The 2015 MoFies... The Categories


I'll edit mine here

3. You’re One Of Us Now! Best New MoFo

False Writer

15. Thank You For Being My Friend



20. MoFo You'd Most Like To Be Stranded On An Island With


Awwww *hugs* this is surprising considering I haven't been on here too much lately

Just so everyone knows, I've updated mine quite a bit since I first posted it. Still a huge work in progress though.

16. Best Avatar Of The Year

Mr. Minio
Cheers! Yuki Saito is indeed a person worth to have as avatar!

18. Geez! Get A Room Already! Best MoFo Couple

Mr. Minio and the whole rest of the forum.

24. Master Of Movies
Mr Minio
24. Master Of Movies
Mr. Minio (European movies)
Hey! I watch a fair amount of Asian cinema, too! Anyways, you can call me MASTER from now on. hehehe.
9. Most Improved MoFo
Mr Minio
Improved? If you're perfect, there's no room for improvement!

Okay, let's give it a try:

1. We Miss You Most Of All


2. Worst Thread Of The Year

I have to browse all Sexy's threads to pick the worst... Wait, Guap's choice helped me! Actually, 90sAce's Why are modern movies still good but modern pop music not? Thanks Guap!

3. You’re One Of Us Now! Best New MoFo


4. Best Thread Of The Year

Music Reviews Whenever I Feel Like It by the Bay

Swan, you mad genius!

5. Best Post Of The Year

Yet to be posted!

6. Best Game Thread Of The Year

I'm not too interested in game threads, so I may leave that one.

7. How On Earth Did You Come Up With That? Best Username

Swan (it's so simple yet makes so many possibilities for memes and funny stuff)

8. Smartest MoFo

mark f
Harry Lime

9. Most Improved MoFo

Derek Vinyard (trying to start watching foreign cinema + i feel like his English is getting better, so big kudos since English is not my native language neither and I can feel him)

10. Most Creative MoFo

Most definetely not me, because I can't make up any answer!
11. You're A Good Sport


12. We Like You! Please Post More

Yasashii (czujê siê jak jedyny Polak na tym forum, mimo i¿ tak nie jest)

13. Most Helpful MoFo


14. Ray Of Sunshine

Hmm... No idea.

15. Thank You For Being My Friend


16. Best Avatar Of The Year

Mr Minio (HUE HUE HUE)

17. Sees A Pot, Has To Stir It. Most Controversial MoFo

90sAce (sorry, Sexy)

18. Geez! Get A Room Already! Best MoFo Couple

No idea. It'd be stupid to vote for myself (although I just did, but this time it's also another person :P)

19. MoFo Overachiever

Sexy Celebrity

20. MoFo You'd Most Like To Be Stranded On An Island With

MovieGal (because she's an interesting person to talk to)
Rahbani (because she's a beautiful girl, as simple as that)
Swan (we'd talk about music and make a band playing self-made instruments!)

21. Funniest MoFo

I mostly laugh over my own sh*tty jokes, but even this doesn't happen too often. I can't remember any MoFo that made me laugh this year.

22. Best Profile Banner

I don't really care about profile banners that much and I haven't seen many of them, but honeykid's has something interesting about it and I haven't even seen this film (maybe that's a good thing, after all...)

23. Movie Reviewer Of The Year


24. Master Of Movies

mark f
(mainstream crap)
Sane (arthouse crap)

25. The MoFo Group Thank You For All Your Hard Work


Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

15. Thank You For Being My Friend


20. MoFo You'd Most Like To Be Stranded On An Island With

MovieGal (because she's an interesting person to talk to)
Friend?? I thought we were past that "friend" stage... lol

Interesting? only because I talk about weird and perverted stuff in private with you!

Friend?? I thought we were past that "friend" stage... lol
Maybe for you. For me, you'll always be my friend.
Interesting? only because I talk about weird and perverted stuff in private with you!
Now, now. We had conversations on various topics. Kinky stuff was only a small part of it.

Maybe for you. For me, you'll always be my friend.
Now, now. We had conversations on various topics. Kinky stuff was only a small part of it.
Dude, you know Im joking about the "only friend" part... you are younger than my daughter!!!

Dont worry I think I will have you in a couple of categories.

Dude, you know Im joking about the "only friend" part... you are younger than my daughter!!!
You got me! I thought you're serious this time!

Dont worry I think I will have you in a couple of categories.