nice to be "dumb funny".

Originally Posted by linespalsy
in the end i felt he was trying to make fun only of organized religion
And what's wrong with that? It's such an big, lovely target.

"It's easy to be sarcastic about religion."

i dont know if anything's wrong with making fun of organized religion, but i think that maybe the quote you just gave me sort of illustrates my point. it's easy to be sarcastic about almost anything, it's harder to make genuinely witty jokes that show some balls.
as an aside i'll just say that when i watch low brow social satire, i want to be able to laugh at everyone in it on some level. in dogma i felt we were being encouraged to laugh at "mainstream" institutions, and basically ANYTHING BUT not at blacks, strippers, abortion clinics, and stoners. my guess is that's because either the movie was trying too hard to make you sympathize with the five main characters or because the shoddy writing just didnt give you much to laugh at [hmm, looking back over that, i'm leaning more towards the latter. there may well have been jokes about those other layers of society in there that just passed under my humor radar]. the final product though, either way, is a surprisingly tame, politically correct [either intentionally or not] farce. pretty boring if you ask me.

ugh, i cant believe you just made me think and write that much about dogma, mary. i really hated this movie. please dont make me explain myself any more .

have you by any chance seen 'repo man'? i think that's low brow social satire done well. no stone unturned. excellent soundtrack too...

Do you know my poetry?
Clerks : One of the funniest movie ever!
Mallrats : Good but not as funny as clerks
Chasing Amy : Very funny, the best film that kevin smith made
Dogma : I loved this movie, very funny, affleck and damon are awesome
Jay and Silent Bob Strike back : Very funny and the most fun to watch
I love all smith movies, he's one of my favorite directors

Master Of My Destiny
Originally Posted by Spoon
Clerks - Boooooring
Mallrats - Um... storyline?
Chasing Amy - Too stupid
Dogma - Genious, pure and simple
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - Ok, but relied to heavily on cursing to make it funny

That's my take on things.
so you only liked 1of his films? strikeback was a so so(according to you),so i dont include it as one u liked.

i guess i'm bias,cause i'm an ultra kevin smith fan,but i think all his films are superb!

clerks way funny,and spun a cartoon. mallrats had stan the man,and spawned the great chasing amy cast.

chasing amy reminded me of my relationship with a lesbian.oh the memories!

dogma,well like you said. pure genious,so i agree there.
and jay and silent bob,couldnt stop laughing.

and that's my 2 cents

snootch to the nootch!

Originally Posted by linespalsy
ugh, i cant believe you just made me think and write that much about dogma, mary. i really hated this movie. please dont make me explain myself any more .
But I don't think I understand...

Naw, I'm kidding. I get what you're saying. Gonadless. But I don't think it necessarily lacked balls--Smith wasn't entirely condemning the Church. If he was, why is he still a tithe-paying, card-carrying Catholic?

My favorite quote about gonads:

"Gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains."

have you by any chance seen 'repo man'? i think that's low brow social satire done well. no stone unturned. excellent soundtrack too...
I have seen it--although it was a looong time ago. I need to put it on my list of Movies to See Again. The repo business in itself is tailor-made for social commentary. One of my old creative writing instructors wrote an excellent book called The Right Man for the Job about a Cheesehead who works for a repo company in the slums/ghettos of Columbus, Ohio. Good stuff.

Way off-topic, though.

So, Kevin Smith, huh? How about that guy? I worry about the new film, though.

Originally Posted by Mary Loquacious
But I don't think I understand...

Naw, I'm kidding. I get what you're saying. Gonadless. But I don't think it necessarily lacked balls--Smith wasn't entirely condemning the Church. If he was, why is he still a tithe-paying, card-carrying Catholic?

My favorite quote about gonads:

"Gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains."
nah, you can question me on it, i've got no monopoly on what counts as good humor. funny about him being a practicing catholic though, i didnt know that... dunno, maybe it fits with the vaguely spiritual ideals i mentioned earlier. again there's just something about his sense of humor that doesnt sit well with me in this movie.

thanks for the quote, maybe i throw around the word "balls" a little too much. where's it from?

Originally Posted by linespalsy
thanks for the quote, maybe i throw around the word "balls" a little too much.
I don't know if that's really possible.

where's it from?
Paul Harvey. I like him about 50% of the time, and that's his best quote ever.

Best Kevin Smith Movie so Far
Chasing Amy
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

None of the above....
"I'll have a steak sandwich, and a steak sandwich."