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lenslady 05-21-18 03:12 PM

Song of the day
Hi I'm hoping to start a new musical thread here. This is a little similar to "what are you listening to today" - but different for a couple of reasons
1- The song you post is not just a tune you enjoy hearing - but has a real meaning to what you are going through this day. It could be a song to a loved one, a reaction to something on the news that affected you, or just what the song means to your experience of the day- a gripe, a grin, a birthday greeting. I would encourage you, if you like, to also write a sentence or two as to why the song is important to you today- but not necessary.
2- To be quite frank, my device has difficulty posting to the "what are you listening to " thread- there's so many videos - I can't always post there - so my new thread is not only meaningful -but just like Ralph Cramden's handy kitchen slicer- practical too ;D

I'll go first:

I went to a song circle yesterday - where different performers take turns at singing- and first heard this beautiful song. Sitting with a bunch of friends on a lively spring day who wanted nothing more than to sing their hearts out- I am moved to wish all my friends, present past and future- the feeling of 'home' in this song:

Song of the Mira

lenslady 05-22-18 05:18 PM

Re: Song of the day
So today is a rainy day. And I have some paperwork that is due - or overdue- and I'm worried if I can get it done in time, and if I can get to the post office in time , and what to make for dinner, and do I have time to shop for food, especially in the rain?!?!???

And then I thought-
"There should be sunshine after rain. These things have always been the same.
Why worry?"

So today's song showcases the duo that taught everybody else how to sing harmony:

SeeingisBelieving 05-22-18 05:56 PM

I think this song is very appropriate for me at the moment:

We're having an extended period of sunny weather here in the north of England at the moment and it isn't for me ;D. I feel like I'm repeating the same day over and over.

lenslady 05-23-18 01:57 AM

Re: Song of the day
Thanks for posting your song @SeeingisBelieving. This is just the kind of post I was hoping to see/hear. I am sorry you are having a Groundhog Day syndrome of too many sunny days lol . But your song, with its great lyrics of irony and dark humor - should, I hope- like any good blues song- give a bit of relief. And fortunately for you , you live on a part of the planet where the rain will soon enough' pour its misery down. ' Have a good soggy day.

SeeingisBelieving 05-23-18 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by lenslady (Post 1902873)
Thanks for posting your song @SeeingisBelieving.
It's a pleasure :).

Originally Posted by lenslady (Post 1902873)
This is just the kind of post I was hoping to see/hear. I am sorry you are having a Groundhog Day syndrome of too many sunny days lol. But your song, with its great lyrics of irony and dark humor - should, I hope- like any good blues song- give a bit of relief. And fortunately for you , you live on a part of the planet where the rain will soon enough' pour its misery down. ' Have a good soggy day.
I will. I'm looking forward to it.

Ultraviolence 05-23-18 08:13 AM

Re: Song of the day
I'm nostalgic today:
I fell like a little baby listening to this :o

Ms. M 05-23-18 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1902802)

We're having an extended period of sunny weather here in the north of England at the moment and it isn't for me ;D. I feel like I'm repeating the same day over and over.
Everytime it's rainning here and to my mind comes the thought: "I hate rain", the next thought is I wish I felt like in the title of this song:D

lenslady 05-24-18 12:01 AM

Re: Song of the day
Thanks for posting @Ultraviolence-,your nostalgia was a new discovery to me- I looked it up- who knew that a song from a video game could- rock!

Maybe the next song will cheer you up @Ms. M. Today was the first nice day we had after months of winter- blue skies, mild temps in the seventies, trees that were bare 2 weeks ago now as green as Kermit the frog- and the air fragrant with the sweet scent of honeysuckle.

Maybe I'm a simple lady, but that's all I need to make me......happy-

lenslady 05-24-18 06:01 AM

Re: Song of the day
He has said that he doesn't really write the songs himself, they come through him. He has profoundly influenced and inspired every musician and lover of music who came after him- me too. He wrote this song at 21; how did he know how a man might feel about his world and his convictions -55 plus years on? Bless your muse, yourself and your loved ones- and Happy 76th Birthday to you
- Bob Dylan!

Ms. M 05-24-18 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by lenslady (Post 1903340)

Maybe the next song will cheer you up.
This song always cheer me up:D

lenslady 05-26-18 02:38 AM

Re: Song of the day
Talk about being cheered up - the other day a guy drove by me as I was walking out of the supermarket, and gave me one of those old fashioned, old school 2 note, unmistakeable 20th century Wolf Whistles! And I gotta tell yas all, I was thrilled. Not to offend any feminists in the audience here, but it's nice to know if you're a gal of a pcertain age.....ah....well.....ahem......let's just say born before the 21st century- it's great to feel someone out there thinks ya still 'got it' - even if 'it' is now..... suitably seasoned. ;D

So here's a song in the spirit of this day by one of my fav old time country stars. And I ll tell ya, if the guy in the 'hot rod Ford' looked anything like skinny sexy Hank, I 'd
be more than happy to hear him say:
Hey Good Lookin'

lenslady 06-05-18 10:23 AM

Re: Song of the day

50 years ago today Robert Kennedy was slain. In memory for the bygone statesmen, who worked for a better world.

lenslady 06-08-18 01:03 AM

Re: Song of the day
Sometimes a day doesn't go as you planned. Was supposed to join a friend on a day trip to a nature preserve, where a waterfall flows and the hills are abloom with wildflowers. Got derailed by some unexpected last minute chores and must-dos and feeling pretty miserable about this wasted day.

Found myself late in day at a shopping mall picking up some musts and a get well card for a friend. I looked up from the parking lot to see a not too distant hill planted with evergreens. Upon the blue sky were swirls of multi colored clouds, behind which a fat happy orange orb of sun shone. My bare face and arms, released at long last from the toils of winter, were gently swept by a breeze as soft as an angel.

And I thought- of in all places, a shopping mall parking lot- what a beautiful world we live in. What a beautiful gift this day has been.

Dani8 06-08-18 07:44 AM

Re: Song of the day
Ihat was glorious, LL. have you ever thought of writing poetry?

lenslady 06-08-18 03:35 PM

Thank you! @Dani8. I had joined an ongoing poetry class/group some years ago. A dozen of us met in a restaurant, which it turned out, was more of a draw for me than the actual class. The leader came to the conclusion, and I didn't disagree, that what I was best at was not writing poetry, but these descriptive type essays, like the one you enjoyed here. I left the class,btw, when the group relocated to the library. But I'm glad you like these little paragraphs of mine.

I hope you enjoyed the music as well. I am inspired, amongst other things, by the beauty of nature and song. So you may see, thanks to your encouragement here; some more essays of lush gushing from me(and alas, Dani, we'll have only you to blame ;D)

And btw, please feel free to post a song of your own now and then, if the Muse so moves you. No poetry required. P

lenslady 06-08-18 03:39 PM

Re: Song of the day
If you're wondering what that final P was ; it was another typo wrested from me by dratted spellcheck and/or the playful evil gremlin that lives in my cyberspace.

I'm thinking of starting a contest to see if anyone can find a post of mine with NO errors.? Can't decide on a prize. Maybe a pic of some applied pie ;D

lenslady 06-08-18 03:45 PM

Re: Song of the day
PS noticed more typos!!!

Left out:

The leader called these essays of mine prose-poems.

And What was also omitted was:

I left the class, in search of a restaurant sans poetry. Hung out in music themed cafes and clubs instead, much better choice for me.

Nestorio_Miklos 06-08-18 04:06 PM

cool thread by the way
this song got me through Friday work day and through a budget negotiations. There is this crescendo where i said to myself, yes i can feel the weekend coming up soon with every breath i took to my lungs. :):):)

lenslady 06-08-18 08:34 PM

Re: Song of the day
Thanks for posting @Nestorio_Miklos (and for your compliment)
This was a Michael Jackson tune I wasn't so familiar with,but I can see how that driving beat and energetic song got you through the day. I love the way you describe how the music moves you with that crescendo - those words, in fact, set to an uplifting, bouncy rhythm- -sum up all that music can do- can you feel it?! oh my, yes- and enjoy your weekend.

gbgoodies 06-08-18 10:38 PM

George Jones - It's Finally Friday

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