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Nope1172 06-05-15 09:19 PM

Nope1172's Movie Reviews
Welcome to Nope1172's Movie Review Thread!
Here I will post all of my movie reviews and maybe other stuff sometimes. I will update every time I see a movie that is worth reviewing, and I really hope to be able to update this thread as much as possible.
- Perfect Movie
- Amazing Movie
- Great Movie
- Good Movie
- Mediocre Movie
- Bad Movie
- Horrible Movie
- Disgusting Movie
- Horrible Excuse For a Movie
- Calling it a Movie Would be a disgrace to Other Movies

Nope1172 06-05-15 09:19 PM

1. In Bruges

2. Locke

3. Her

4. King Kong vs. Godzilla

5. Godzilla Raids Again

6. Laser Mission

7. Little Miss Sunshine

8. Casablanca

9. Rear Window

10. The Hurt Locker

11. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior

12. Mad Max: Fury Road

13. The Nightmare Before Christmas

14. Fantasia

15. Sita Sings the Blues

16. The Big Lebowski

17. Pinocchio

18. Big Daddy

19. The Searchers

20. Sleeping Beauty

21. High Noon

22. Psycho

23. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut

24. MASH

25. Mission:Impossible - Rogue Nation

26. The Lion King

27. The Gift

28. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome

29. They Live

30. Forbidden Planet

31. Spirited Away

32. The Gold Rush

33. Inside Out

34. The Hateful Eight

35. Hail, Caesar

36. 10 Cloverfield Lane

37. After Hours

38. Ace in the Hole

39. Vertigo

40. Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

41. Dracula

42. Frankenstein

43. Hell or High Water

44. The Mummy

All 2017 Movie Reviews Written in My Movie Diary Thread Here

Nope1172 06-06-15 01:44 AM

Re: Nope's Movie Reviews
In Bruges

In Bruges is a 2008 film directed and written by oscar winner Martin McDonagh, and I don't know why this man has only directed 2 feature films. The movie follows two hitman that are sent to Bruges by their boss to wait for further instructions after a hit gone wrong. Colin Farell plays 'Ray', a young and obnoxious hitman who wants nothing more than to leave Bruges and never come back. Brendan Gleeson plays 'Ken', Ray's more older, experienced partner, who wants to take in the beauty of the city while they are there. Both of the characters play off of each other in a hilarious way, and it adds to the black comedy of the movie. Ralph Finnes especially shines, even though he does not show up until 75% into the film. That's my brief rundown, now for spoiler time!

I especially enjoyed the third act of the film, and thought it was a fantastic climax. The ending showed death, redemption, sacrifice, humor, and most importantly dreams. It wasn't until a second watch that I started to notice the theme of dreams recurring in the film. The character Chloe said that the movie that was being shot with the midgets was a dream sequence, and when Harry asked ken on the phone what Ray thought of Bruges, Ken said Ray called it dream-like, and the finale of the film takes place in this dream sequence movie set. I am probably reading too much into this, but maybe was Rays test to redeem himself and he succeeded, sending him to heaven at the end of the film, and the dream messages were telling us that the entire film is a dream, and it is only god testing Ray or something. (Keep in mind this is coming from and atheist) I think this is a cool theory to think of, even though it is probably all a stupid coincidence.

This movie has probably one of the best screenplays of recent times. the dialog between the main two characters can be hilarious, dramatic, and even sad when it needs to be. The writer and director, Martin McDonagh has a great way of grabbing the audience, and not letting go, his great work on this film allows the audience to feel completely immersed in the film. Don't even take my word for it, Roger Ebert gave it 4 stars, and called it a fantastic character study. The movie is on Netflix instant, and VOD. If you're looking for a funny, thrilling sad, heartwarming good time definitely check out In Bruges.

Nope1172 06-06-15 01:44 AM

Re: Nope's Movie Reviews

Ever Since Bronson, Tom Hardy has always been one of the most unique actors in the entire business. The Dark Knight Rises, Warrior, Inception, and his most recent hit Mad Max: Fury Road, Tom Hardy has proven that he knows how to play a character, but for some reason, none have ever been as unique as Ivan Locke. From the first few seconds of the film, to the last you can't tell what it is that Locke is thinking, or what he might do next. If you haven't seen the movie, you might be wondering why this Tom Hardy performance stands out from all of the others, and it's simple, he is the only performer. The entire film takes place inside of Ivan Locke's car as he takes phone calls from friends, family, and co-workers, that's right the ENTIRE MOVIE takes place inside of a car.

While this might sound like a tedious snooze-fest for some, this was one of the most riveting movies of 2014. Tom Hardy delivers by far the best performance of his career due to great direction by Steven Knight, who also wrote the screenplay. The reason that I am not telling you much of the plot is because I don't want you to know it. Please do not look up anything about this movie, go into it knowing nothing and you will have the best experience.

The main strong point of Locke is definitely the previously mentioned outstanding performance by Tom Hardy. The way that he can shape even the most bland characters into in-depth character studies is incredible and he is one of the most talented actors working today.

An interesting thing that I recently discovered after researching the film is that the entire movie was filmed like a play, it was all just Tom Hardy, siting in a car, driving down the highway, with three cameras pointed at him. They only stopped to replace the memory cards. This only impressed be more as I discovered the work and effort that both Tom Hardy and Steven Knight put into this film.

WARNING: "Spoilers for the ending of LOCKE" spoilers below
The best part in the Movie by far was the ending, I loved the way that they told you that happy endings don't always happen, sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. The filmmakers steered (no pun intended) away from the stereotypical hollywood ending in a way that should be applauded.

All in all, Locke was a great movie, and it didn't just ride on one gimmick *cough cough* Boyhood *cough cough*. I highly recommend it for practically anyone.

Nope1172 06-06-15 10:29 AM

I have been a big fan of Spike Jozne ever since his directing debut Being John Malkovich, one of my personal favorites, and he has continued to maintain an almost perfect track record. From Adaptation to Where the Wild Things Are, Spike Jonze has by far proved himself as a competent director, and this one film alone proves him to be one of the most creative and ingenious writers currently working.

Her is a movie about a recently divorced, and constantly depressed writer (Joaquin Phoenix) who starts creating emotional attachments to an AI Operating System named Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson). As the two characters begin to learn more about each other, they start to learn more about themselves, and eventually fall in love. The AI theme in movies is definitely not an original idea, but the way that the film uses the future is absolutely brilliant, and I give all credit to Spike Jonze and his Oscar-winning screenplay. I appreciate that the movie does not attempt to explain the science behind the creation of the Operating System, and also does not give a specific year for when the movie takes place. This movie sets up one of the most realistic visions of the future I have ever seen in a film, an emotionless world controlled by technology.

The film has a very unique way of tackling important social issues, without coming across as preachy. Many of the issues that are dealt with include, technology, relationships, trust, intimacy, and most of all, love. The great performances from both Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson help make the relationship feel genuine, and the two have real chemistry even though you don't even see one of them. Every single thing from the characters' job, to his friends all reflect and go in depth about one of the issues that the movie has to deal with. For example one of the main ideas of the movie is that people need to spend more real time together, instead of spending time attached to technology, and the main character's job is writing letters to family members for other people.

It is very likely that this future will end up being what happens in real life. People are to attached to technology, no one meets face to face anymore, and people have to rely on others to have emotions and speak to others. IN the end, this movie is one of the best acted, directed, and written movie of recent years, and is absolutely worth a watch.

cricket 06-06-15 09:46 PM

Nice reviews there! I agree with your take on In Bruges-fantastic movie, while Locke was just ok for me.

Nope1172 06-07-15 01:27 PM

Recently I decided to watch every single Godzilla movie in order, and I think this is the greatest idea I have ever had. This is the third Godzilla movie in the franchise, and most of them have been nothing but fun. While the original Gojira has been haled as great political commentary, I simply watched as a giant man in a dragon suit terrorizing a tiny city filled with people whose voices don't sync with their mouths, however this did kickstart a hilariously incredible franchise.

The first sequel in the Godzilla franchise, Godzilla Raids Again was boring because the movie took itself too seriously, but Godzilla vs. King Kong is where the series first started getting weird. The film is about a wealthy business man who wants to capture another monster after Godzilla is awaken from the glacier he is placed in in the last installment. The business man then sends his two workers to a remote island to capture King Kong, the monster they worship. There is also a couple in the film, but all they do is take screen time away from what should be ape vs. lizard action. Many failed attempts at both defeating the monsters, and trying to add character development, Godzilla and King Kong both end up together with a few bets to settle (bets are literally made in the movie about who will win), and this is where the fun starts.

If there's anything that this movie does right it is that it's the most fun Godzilla movie out of the three that I've seen. I would definitely recommend grabbing some buddies and turning this movie on, it is pure fun. Also do yourselves a favor and skip past all of the parts with human characters in it. While this movie certainly is NOT a good movie, it sure is a hell of a lot of fun, and it definitely worth a watch to see two of the most iconic movie monsters face off.

honeykid 06-07-15 01:36 PM

Re: Nope's Movie Reviews
Now this is the kind of crap that I enjoy. :up: If I may offer up a slight detour in your monster viewing, should the opportunity arise to see King Kong Escapes, grab it with both hands. That film is pure gold.

Nope1172 06-07-15 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1329103)
Now this is the kind of crap that I enjoy. :up: If I may offer up a slight detour in your monster viewing, should the opportunity arise to see King Kong Escapes, grab it with both hands. That film is pure gold.
The IMDb plot description sounds incredible "King Kong is brought in by an evil ruler to dig for precious gems in a mine when the robot MechaKong is unable to do the task. This leads to the machine and the real Kong engaging in a tremendous battle that threatens to level Japan."

Nope1172 06-07-15 06:50 PM


The second movie I saw in my Godzilla Movie Marathon, Godzilla Raids Again was the sequel to Gojria and as of now, this is the worst Godzilla movie I have seen. Warner Brothers marketing attempted to release this movie in America as Gigantis, the Fire Monster, as a way to create a whole different franchise with a different monster. Fortunately, the film was a major bomb in the US and they made a new dub, changing his name back to Godzilla.

In terms of the dreaded character development in a monster movie, this film is the biggest offender of that crime. The movie follows two pilots as they crash land on a desert island and discover you know who fighting a monster named Anguirus, a dinosaur-like creature who lived millions of years in the past with Godzilla, forming a rivalry between the two. The film then clumsily slaps a terrible love story filled with cringe-worthy acting in between half-assed fight scenes that did nothing but make me yawn. The failed attempt at an actual story is the biggest embarrassment of this embarrassing film. The characters are completely one-dimensional and unoriginal. The movie follows the stereotypical Godzilla movie cast of characters checklist, the stereotypical hero *check*, his girlfriend whose father owns a large company *check*, the goofball unfunny comic relief friend *check*, this film does this in such a terrible boring way, that it is painful to watch, and the characters and story are definitely the biggest flaw of this very flawed movie.

The issue that Godzilla Raids Again had was that it tried to hard to replicate the charm of the original, but just failed miserably. This movie took itself way to seriously, and just tried to be what it wasn't. This was the dark area of Godzilla movies in between the actually good, and the hilariously bad, where the movies were simply boring. If you ever get around to watching all of the Godzilla movies (which I would recommend) you might want to skip this one.

honeykid 06-07-15 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by Nope1172 (Post 1329109)
The IMDb plot description sounds incredible "King Kong is brought in by an evil ruler to dig for precious gems in a mine when the robot MechaKong is unable to do the task. This leads to the machine and the real Kong engaging in a tremendous battle that threatens to level Japan."
And it looks even better.

I think this was the last film I saw which I just instantly loved.

Also, this is pretty good, too. I prefer King Kong Escapes, but still, if you like this stuff and Godzilla.

Nope1172 06-07-15 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1329210)
And it looks even better.

I think this was the last film I saw which I just instantly loved.

Also, this is pretty good, too. I prefer King Kong Escapes, but still, if you like this stuff and Godzilla.
I had my birthday recently and I got a dvd collection with 50 super campy Sci-Fi movies kind of like those two

dadgumblah 06-07-15 09:32 PM

I love all Godzilla, plus King Kong Escapes. As a kid, I always thought it was weird that the bad guy was called Dr. Who. I wondered at the time if he was supposed to be the same character as the U.K. Doctor Who but no.

Honeykid, thanks for posting that Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla medley. I've yet to see that movie although I've seen/own most of the Godzilla movies on DVD. I want to get this one but it starts at the price of $100 and climbs from there. There are three titles that are in that high-price area and I don't know why when the others are all at very affordable prices. Might be that they are about to go to Blu-Ray as I've seen quite a few of them steeply priced before they go Blu-Ray. Here's hoping.

Kudos to you, Nope, for digging into Godzilla.

Nope1172 06-08-15 12:03 AM

Originally Posted by dadgumblah (Post 1329314)
I love all Godzilla, plus King Kong Escapes. As a kid, I always thought it was weird that the bad guy was called Dr. Who. I wondered at the time if he was supposed to be the same character as the U.K. Doctor Who but no.

Honeykid, thanks for posting that Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla medley. I've yet to see that movie although I've seen/own most of the Godzilla movies on DVD. I want to get this one but it starts at the price of $100 and climbs from there. There are three titles that are in that high-price area and I don't know why when the others are all at very affordable prices. Might be that they are about to go to Blu-Ray as I've seen quite a few of them steeply priced before they go Blu-Ray. Here's hoping.

Kudos to you, Nope, for digging into Godzilla.
You can grab it here

Miss Vicky 06-08-15 12:19 AM

Re: Nope's Movie Reviews
I've not watched a Godzilla movie in a very long time, so I won't comment on those, but huge thumbs up for the Her review.

Absolutely fantastic movie and, though I disliked Where the Wild Things Are and feel only lukewarm about Adaptation, I agree that Jonze is a unique and talented director. His Being John Malkovich is in my top ten, while Her would probably fall at #11.

dadgumblah 06-10-15 05:03 AM

Re: Nope's Movie Reviews
Thanks for the tip, Nope! :cool:

Nope1172 06-10-15 09:53 PM

As I previously mentioned earlier on a separate thread, for my birthday I received a collection of 50 of the cheesiest and most hilarious sci-fi movies ever made, and I just think it might of been the greatest gift I have ever received. The first film I decided to watch from this collection was Laser Mission, which was more of and action movie than because there are no actual lasers in the entire film, but it was still cheesy and hilarious regardless. This film has enough cheesy one-liners, terrible actors, and terrible dialog to make any fan of so bad it's good movies call it an instant classic.

The film follows the late Brandon Lee as Michael Gold as he tries to rescue a brilliant laser scientist played by Ernest Borgnine from the KGB, who are trying to use his knowledge to create a laser weapon that will destroy the United States! Gold is helped by the professors' daughter played by Debi Monahan, and the two take out multiple military goons as they fight there way to the evil Colonel Kalishnov. Based on that plot description alone, you should already know exactly what kind of movie Laser Mission is. The funniest part of this entire movie is the terrible dialog. After Michael Gold crashes through a roof of a family eating dinner he say, "I just stopped by to say... bon appetite!" and this had me in stitches. The entire movie had be laughing, from the terrible acting, to the terrible editing, to the terrible editing, to the multiple plot holes.

Laser Mission was definitely a great time, and I will probably watch it again along with the other 49 movies left on the DVD collection. This movie was absolutely hilarious and I would recommend this for anyone who like movies like The Room, Birdemic Shock and Terror, or any of the Godzilla movies I reviewed before . This might have been one of the worst movies I have ever seen, but it was also probably one of the best movie watching experiences I ever had.

Nope1172 06-10-15 09:54 PM

Re: Nope's Movie Reviews
For anyone wondering about that 50 sic-fi classics DVD I mentioned in my previous review, you can get it here

Nope1172 06-11-15 01:24 AM

In between watching movies such as Godzilla vs King Kong and Laser Mission I actually managed to squeeze in a great movie into my schedule. Little Miss Sunshine is one of those very few movies that really has true emotion in it. This film knows when to be hilarious, heartwarming, disturbing, and even depressing. The movie took home two oscars for its incredible screenplay and Alan Arkin's great performance, and was even nominated for best picture.

Little Miss Sunshine follows a incredibly dysfunctional family as they travel from New Mexico to California for their daughters beauty pageant. On the way they experience car troubles, a porn loving cop, and even Brian Cranston! The main highlight of this movie is the incredible characters that are brought to life by the incredible performances of all of the actors involved. The obsessive motivational speaker dad, the smoking depressed mom, a drug addicted grandpa, a gay suicidal uncle, a son who hates everyone, and a naive little girl who only wants to perform in her beauty pageant. All of the characters have incredible chemistry, and they play off of each other in an incredibly comedic way. While all of the characters are incredibly over the top, they remain relatable in some way. All of the emotions, issues, and problems that the characters have lead up to an incredible and hilarious climax.

Little Miss Sunshine is an incredible film, and if you somehow haven't seen it yet, go watch it now. If you enjoy dark comedy and hilarious dialog, this is a film that you will love. Every single actor including the eight year old Abigail Breslin delivers an outstanding performance and I especially enjoyed Steve Carell's depressed Steve, who failed a suicide attempt, and it was strange seeing such a comedic actor play such a serious role. Definitely worth a watch.

Nope1172 06-16-15 02:19 AM

When I first watched Casablanca I was only 9 years old, and was not nearly old enough to understand the genius and perfection behind this film. My grandparents showed it to me, and I liked it, but only because they told me I was supposed to. I knew that I had seen it, so I always just checked it off greatest movies of all time lists and moved on to watch other films. So it was tonight, with around $4 left in birthday iTunes money, that I finally decided to really watch and experience this brilliant masterpiece of a film.

As you probably already know, the film follows Rick Blaine, an American living in Casablanca during World War 2. He is the proprietor of a nightclub, and he is very surprised to see his ex-girlfriend Ilsa walk in. The story begins to unfolds as we learn more about their past together, the rise against the nazis, and the man that Ilsa arrived with. The story is able to flow so properly and seamlessly due to probably the greatest screenplay of all time. The film reminds me of a perfect blend of Citizen Kane, The Maltese Falcon, and North by Northwest, three incredible films. The ending of this film rivals movies like Fight Club, The Gradate, and The Bridge on the River Kwai for the greatest of all time.

The greatest thing about Casablanca is its incredible characters. The cool and selfish Rick, the loving and sweet Ilsa, and many others. All of them have very clear objectives and boundaries, and every actor gives an oscar worthy performance. The film also shines on a technical level, using great lighting and shadows to show emotion and mood. The movie also has great music and directing.

Casablanca is an all time classic, and if you haven't seen it, don't be an idiot like me, go see right now. Despite having little to no action, this movie kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time, and was incredible to watch. This film was fantastic on a technical level, and all of it still holds up today. From the romance, to the action, to the dialog, this is a perfect movie, and there is probably nothing else I can tell you that you haven't already heard before.

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