2019 felt like the best film year in a good while


I'm finding it difficult to remember a year where I thoroughly enjoyed as many films as I did in 2019. Just skimming through the Best Picture nominees list, it looks far stronger than those of preceding years. 1917, Ford v Ferrari, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Parasite and The Irishman are all better films than anything I've seen from the previous two-three years in my book. Even Endgame was alright. It may very well be that many of 2019's top films fit my taste, but I do not think that would explain it all. Hoping for an even stronger 2020!

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2017 and 2016 are tough to beat. 2018 and 2015 were weak so I think 2019 can be better than those but I haven't really seen a lot get to accurately determine that.

2014 was pretty weak. 2013 and 2012 were great. And then 2011 and 2010 were lame for what I saw overall.

I'd rank it something like:
1. 2016
2. 2017
3. 2012
4. 2013

After that not sure.

I agree! 2019 was the best year of the decade (or perhaps this is just recency bias)

I think it's more subjective than that. Those that circle the industry tout this year as the best, but I believe recency bias is alive and well.

For me personally, there was no Phantom Thread, Game Night, Isle of Dogs, Wind River, Eighth Grade, Mandy, the Favourite, etc. Now, I can't string together more than 4 sentences to describe any movie, so what do I know. I do know that nothing got me excited this year.

OUATIH was good, Uncut Gems was an experience (although unpleasant in a way) and Little Women was one of the better movies I saw all year. Parasite is the only movie viewing lacking, but there is so much hype behind it now that I may have unrealistic or unfair expectations.

Oh yeah, about that earlier and the sentences. I can definitely string together more than 4 about Drive.

I'm finding it difficult to remember a year where I thoroughly enjoyed as many films as I did in 2019. Just skimming through the Best Picture nominees list, it looks far stronger than those of preceding years. 1917, Ford v Ferrari, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Parasite and The Irishman are all better films than anything I've seen from the previous two-three years in my book. Even Endgame was alright. It may very well be that many of 2019's top films fit my taste, but I do not think that would explain it all. Hoping for an even stronger 2020!
I think that you're right. Seems like a pretty fair crop of films in 2019. For one thing, there weren't many crushingly obvious PC/SJ films. Hopefully that'll start a trend...

For me the first good year since 2011. Everything in between was just meh to crap. I can count good films from then to 2018 on the tip of my fingers. 2014 was especially crap if i recall correctly! All of these years, I was just waiting for the foreign film nominations to come out. They had some real movies. Hollywood... barely!
My Favorite Films

I thought Endgame got too much spotlight, there were so many other good movies.

. 2014 was especially crap if i recall correctly!
From 2014 I enjoyed:

The Clouds of Sils Maria
The Duke of Burgundy
Force Majeure
The Rover
Wild Tales
Grand Budapest Hotel
Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

2020 will be pathetic again. I was checking the line up, there are about 9 comic book fluff to come out. And we only have 12 months in a year!

2020 will be pathetic again. I was checking the line up, there are about 9 comic book fluff to come out. And we only have 12 months in a year!
There are loads of films in 2020 that will be worth checking out.

From 2014 I enjoyed:

The Clouds of Sils Maria
The Duke of Burgundy
Force Majeure
The Rover
Wild Tales
Grand Budapest Hotel
Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

Most of them are out of Hollywood. And from the list of English movies i only liked Budapest Hotel. Whiplash i liked the performances, not the movie.

Welcome to the human race...
2020 will be pathetic again. I was checking the line up, there are about 9 comic book fluff to come out. And we only have 12 months in a year!
In fairness, those are the movies that get announced years in advance and are the easiest to find when you try looking up "2020 movies" whereas the stuff that tends to make up the best of a given year can always arrive seemingly out of nowhere and usually later on in the year. In January last year, none of us knew about Parasite or 1917 or Portrait of a Lady on Fire or any number of titles that have come to dominate the best-of-2019 conversation, so it's only fair to think that the same is liable to happen with 2020.

As for the OP, I'm not really in the habit of thinking that some individual years are better than others - I'd probably have to resort to calculating how my film ratings to actually determine whether one year is "objectively" better than another (at least as far as my subjective ratings go), which makes sense but also doesn't.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

In fairness, those are the movies that get announced years in advance and are the easiest to find when you try looking up "2020 movies" whereas the stuff that tends to make up the best of a given year can always arrive seemingly out of nowhere and usually later on in the year. In January last year, none of us knew about Parasite or 1917 or Portrait of a Lady on Fire or any number of titles that have come to dominate the best-of-2019 conversation, so it's only fair to think that the same is liable to happen with 2020.

As for the OP, I'm not really in the habit of thinking that some individual years are better than others - I'd probably have to resort to calculating how my film ratings to actually determine whether one year is "objectively" better than another (at least as far as my subjective ratings go), which makes sense but also doesn't.

Yeah true. Those most anticipated movies of the year list on YouTube, newspapers are all Marvel/DC. Although IndieWire does put up some good ones. So I always keep an eye on their list.


Here's their list from last year. This is where I heard of parasite. But as usual forgot about it two days later. Only remembered when folks were going crazy after the film festival screenings. And then I did too.

And this is this year
