Things that annoy you...


Amen to that!... Citizen being such a good citizen always gets the hell out of the way as soon as I'm done paying at any store. Same at the gas station: I pay, pump the gas, get in the vehicle and leave so the next person behind me can get to the gas pump. I can't stand it when someone is done pumping gas but sets there in their car playing with their phone for 5 more minutes.
I don’t drive, as you know, but, yes, this surely would annoy me.

Speaking of cars, I’ve noticed an odd thing here. Cars being parked on the sidewalk. One guy even left his car running while he went off someplace to do god-knows-what. So then I had to manouver around his dumb-ass SUV to get where I was going.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I hate unprofessional sellers on eBay and other similar sites. I had two problems with bad sellers recently.

I bought something last week, and the seller sent me a Thank You message saying that it would ship out the next day. The next morning, I got a notice in my account messages that the seller cancelled the sale. I didn't even get a message from the seller. I tried to send the seller a message asking why, but I found out that the seller blocked me, so the message wouldn't go through. Then I checked their listings, and I saw that they relisted the exact same item for a higher price.

I reported the listing and the seller. The listing was removed, and the seller was suspended. I got my money back, but it's still annoying, and a complete waste of my time. I also found out that this seller has cancelled almost 100 sales in the past few years.

I bought a different item a few days ago. It was a set of about 15 items, but when I received it, one of the items was missing. I contacted the seller, and he told me that he forgot to put it in the box, and he would send it. Then a little while later, he told me that he lost the item, so he wasn't going to send it. Then he blocked me so I couldn't reply.

I reported the seller, and filed for a return request. Now I have to pack everything up and send it back.

I also just want to add that there are a lot of great sellers out there too. Most of my purchases on these sites go smooth. It's just a small percentage of sellers who shouldn't be allowed to sell on these sites.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here's something that happened that really annoyed me. (Maybe "angered" is a better word than "annoyed".)

Hubby and I went to the store yesterday and we found a purse in the parking lot. It had over $500 cash inside, plus several gift cards and credit cards, and a lot of other stuff.

We didn't want to turn it in at the store because there was no way to know if the people who work there would make sure that the person got everything back, especially the cash, so we found the person's driver's license and used Google to find their phone number. We called her, and verified that she was the right person, where she lost her purse, and what was inside, (including the amount of the cash), and we made arrangements to meet her in a public place to give her back her purse, with everything inside.

When we got to the meeting place, she wasn't there, but the police were there to meet us. Apparently she called the police and told them that she thought we were scammers. The police acted like we stole her purse and tried to ransom it back to her, even though they watched the store's security camera footage showing exactly where and when we found the purse. We eventually cleared everything up with the police, and gave them the purse with all the contents to give back to her, but it was almost an hour long ordeal of being treated like criminals. They even went so far as to search our car for weapons. Then they had the nerve to tell us that she chose not to press charges against us.

When most people return something valuable to someone who lost it they at least get a "Thank you", and maybe even a reward. Instead, this ungrateful woman tried to have us arrested for theft.
I thought of you the other day and this post...I was shopping in Joann's fabric store with my wife and as we were leaving I seen a small purse laying on the floor, that someone had dropped. I instantly remembered what had happened to you and kept my distances from that purse.

I immediately went to the cashier even though the line was long and spoke up and said 'someone dropped their purse and she needed to get a store employee to go pick it up and take it to the manager'...I had my eye on the purse all the time, as I waited for the cashier to do something. First she said she would call someone, but I just stood right there and didn't budge...So in about 10 more seconds she went and retrieved the purse herself and thanked me. I thanked her and that's the end of the story.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I thought of you the other day and this post...I was shopping in Joann's fabric store with my wife and as we were leaving I seen a small purse laying on the floor, that someone had dropped. I instantly remembered what had happened to you and kept my distances from that purse.

I immediately went to the cashier even though the line was long and spoke up and said 'someone dropped their purse and she needed to get a store employee to go pick it up and take it to the manager'...I had my eye on the purse all the time, as I waited for the cashier to do something. First she said she would call someone, but I just stood right there and didn't budge...So in about 10 more seconds she went and retrieved the purse herself and thanked me. I thanked her and that's the end of the story.

Yeah, I learned my lesson. Next time I see a purse lying on the ground, I hope someone else is nice enough to pick it up and return it. because I'm planning to walk right past it and never look back.

⬆️ Glad I read these two posts above because picking up the purse is something I would do in a second.

I once found someone’s child wandering around a volunteer gig we were doing. A small black child whom nobody seemed to notice was missing. So I picked him up & went in search of mom. We eventually did connect & she was very unconcerned that her small son had been alone in this busy place.

⬆️ Glad I read these two posts above because picking up the purse is something I would do in a second.

I once found someone’s child wandering around a volunteer gig we were doing. A small black child whom nobody seemed to notice was missing. So I picked him up & went in search of mom. We eventually did connect & she was very unconcerned that her small son had been alone in this busy place.
That’s awful. I have a raging maternal instinct so I could almost pull a Tallulah (for those who haven’t seen it, do watch), though I’d likely go straight to the cops, if I found an abandoned child. Re: purses I would actually agree with the above thought process & steer clear of all property.

Two things concerning music:
A: Conformism
B: When I share a conformist's opinion too often.

Example: my top two metal albums are Ride the Lightning and Paranoid. Extremely typical choices, especially if you check top metal charts from places like RYM. But then again, I love it when my honest opinion steers completely far from what's typically expected. Best example of this might be how I consider Siouxsie's Peepshow to be miles ahead of Juju.

I consider Siouxsie's Peepshow to be miles ahead of Juju.
I would agree. As for the topic, don’t your opinions change sometimes, and doesn’t what we see as “conformist” behaviour change too?

I would agree. As for the topic, don’t your opinions change sometimes, and doesn’t what we see as “conformist” behaviour change too?

Group opinions can change very slowly, as I've observed from the RYM charts and from communities. My musical opinions can potentially change instantly, as one album can help another click with me. I can't speak for everyone, though. Sometimes people keep the same opinions for ages. Some people change a lot of music ratings on a whim. J think in the end what really matters is how quickly a person's taste mature, and by that I don't mean conforming. I mean learning more about where your opinions lie and being open to change, which is a few rm of learning about yourself. It can take a very specific person to see what's great or terrible about something and go against the common consensus. This is why I don't careif someone hates a movieor song I love, as long as it's not footed in some wide bias such as "the 90's sucked" or "horror movies are terrible."

Huge snowstorm coming down the pike starting at midnight in Connecticut. Actually, it’s lightly snowing now. Connecticut has now got its panties in a knot & the local news is terrifying. #IsItAugustYet?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Huge snowstorm coming down the pike starting at midnight in Connecticut. Actually, it’s lightly snowing now. Connecticut has now got its panties in a knot & the local news is terrifying. #IsItAugustYet?

It's been lightly snowing most of the day here on Long Island, but tomorrow is expected to be brutal.

We went out to do some last minute shopping, and the lines were ridiculous. People must think that they'll be snowed in for months.

It's been lightly snowing most of the day here on Long Island, but tomorrow is expected to be brutal.

We went out to do some last minute shopping, and the lines were ridiculous. People must think that they'll be snowed in for months.
They’re even worse in Connecticut. Don’t know what these people would do if they lived at the Canadian border. Not that I would live anywhere close to Canada.


**** everything else, this is serious. 37 ****ing years and they can it without telling the cast and crew first?

If it's ever given you any pleasure in your life, if you remember coming home from school or work and spending 25 minutes on Ramsay Street while you had your tea, please sign this petition. Or if you just want me to be happier than I otherwise will be.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

my muscle pain in my legs after bouldering
What the heck is bouldering?


**** everything else, this is serious. 37 ****ing years and they can it without telling the cast and crew first?

If it's ever given you any pleasure in your life, if you remember coming home from school or work and spending 25 minutes on Ramsay Street while you had your tea, please sign this petition. Or if you just want me to be happier than I otherwise will be.
Vaguely heard of it. Is it Aussie?

We just got hit with 11" of the white crap here in the Detroit area.
Ugh, I could never live near the Canadian border. We bitch & moan like crazy here in Connecticut, but our winters are nothing compared to you guys up north.

Ugh, I could never live near the Canadian border. We bitch & moan like crazy here in Connecticut, but our winters are nothing compared to you guys up north.
Today's geography lesson: Here in Detroit, Canada is actually south of us.