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Replies: 30
Poll: MoFo Battle Royale Final Four: Darth Vader vs. Yoda
Posted By Sleezy
Re: MoFo Battle Royale Final Four: Darth Vader vs. Yoda

I could care less about Ash compared to some of these other cinematic greats, but I will admit that I'm still bitter that Jack Burton got prison-shanked by the Monster. Not that I think Jack would...
Replies: 30
Poll: MoFo Battle Royale Final Four: Darth Vader vs. Yoda
Posted By Sleezy
Re: MoFo Battle Royale Final Four: Darth Vader vs. Yoda

Can I buy your vote, and then apply it to Indy vs. Joker?

Damn yoouuu...
Replies: 30
Poll: MoFo Battle Royale Final Four: Darth Vader vs. Yoda
Posted By Sleezy
Re: MoFo Battle Royale Final Four: Darth Vader vs. Yoda

There's a reason why Yoda was hiding out on that little planet, and Vader was out conquering the galaxy.