What Critically Acclaimed Films Have You Not Seen?


I've never seen The Titanic, Schindler's List, A Beautiful Mind, 2001, and Seven. I plan to watch these all VERY soon

Umberto D, Fanny and Alexander, Juliette of the Spirits, Ivan the Terrible, Nosferatu (F. W. Murnau), La Jetee, Raise the Red Lantern, Satantango, A Clockwork Orange - some that I can think right now...

There are quite a few, but they're in my 'to-watch' list.

A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and many more from Stanley Kubrick. Barton Fink and a couple more of the Coen brothers. Boogie Nights, Apocalypse Now, Raging Bull, There Will Be Blood, Sergio Leone's dollar trilogy (so far I've only seen A Fistful of Dollars), and many, many more.

Never saw Hurt locker, or Drive. Drive is critically acclaimed by my friends

Most of John Huston's and Howard Hawks' acclaimed films. I've seen The Maltese Falcon and The Big Trail and loved them both. Gonna watch Rio Bravo and The Treasure of the Sierra Mandre soon.

Also seen The African Queen. V. good movie.

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
Have never seen Taxi Driver, Citizen Kane, Apocalypse Now, Unforgiven, Chinatown, Psycho, Blue Velvet, Jaws, and a crap ton of others that I don't really feel like naming right now. Those are on the top of my list though.

Pretty good line right here:

"Drive is critically acclaimed by my friends"
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Haven't watched Werckmeister harmonies and Satantango, by that famous Hungarian director, several acclaimed Hithcock films, some acclaimed Kurosawa films from the 1960's besides any films by Sergei Eisenstein and Orson Welles films besides Citizen Kane and A Touch of Evil (his two most famous) and every Godard film except Breatless and every Bresson film.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
The two I'm most concerned about not seeing are The Passion of Joan of Arc and Sunrise: A Song of Two Humas. You know, it's so much easier to watch a fun silent like Keaton than a serious one!

Haven't watched Werckmeister harmonies and Satantango, by that famous Hungarian director
You should watch them as soon as possible.

The two I'm most concerned about not seeing are The Passion of Joan of Arc and Sunrise: A Song of Two Humas. You know, it's so much easier to watch a fun silent like Keaton than a serious one!
