Barbie (2023)


As stupid as this movie looks, I still want to see it. Loving the idea of Ryan Gosling as Ken.

I have GOT to see how far they take the whole mockery of pop culture. Also, it looks like Gerwig took a couple cues from Wes Anderson.

Registered User
As stupid as this movie looks, I still want to see it. Loving the idea of Ryan Gosling as Ken.
The movie looks ridiculously stupid and that's what perplexes me as to why people want to see this?? I suppose one man's trash is another man's treasure when it comes to movies??

The movie looks ridiculously stupid and that's what perplexes me as to why people want to see this?? I suppose one man's trash is another man's treasure when it comes to movies??
To each his own.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Registered User
I was hoping someone posted this!

Hey, stop trying to ruin people's enjoyment. You've made it clear you're not interested (though I don't know if that's because you haven't picked up on the fact that the film is clearly intended as some kind of meta commentary). Repeating that fact, particularly at people who feel otherwise, doesn't actually contribute anything.

If you want to write out something resembling a thoughtful critique, however, go right ahead.

Registered User
Hey, stop trying to ruin people's enjoyment. You've made it clear you're not interested (though I don't know if that's because you haven't picked up on the fact that the film is clearly intended as some kind of meta commentary). Repeating that fact, particularly at people who feel otherwise, doesn't actually contribute anything.

If you want to write out something resembling a thoughtful critique, however, go right ahead.
What kind of website is this exactly?? You get this offended over someone giving a facepalm from an emoji YOUR website offers when commenting?? Get over yourself Mod..

What kind of website is this exactly??
One where we expect people to actually contribute to discussions/be thoughtful.

You get this offended
Literally nothing in my post indicates offense.

over someone giving a facepalm from an emoji YOUR website offers when commenting??
Huh? Your position is that if we have an emoji, it is therefore reasonable to use in any context? Here, I have an emoji to express my response:

Also, I told you exactly what kind of website this was last week. You ignored it (along with all the arguments in the post), so I'll reproduce it here.

To be fair, obviously lots of the Internet is filled with people who say whatever comes into their heads, and who don't even pay enough attention to anyone else to bother to critique them. Just the mutually assured destruction of thoughtless hot takes. This place is a little different, though, and I think that's good. If you don't, hey, fair enough. Plenty of Internet left that feels otherwise.

Registered User
One where we expect people to actually contribute to discussions/be thoughtful.

Literally nothing in my post indicates offense.

Huh? Your position is that if we have an emoji, it is therefore reasonable to use in any context? Here, I have an emoji to express my response:
You wouldn't have posted any of this if you weren't offended with the dumb emoji I posted to begin with so just stop already.. It sounds like you want a movie website where everyone has to agree on movies and if you disagree, you're labeled a troll or something dumb like that and trust me when I tell you, you aren't the 1st website to do this.. And I think I've contributed to plenty of discussion on the short time I've been here but I call it like I see it and that's something you're going to have to get used to..

You wouldn't have posted any of this if you weren't offended with the dumb emoji I posted to begin with so just stop already..
That's not what that word means. Me calmly and simply telling you something doesn't fly around here doesn't indicate offense. One can object without being offended.

It sounds like you want a movie website where everyone has to agree on movies
Nope. Never said this, don't think it. In fact, I literally just said this two posts up:
"If you want to write out something resembling a thoughtful critique, however, go right ahead."
And I think I've contributed to plenty of discussion on the short time I've been here
Certainly. But it's not a credit system, where being reasonable or thoughtful in one place allows you to be thoughtless or unreasonable in another.

I call it like I see it and that's something you're going to have to get used to..
Then you'd better get used to me/others pointing out when it doesn't make sense or doesn't contribute anything. Don't be so offended by it! We're just calling it like we see it.

I'm pretty sure 'I call it like I see it' translates to 'listen to my opinion and don't bother me with yours'.

It is also usually followed up with examples that they haven't actually read any of the things that were just written to them.

It's weird how these two things always go together.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I'm going to be forced to watch this soon. I don't mind, as it makes sense and seems to be poking fun at itself. Ryan Gosling seems off for the part to me, but I like him well enough in everything I've seen him in.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I'm no expert on Barbie, but I always thought Ken had light brown hair (while in the movie he appears to be a platinum blond).
Am I nit-picking by comparing to source material again?

P.S. We all know in reality Barbie would've fallen for G.I. Joe. (Wonder if that's a joke in the film?)

I remember Ken with blonde hair.

Although I didn't own a Ken, my Barbie dolls had Action Men.
Just did a quick search and it looks like they had a range of hair color for Ken from blond to dark brown. Looks like blond was most popular.

I didn't realize that earlier Kens sported a crew cut (and the ones with brown hair looked remarkably like 60's Peter Parker)! But as time wore on, Ken's hair got longer.

Registered User
Considering how high this is tracking with over a 100 Million for the weekend, I'm thinking this is attracting the LGBQT Crowd which is the reason for the high tracking of this??

I'm no expert on Barbie, but I always thought Ken had light brown hair

You could always check your toy box...