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Forum: General Movie Discussion 05-16-09
Replies: 15
Poll: Subjectivity VS Objectivity: Which Influences Your Ratings to a Greater Extent?
When I say "Which influences your ratings to a...

When I say "Which influences your ratings to a greater extent," I mean "your" as in you, personally. So, unless you're a professional critic, I'm not talking about that; just what affects your own...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 05-16-09
Replies: 15
Poll: Subjectivity VS Objectivity: Which Influences Your Ratings to a Greater Extent?
Subjectivity VS Objectivity: Which Influences Your Ratings to a Greater Extent?

What plays a bigger role in determining your ratings of films: subjectivity--how well the film appeals to you personally, and to what extent you connect with/relate to it on a personal level, or...