Doom Patrol



Doom Patrol (2020- )

This is definitely out of left field. It is uneven, but in an Umbrella Academy way. There is an emotional weight to some of the stuff that really covers up some of the warts. And weird. Like Timothy Dalton has ....

I started this series and liked it. Never got to see the last 3 episodes though. DCs Doom Patrol came out before X-Men and Stan Lee ripped off the storyline concept, which is why the two franchises tones are so similar.

I'm guessing that father figure to misfits trope has been done multiple times, but it appeals to me. This might as well be an Umbrella Academy clone, but I'm here for it. I know DP was probably around first, but the UA show beat it to the screen.

I haven't seen the show, but can't understand what Cyborg is doing there (aside from being a token).

Don't get me wrong, I love Victor Stone - to me he's always been a member of the New Teen Titans (where he first appeared).
But in more recent times he seems to have become DC's token token.
He was placed on the Justice League in a reboot (replacing founding member Martian Manhunter) as a founding member just so the group could have a black guy on the team.
Then he was placed on the Doom Patrol, (up until I stopped reading comics, Vic had never been part of this team in any of its incarnations) - just, apparently, so the group could have a black guy on the team.

Plus, aren't his and Robotman's stories and powers kind of redundant for the same team?

Sad to see Victor "Cyborg" Stone relegated to professional token.

I haven't seen the show, but can't understand what Cyborg is doing there (aside from being a token).

Don't get me wrong, I love Victor Stone - to me he's always been a member of the New Teen Titans (where he first appeared).
But in more recent times he seems to have become DC's token token.
He was placed on the Justice League in a reboot (replacing founding member Martian Manhunter) as a founding member just so the group could have a black guy on the team.
Then he was placed on the Doom Patrol, (up until I stopped reading comics, Vic had never been part of this team in any of its incarnations) - just, apparently, so the group could have a black guy on the team.

Plus, aren't his and Robotman's stories and powers kind of redundant for the same team?

Sad to see Victor "Cyborg" Stone relegated to professional token.
He is the worse part of the show, purely because he can’t act and they seem to run out of money when it came time to design his appearance. There are other issues, like him being a street fighter version cyborg. No flying or any godlike powers that I am familiar with the character having.

He is the worse part of the show, purely because he can’t act and they seem to run out of money when it came time to design his appearance. There are other issues, like him being a street fighter version cyborg. No flying or any godlike powers that I am familiar with the character having.
And not to go off on a tangent - but I also didn't like the way they did him in the Justice League movie:

For some reason the actor in that just didn't seem like Vic Stone to me. (That seems like nit-picking especially since we only ever saw half his face, but he just didn't look, sound or act like the character I knew since 1980.)

And the CGI on his mechanical parts was just... weird. Instead of looking like man-made metal cybernetic parts, it looked like he was made out of shiny magic crystal shards or something!

He could have been spectacular (even with a hand-sculpted suit and only using CGI for when his arm transformed into a blaster or something), but to me he seemed like a CGI mess, looking very unlike his classic design in the comics.

And tying his power into the Mother Box? It was just stretching to link aspects of the movie together - Vic doesn't need a Mother Box - he's Cyborg!

Finished all 15 episodes and it got messy at the end. I always admire these ambitious attempts at world-building, but I don’t even think they tried to land the plane. The ending was utter nonsense that pretty much cast aside everything they had been building to.

Definitely a journey, worth taking, is better than the destination experience.

I watched the first episode. Gonna be a hard go, I struggle with those "Planet of the Apes" type faces. I can't explain why. Then you put that on a juvenile and it gets even weirder.

The score of that show is one of the best things I've ever heard. Probably watched the opening credits more than I should.

Going back to an earlier conversation - since Cyborg was never a member of the Doom Patrol (but was a member of the New Teen Titans and the JLA in a reboot) AND since his powers are redundant to Robotman (2 cyborgs on the same team?) AND it seems they just wanted a black member on the team... why didn't they use Tempest (Joshua Clay) who WAS a member of the 2nd incarnation of the Doom Patrol, did not have redundant powers to anyone else on the team and was black?

Ah, I just looked him up and see he appears in the show (but why did they insert Cyborg when they could have used Tempest?)

I see that Celcius (Arani Desai - who also premiered on the same version of the team as Tempest) - has appeared on the show.

show is very weird but is trying to paint a picture of strange being the normal and how its wrong to be normal. half the shows I find myself quoting Cliff Steele and saying "WHAT THE ****!?!?" and the other half I am trying to forget. its part of the shock culture of comic series that tries to say being crazy, gay, trans, and fat are not only okay but a super power to be celebrated. total political agenda bull**** and it fails on so many levels its painful sometimes to watch. I have watched all the episodes that are currently out and given it more than its fair chance but I don't like the broadcasted message and they don't even write a good or compelling story, this **** show is everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. stop trying to make perversions and insanity the normal and celebrated way of life.

I think the course of human history has documented that perversions and insanity are pretty normal, it just depends on who is doing the judging.

Luckily, I don’t take issue with that stuff. The only problem I have is that the Cyborg guy can’t act.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I'm 8 episodes into the first season. Bear in mind I am not a comic book reader and I don't know much of anything about the DC world to begin with.

I am finding the series just quirky enough to be fun to watch. The banter is fun and the characters are well defined. But I think I need a break. It doesn't seem like this series binges well, and I'm not sure why. I think because after too many episodes of Cliff screaming "What the f---?" or Hammerhead getting upset, or whatever, it's just moving forward too slowly. These characters are battling the same personal demons in every single episode, and nobody seems to get ahead of any of them. Meanwhile, whatever the Big Event is in any given episode now seems more contrived than in the first episodes.

I'll probably keep watching, but I'm a little less sure why after every episode.

I would agree with not being bingeable. They released the first 3 eps of s3 and I still haven’t watched the 3rd

For it to be so irreverent, it gets pretty heavy.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I would agree with not being bingeable. They released the first 3 eps of s3 and I still haven’t watched the 3rd

For it to be so irreverent, it gets pretty heavy.
WWWwuwuwuuuuuuhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaat's THIS?!
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I was worried about posting anything less than a glowing comment.

Bingeable for me is hard. The time I make for tv is usually so late at night/early morning and then I only feel like watching podcasts.