Upstream Color


(I can't figure out how to embed a youtube video, so here's the link:

EDIT: like this!

I recently saw Primer and was impressed by how much Shane Carruth was able to do with a $7,000 budget. Now that he has more money, crew, and time to work with, I'm really looking forward to this film. Some people at Sundance said that this was one of the best films they saw, and some critics are already calling it one of the best films of 2013. Can't wait for this one and Before Midnight!

Some critic soundbites:
“Heart-stoppingly beautiful, quite literally overwhelming.” Sam Adams, AV Club
“Bold, impassioned, ecstatically beautiful…in a class by itself at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.” Scott Foundas, Village Voice

Dig. Saw this a month or two ago and again recently, and I'm definitely intrigued. Really interesting trailer, and obviously Carruth is an extremely interesting guy. Loved Primer, and was bummed to hear that his originally planned follow-up A Topiary fell apart (it sounded ambitious, to say the least, but maybe that was the problem). But I'm officially interested in whatever he's doing, so I'll be glad to see this.

It helps, of course, that this is probably the kind of film you don't have to worry about people talking much at. So the odds are pretty strong I'll schlep out to the theater for it.

Wow looks fantastic, one of the few I'm looking forward to of the announced films the year. Didn't hear about it before this thread though. The trailer itself was beautiful.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Just got back from seeing Upstream Color. There's a lot to unpack there. I'll have to let it stew. I think more than a few people will see this because they loved Primer and come out confused and maybe even a little annoyed. But with Carruth it's hard not to assume that even the really opaque stuff hasn't been put there really, really deliberately.

Just got back from seeing Upstream Color. There's a lot to unpack there. I'll have to let it stew. I think more than a few people will see this because they loved Primer and come out confused and maybe even a little annoyed. But with Carruth it's hard not to assume that even the really opaque stuff hasn't been put there really, really deliberately.
Cool! I'm jealous. It's not out around here until Friday, I think. I've tried to avoid reading too much press on it, but apparently it would be really difficult to comprehend, on even a basic level, after watching it just one time. I can appreciate that, especially when you know that the director is very meticulous and has put all of these clues/obfuscations there for a reason. Looking forward to it!

Just watched it.

My eyes were gently stroked, but my mind brutally raped.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Kinda reminded me of a David Lynch type of movie. Both Primer and Upstream Color involved Biology. I wonder if Carruth has some sort back round in Biology. I thought maybe I had missed something so I looked up an explanation on the internet and I guess I got everything. Right when the movie ended I was not completely satisfied. I don't know if I wanted more or less. After thinking about it for awhile I decided the movie was pretty good and it definitely gave my brain a workout.

C'mon, get in here *opens arms for a hug*
Yes, Lynch comes to mind with this one. Both of these guys have the ability to confuse an audience but still keep them engaged. Nice accomplishment for Carruth. Now I just have to spend a few days figuring this one out.