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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Replies: 29
Investing in Movies
Posted By Kin0pic_Studio
Re: Investing in Movies

Again running to these threads rather late:

I not only have ideas for productions, but also am hopin gto launch a motion picture distribution company capable of releasing movies in cinemas and...
Replies: 234
Horror Movies
Posted By Kin0pic_Studio
Re: Horror Movies

I like classic horror (Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing for sure, but don't forget Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, and Lon Chaney --sr. & jr.) I grew up cutting my fangs on magazines like...
Replies: 8
I am trying to produce my first movie and I am a noob, please help
Posted By Kin0pic_Studio
Re: I am trying to produce my first movie and I am a noob, please help


Probably too late, but if you're still labouring with this, you should consider writing your story down in a simple format known as a treatment. According to the Writer's Guild, you can...
Replies: 195
Movie Career Interest
Posted By Kin0pic_Studio
I am a writer (complete four feature length...

I am a writer (complete four feature length screenplays, a bunch of others in various stages of completion) and aspiring filmmaker (want to make sure that "aspiring part is clear!~~haha! ;)) I want...
Replies: 10
need to get a director to read this story
Posted By Kin0pic_Studio
If you can write your story into a script. If...

If you can write your story into a script. If you do not feel up to that, then you will need to write what is often called a "Treatment". This can be any length, but averages go from 5 to 50 pages....
Replies: 30
Does the movie theatre change your impression?
Posted By Kin0pic_Studio
I find that some movies are better viewed on the...

I find that some movies are better viewed on the big screen, just as you say, however, I have also seen movies that work better on the small screen. Some movies just have this "close up and...
Replies: 2,830
I love you, Unregistered
Posted By Kin0pic_Studio
Re: I love you, Unregistered

Why do I feel I'm just the latest in a looooong string?????
Replies: 10
How does movie distribution work?
Posted By Kin0pic_Studio
Hello, Sometimes a producer will work out a...


Sometimes a producer will work out a deal with a distributor to put up some of the cost of production for the distribution rights in advance. This sounds like the deal with Rodriguez's...