Citizen Rules...Cinemaesque Chat-n-Review

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Women will be your undoing, Pépé
An excellent noir and Marvin played such a perfect greaseball.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Yay, you're back watching films I've seen
The Big Heat is a lovely film and yeah Marvin plays the scuzzball nicely in it

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yay, you're back watching films I've seen
The Big Heat is a lovely film and yeah Marvin plays the scuzzball nicely in it
I never stopped watching films only reviewing them. Right now I'm on a Gloria Grahame kick She's the bestest, so's Lee Marvin. I really need to see more of his films too.

Gloria makes one of the best 'B girls', which is 40s,50s slang for a bar girl who hung out in bars and got men to buy them over priced drinks. Which then earned her a commission from the bar owner. Or sometimes it means they were prostitutes.

Gloria makes one of the best 'B girls', which is 40s,50s slang for a bar girl who hung out in bars and got men to buy them over priced drinks. Which then earned her a commission from the bar owner. Or sometimes it means they were prostitutes.
Knew of the practise but never heard 'em called B girls before so ta for the explanation.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Riding in Cars with Boys (2001)

Director: Penny Marshall
Writers: Beverly D'Onofrio (book), Morgan Ward (screenplay)
Cast: Drew Barrymore, Brittany Murphy, Steve Zahn, Adam Garcia
Genre: Biography, Comedy-Drama

"A single mother, with dreams of becoming a writer, has a son at the age of 15 in 1965, and goes through a failed marriage with the drug-addicted father."

Director Penny Marshall serves up her style of serious commentary combined with the lighter moments in life, that makes Riding in Cars With Boys, something more than just a period piece comedy.

Penny Marshall was flying high in the late 80s-90s with a string of critically acclaimed smash hits: Big (1986), Awakenings (1988) and A League of Their Own (1990). After two more films that weren't well received, Penny scored another hit in 2001 when she cast Drew Barrymore in the comedy-drama based on a true biography.

The film has Drew Barrymore as a strong willed and intelligent girl who ends up getting pregnant at 15 and is coerced into marring the child's father (Steve Zahn). He's a man whom she doesn't love and doesn't even particularly like. The new husband is a screw up and non too bright either. He spends his time loafing, getting drunk and eventually ends up on heroin. All of which forces the young mother to raise her child by herself.

What struck me as totally fresh was a script that showed Drew as someone who didn't want a baby...She even attempts to throw herself down the stairs while pregnant. Once the baby is born she's disappointed it's ruined her plans to go to college and as it's a boy it even ruined her plans to have a daughter, like her best friend has (Brittany Murphy).

The story is funny while being very bitter sweet. I've not seen a subject matter quite like this one.

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Trouble with a capital "T"

The Marriage-Go-Round (1961)

Director: Walter Lang
Writers: Leslie Stevens (play), Leslie Stevens
Cast: Susan Hayward, James Mason, Julie Newmar
Genre: Comedy

"A Swedish woman wants her American host to father her baby."

This rather luke warm film about free love is based on the mildly successful 1958 play of the same name, by Leslie Stevens. Not having the luxury of seeing the play I can only guess it was much steamier than this rather tepid (even for 1961) film.

In the late 1950s so called adult themed sex movies became popular. Of course nothing was shown and nothing usually happened but just the idea that something forbidden could happen was enough to drive people to the theaters. Some of these films were very successful like Some Like It Hot (1959), but the Marriage-Go-Round suffers from what is literally a one act play.

I found myself getting bored quite quickly with the cat and mouse game between Julie Newmar a Swedish student who wishes to have a baby by an intelligent older professor, James Mason. The problem is, James Mason is already married and his wife played by Susan Hayworth isn't amused by the idea. BUT the catch is, she doesn't want to turn the young Swedish woman out of her house as she's the daughter of a friend....So for the next 98 minutes I watch as the professor tried to avoid the catty advances of the tall beauty. And that would have been interesting for one act, but it just couldn't sustain my interest for that long.

Not a bad movie and it's the only film I've seen of Julie Newmar who does an excellent job here. All the actors are up to par, but the script reworked from the stage play doesn't translate well to the big screen.

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Trouble with a capital "T"

I Wanna Hold Your Hand (1978)

Director: Robert Zemeckis
Writers: Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale
Cast: Nancy Allen, Bobby Di Cicco, Marc McClure, Susan Kendall Newman, Theresa Saldana, Wendie Jo Sperber
Genre: Comedy

Six teenagers from New Jersey borrow a limousine and head to New York City to see the Beatles make their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan tv show. Only one problem, they don't have tickets and the show is sold out! Waiting outside of the hotel where the Fab Four are staying is an army of fan obsessed teen girls, making it hard for the Beatles to make their date with TV history. CR

Renowned director Robert Zemeckis makes his directorial debut with a comedy based on actual events that took place back in 1964 during the Beatles British Invasion. Zemeckis was an unproven commodity at the start of his impressive career, a career which includes such smash hits as: Back to the Future I,II,III, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Forest Gump, Castaway and Contact....His first feature film is no slump either!

I like how the six teenagers had different reasons for seeing the Beatles. Wendie Jo Sperber is so in love with the Beatles that she passes out when she see them! While Susan Kendall Newman (Paul Nemwman's daughter in one of her only two film credits, is a girl who hates the Beatles and wants to picket the show. Anyway I thought it was cool how all the kids had a different reaction to the Beatles.

The funniest part is when the teens split up and a couple of them make it into the Beatles hotel and one of them, Nancy Allen ends up in the Beatles room where she literally goes orgasmic over Beatle paraphernalia. It's a weird scene and supposedly a nod to Polythene Pam of the Beatle's song.

There's many nice touches to the film that helps build the world of Beatlemania. One of the coolest things is the actual Ed Sullivan Show performance by the Beatles. The viewer feels like they have a front row set for the history making event. We never see their faces either. Either they're a very long ways away or monitors hide their faces. This works well, as it allows us to think that we're seeing the real Fab Four!

Not an easy movie to find, but well worth watching.

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Trouble with a capital "T"

The Good Die Young (1954)
Director: Lewis Gilbert
Writers: Vernon Harris & Lewis Gilbert (screenplay), Richard Macaulay (based on book)
Cast: Laurence Harvey, Gloria Grahame, Richard Basehart, Joan Collins, John Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller

In post war London four men meet at a pub, three of them are good men stuck in desperate situations and in need of quick cash. The fourth man is an amoral well-to-do socialite, also in need of cash. They decide to pull off a crime caper that then goes horribly wrong. CR

Only The Good Die Young is a British crime-thriller-drama based on a book of the same name. It's more like a Hitchcock thriller-drama than a film noir. What's interesting about the movie is it starts off with four men in a stolen car, armed with guns and about to commit a serious crime...Then the film flashes back and we get four separate stories about these men and what drove them to commit larceny.

There's a lot of big name actors some of them American in this British film and the actresses get a substantial amount of screen time too.

Richard Basehart is an an American veteran who flies over to London to bring back his wife, played by a very young Joan Collins.

John Ireland is an American Air Force sergeant stationed in London and married to a cheating wife who's an inspiring actress, played with grit by Gloria Grahame. I believe she was suppose to be British.

We also get a story of a has been boxer and his wife. He decides to return from boxing after losing a hand. When his hard earned money goes the others he needs quick cash.

Finally we get a snobby, leech of a man who's the ring leader. His own father played by Robert Morley disowns for his appalling behavior.

I wish I could say this was a great movie, but at only 1 hour 40 minutes there's not enough time to tell four back stories with any degree of detail while telling the story of the robbery and following chase. Still worth seeing for the novelty of it.

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I haven't had much time to read your thread recently, and I'm still catching up, but with the countdown coming up, I'm surprised that you're not watching a lot of movies from the 1930s.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't had much time to read your thread recently, and I'm still catching up, but with the countdown coming up, I'm surprised that you're not watching a lot of movies from the 1930s.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I did watch a bunch of 30s films in the two Hofs and some on my own. But then I watched Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool (2017) (about Gloria Grahame's last days before she passed) and that got me hooked on watching/rewatching her movies. Plus I finalized my own 30s voting list, so it's done.

Trouble with a capital "T"

The Train (1964)
Director: John Frankenheimer
Writers: Franklin Coen & Frank Davis (screen play)
Cast: Burt Lancaster, Paul Scofield, Jeanne Moreau
Genre: War-Thriller

During WWII in occupied France towards the end of the war in 1944, a German Colonel receives orders to load the collection of fine French art treasures into a train and send it back to Berlin. The French Resistances learns of this and decides to stop the train to save France's national heritage. They must do this before the train leaves French soil and without damaging the priceless art that the train carries. CR

That lead photo of Burt Lancaster blasting on a machine gun doesn't do this intricate film justices. The Train, is so much more than just action and danger, though it does have plenty of that and done up right! At the heart of this fine film by renowned film maker John Frankenheimer is a true story of brave men who went against the odds, risking and losing their lives all for the sake of saving art. Yes this really happened and the film not only shows the thrills it gives us insights into just how hard it was for the French Resistances to operate. We learn that the Nazis take any act of sabotage by the French as treason and will round up innocent civilians and execute them in cold blood on the streets, so as to send a message to the population.

In the film we see the men and women of the resistances and learn of their bleak existences as freedom fighters. The main pay off is their master plan to stop the 'art train'.

I thought Burt Lancaster was well suited for the role, he had just enough grit, with a lot of weariness in his face to be believable. By far one of the most visual impressive scenes is when he's high on a hill side running to catch the train so he can blow the tracks up. He must be a couple of hundred up on this very steep hillside when he does this running sliding scene all the way down? Damn impressive and that's really Burt Lancaster doing the stunt. Before acting he had worked in a circus as an acrobat.

French actress Jeanne Moreau was a nice addition as the local hotel owner who puts up Burt Lancaster in her hotel. Later she had a decision to make does she tell the Nazi's the truth about Lancaster sabotage or does she provide an alibi to save his neck?

Oh did I mention the real train crashes they staged for the movie! Impressive! you won't see that in a modern CG movie. The Train has it all.

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Yep, The Train is a good one, think I gave it roughly the same rating

I'd never seen it before. Not even sure if I heard it mention. Yup, good film!
I've seen a few mention it over the years on here, if I remember correctly mark f quite likes it too.

We here at the Movie Forums Society would like to cdonfirm that "The Good Die Young:" has nothing to do with Billy Joel.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I did watch a bunch of 30s films in the two Hofs and some on my own. But then I watched Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool (2017) (about Gloria Grahame's last days before she passed) and that got me hooked on watching/rewatching her movies. Plus I finalized my own 30s voting list, so it's done.
Funny you should mention the inimitable Grahame. We just watched a chunk of Sudden Fear last night, and it was hard to turn off. It's hard to take one's eyes off of Grahame, even though it was a Joan Crawford vehicle. I really like Jack Palance as well.

Do you recommend Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool?. Grahame had a very saucy and wild private life, so I'm sure the bio drama is Katie Bar the Door.. It might be too graphic for Doc..


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I never stopped watching films only reviewing them. Right now I'm on a Gloria Grahame kick She's the bestest, so's Lee Marvin. I really need to see more of his films too.

Gloria makes one of the best 'B girls', which is 40s,50s slang for a bar girl who hung out in bars and got men to buy them over priced drinks. Which then earned her a commission from the bar owner. Or sometimes it means they were prostitutes.
gotta ask:
what films of Marvin have you seen?

Never heard of The Train but it really looks good. So does The Good Die Young. Especially the former being something I'd really enjoy.
I remember when I Wanna Hold Your Hand came out and all the talk about it, but never saw it. May have to.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Funny you should mention the inimitable Grahame. We just watched a chunk of Sudden Fear last night, and it was hard to turn off. It's hard to take one's eyes off of Grahame, even though it was a Joan Crawford vehicle. I really like Jack Palance as well.

Do you recommend Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool?. Grahame had a very saucy and wild private life, so I'm sure the bio drama is Katie Bar the Door.. It might be too graphic for Doc..

I have Sudden Fear to watch, it's good to know you liked it and Gloria too! Do I recommend Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool? Yup, because I'd like to hear your opinion of it It's worth a watch, but the real Gloria is so much better. I have a number of films to be watching in the near future.

gotta ask:
what films of Marvin have you seen?

Never heard of The Train but it really looks good. So does The Good Die Young. Especially the former being something I'd really enjoy.
I remember when I Wanna Hold Your Hand came out and all the talk about it, but never saw it. May have to.
What have I seen of Lee Marvin's:

The Caine Mutiny (1954)
Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
Donovan's Reef (1963)
The Twilight Zone
- Steel (1963) ... Steel Kelly
- The Grave (1961) ... Conny Miller
I just seen both of those recently.
The Killers (1954)
Cat Ballou (1965)
The Professionals (1966)
The Dirty Dozen (1967)
Paint Your Wagon (1969)
Emperor of the North (1973)
The Big Red One (1980)

Probably a couple others that I don't remember. Thing is most of those films were really good! My Ed choice would be Cat Ballou, I'm beatting you'd like that one.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
LOVE Cat Ballou with the iconic shot--

and Marvin does a duo role playing his evil brother in that one as well.

I've seen quite a few of those, still haven't seen one that you don't have either, The Wild One with Brando. Really need to watch that. Seen bits, but never the full movie.

I think my favorite of his is The Dirty Dozen. Excellent film and he's at full tilt bad @ss in that one lol

Trouble with a capital "T"
LOVE Cat Ballou with the iconic shot--

and Marvin does a duo role playing his evil brother in that one as well.

I've seen quite a few of those, still haven't seen one that you don't have either, The Wild One with Brando. Really need to watch that. Seen bits, but never the full movie.

I think my favorite of his is The Dirty Dozen. Excellent film and he's at full tilt bad @ss in that one lol
I knew you'd love Cat Ballou I can't believe I've never seen The Wild One yet