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MovieBuffering 07-17-19 05:54 AM

MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
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MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies
Spoiler Alert "Amelie" isn't in my list:lol:

Well hell. I am finally going do this. Told myself for like 5 or 6 years I would. Probably still wouldn't have but I found a website that lets you put a list together of movies and move them around how you want. Makes it a lot easier to organize this thing.

Thought I would use that Amelie picture to trick you guys into thinking I have good movie taste.;) (I did finally see it recently but didn't crack my favorites, I did enjoy it however)

I chose to do 101 movies because I was all set to do this and a movie that I forgot that should be in my 100 popped into my head. So I just decided to 101 dalmatians it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So to help give my list a little context I think it helps to know my age. I am 32 year old male. 90s baby, 2000s teen. These movies have to make me want to rewatch them over and over. Do they make me stop flipping channels when they are on tv? If yes, then they will be on here. Be gentle! I can appreciate the classics, seen a lot of them, but they would make a top 100 all time not my favorites list;)

Hope this doesn't take to long but I'll try to update as soon as I can. I have some time this week so they might come quick first up, we will see. The top 10 are pretty solidly my 10 favorites in order but the rest is kind of a free for all lol. So without further ado....let's get started.

John-Connor 07-17-19 06:05 AM

MovieBuffering 07-17-19 06:27 AM

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Super Troopers - 2002

"Meow I am going have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts meow. It's the law"
Just barely making the countdown all nimbly bimbly like. Hard to believe it's been 17 years since this came out. It had so many memorable lines. "You stop that bear f*er". "Shenanigans". "These snozeberries takes like snozeberries". The meow bit. "Can I get a liter of cola?". I could go on and on. First movie I saw Brain Cox in so I just assumed he was a comedic actor:lol:. Was it the best movie? Probably not, I mean I don't think it was bad. But damn did it make me laugh and give me a lot of memorable scenes and lines. And in the end isn't that what a comedy is suppose to do?

The Broken Lizard guys never quite caught this magic again. Beerfest was ok. Club Dread was forgettable. They did another movie I didn't even see. Super Troopers 2 was off and on. But damn did they deliver on this one.

Director - Jay Chandrasehkar
Best Performance - Kevin Heffernan as Rod Farva
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 35%
Factoid - It was originally suppose to be set in the 70s
Stock in Coutdown - Riser

MovieBuffering 07-17-19 07:13 AM

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Arrival - 2016

"If you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things?"
This is the freshest film on this list in terms of only seeing it a couple weeks ago. It could get bumped out or could move up when/if I see it again. I was not expecting to get emotional during this movie but damn did it get me at the end. I'll have to watch it again to see if that draws it out of me again. Villeneuve is building himself quite the filmography. He has made me interested in anything he is doing now. Amy Adams was phenomenal in this movie. How did she not get nominated for an Oscar? She is overdue for a statue. Renner was fine it but Amy is given the chunk of the material. At first I thought his and Whitaker's role should have been reversed, but it makes more sense at the end.

The movie itself is visually amazing and it keeps you invested the whole time. Like I said I have to see it again to really solidify it's spot in or out of the countdown. It kept me immersed and moved me at the end so it deserves a spot I think.

Director - Denis Villeneuve
Best Performance - Amy Adams as Louise Banks
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 94%
Factoid - The original name for the film was "Story of Your Life," the same as the source novella. Test audiences did not like that title, so it was changed to "Arrival."
Stock in Countdown - Riser (for now. Just saw it)

(don't want to spoil anything on some of these)

linda 07-17-19 07:51 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019

chawhee 07-17-19 08:43 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Great start with both of these

MovieBuffering 07-17-19 08:13 PM

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Social Network - 2010

"I think if your clients want to sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall, they have the right to give it a try - but there's no requirement that I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie. You have part of my attention - you have the minimum amount."
The movie about my generation. Fincher can be a bit hit or miss for me but no deny his talent. This is beautifully directed and filled with tons of great performances. The movie has a unique feel to it. Eisenberg was fantastic and about pitch perfect casting. Catapulted a lot of actor's careers in Hollywood. Andrew Garfield, Eisenberg, Timberlake's acting career, Rooney Mara (probably scored her Dragon Tattoo role with Fincher), Armie Hammer. I thought Brenda Song would take off but she hasn't, she is still a fox though.

I don't know how much of the real story was placed in the movie and how much liberty was taken but it was well executed. As far as Facebook I have a love hate with it. Currently off it. I really didn't pay attention to it at first, think I had it for 3 or 4 years before I actually used it. Then I used it too much so I had to cut it out. Wonder if Fincher is going do the sequel called Tweet Tweet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Would probably be higher but I don't put a lot of premium on biopics and based on real life events/people. There are a ton of good movies and shows based on real life events and people but feels like it restricts the creative translation. Don't know hard for me to explain.

Director - David Fincher
Best Performance - Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerburg
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 95%
Factoid - Mark Zuckerberg originally planned never to see this movie. He ended up taking several of his employees to see it. He later remarked that, despite some of the film's inaccuracies, they got his clothing right.
Stock In Coutndown - Neutral (Could rise on another viewing. Haven't seen it in awhile.)

Memorable Scene
Brenda Song <3 You can be bat sh*t crazy to me

Yoda 07-17-19 08:43 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
First three films are so wildly divergent. I love it already.

MovieBuffering 07-17-19 11:04 PM

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Bowfinger - 1999

"It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!"
This one is a hidden gem even I tend to forget about. Not sure why because it's great. It's a fun flick. Martin plays a struggling director who shoots a movie without Eddie Murphy's character knowing he is in it because Murphy is a big action superstar. Steve Martin is of course funny but the real star of the movie is Eddie Murphy. He plays two different characters. Also you forget what a babe Heather Graham was in the late 90s.

But seriously Eddie Murphy should have won some type of award for this role. :shifty:

Director - Frank Oz
Best Performance - Eddie Murphy as Kit Ramsey/Jiff Ramsey
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 81%
Factoid - The Eddie Murphy part was actually written for Keanu Reeves.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

Miss Vicky 07-17-19 11:11 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
I don't think I've seen any of the first four, but I really like the presentation. :up:

Steve Freeling 07-18-19 12:19 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
I acually went to see Arrival theatrically and I thought it was amazing. I bought the Blu-ray on release day (or was it the day after?) a couple years back and I keep meaning to rewatch it.

Daniel M 07-18-19 01:59 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Nice layout mate. I've only seen The Social Network which I think is decent, I want to see Arrival ��

MovieBuffering 07-19-19 03:27 AM

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Blade Runner - 1982

"All these moments will be lost in tears in rain."
I decided to watch this about a year ago before I watched the new Blade Runner. I was not sure how I felt about it after seeing it but the biggest strength it has is the movie sticks with you after watching it. It is a fascinating watch, all the effects are obviously out of date, but I couldn't imagine watching this in 1982. It does take a bit of effort to sit through. It is just so damn uniquely confident if that makes sense. It's this whole entire world that really makes no sense but the movie is so confident in it you can help but be absorbed into it.

If you do not know what it is about here is a quick run down. The setting is about 40 years in the future, LA 2019:rotfl:, and a company makes "replicants" or basically robots that look like humans. Anyways, Ford's character, a blade runner, is sent to "retire" or kill these robots when they become too threatening.

Harrison Ford is adequate in the film, nothing ground breaking. Hauer is probably the most memorable performance. I would like to expand more on the movie but that might come later on in the countdown;). I struggled to put it in but I think just making the cut at the back in of the 101 is a good place for it to land.

Director - Ridley Scott
Best Performance - Rutger Hauer as Roy Batty
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 90%
Factoid - The film takes place in November 2019. Couple months away from the time of this post :lol:
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

MovieBuffering 07-19-19 10:47 PM

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Napoleon Dynamite - 2004 :napoleon:

"I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to."
First saw this movie in high school in the cafeteria for being on the honor roll. It had just come out I believe. I remember thinking it was incredibly stupid after sitting through it but hey we got out of class for it! I remember a friend told me he loved it a few years later. I said that movie was horrible. Went back and watched it and loved it. Guess my perspective changed. What an idiot, Gosh!

It's much like Blade Runner, maybe even more so, uniquely confident. I mean the movie is down right bizarre. But it absolutely owns it in every aspect of the movie. Memorable characters and quotes from Kip being a pioneer of the dating app or Uncle Rico being the best QB ever from Idaho.But the most memorable is Hedar as Napoleon Dynamite. Probably played it so well it hurt the rest of his career:laugh:. It will never be at the top of my list but it deserves a spot. Remember vote for Pedro!

Director - Jared Hess
Best Performance - Jon Hedar as Napoleon Dynamite
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 71%
Factoid - The film was shot in just 22 days. Hedar only got 1,000 dollars for the role. The movie made over 40 million in box office.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

MovieBuffering 07-20-19 04:35 AM

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Full Metal Jacket - 1987

"Most of you will go to Vietnam. Some of you will not come back. But always remember this: Marines die. That's what we're here for. But the Marine Corps lives forever. And that means YOU live forever.."
I do not even remember when I first watched this movie. I have only seen 5 Kubrick films this one, 2001, Eyes Wide Shut, The Shinning and Spartacus (long time ago). Need to stop slacking but this one is my favorite. All conversations about this movie start and end with Lee Ermey's performance. I am a sucker for movies that produce iconic/unforgettable performances/characters. This performance ranks right up there. Every second the man is on screen you are captivated. You are sad when he is off screen. Most of his dialogue I heard before even seeing the movie not even knowing it going in (i.e. the video below). It's worth your time just to watch the first hour or so of the movie for it.

Vincent D'Onofrio is also pretty damn good. He apparently put on 70 pounds for the role. Modine is solid as well, but compared to the other two isn't as flashy. It's a compelling story on the soldiers psyche during boot camp and during war. The 2nd half of the movie during war is just fine but it's the first half at boot camp that really makes this movie stand out.

Director - Stanley Kubrick
Best Performance - Lee Ermey as Drill Sergeant Hartman
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 91%
Factoid - R. Lee Ermey went to director Stanley Kubrick and asked for the role of Gunnery Sgt. Hartmann. In his opinion, the actors on the set were not up to snuff. When Kubrick declined, Ermey barked an order for Kubrick to stand up when he was spoken to, and the director instinctively obeyed. Ermey got the role.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

Memorable Scene
NSFW language

MovieBuffering 07-20-19 09:46 PM

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Looper - 2012

"The only rule is: never let your target escape... even if your target is you."
This movie is slick. I really dug Rian Johnson's first feature "Brick". I always give director's extra credit for directing and writing a movie. Unfortunately he made a mess of Star Wars, I actually was looking forward to that movie because he was directing, and I am not a Star Wars guy at all, just reinforced that stance.

But the major reason I was looking forward to this was because Joseph Gordon-Levitt is one of my favorite actors. He is always in a good flick and always brings it. He is awesome in this as a younger Bruce Willis. You can tell Bruce Willis actually enjoyed being in a good movie again as he was good in this as well. Emily Blunt is great in this as well. Plus Paul Dano and Jeff Daniels are fun in it, specially Daniels. (Daniels and JGL were in a movie call "The Lookout" as well. Didn't make my list but it's a nice little hidden gem of a movie)

It's a really neat sci-fi movie. I haven't seen it in awhile, but I remember at the end a big plot hole that prevented it from being say a top 50 movie to me. It's just a really slick, fun low budget sci-fi movie. If you don't know what it's about....Loopers are basically assassians in the future...that kill people even further in the future that get sent back to them because time travel is invented then. Basically you get to quit when your future self is sent back and you kill him/her. Then you retire and cash out. Thats where JGL being a younger Bruce comes in. It's worth a view if you haven't seen it.

Director - Rian Johnson
Best Performance - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Joe
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 93%
Factoid - Early on, Joe is shown studying French without much success. Ironically, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is quite fluent in French.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

Miss Vicky 07-20-19 09:54 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Four more I haven't seen (and don't think I'd like). But I'm still really liking your presentation.

rauldc14 07-20-19 09:57 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Arrival is in my latest top 119 films. Great movie

MovieBuffering 07-20-19 10:50 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 2024777)
Arrival is in my latest top 119 films. Great movie
lol top 119? That's a random number. Yea I just watched it like a couple weeks ago. Villenevue is da man. Got faith in his Dune project.

MovieBuffering 07-20-19 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 2024776)
Four more I haven't seen (and don't think I'd like). But I'm still really liking your presentation.
ha got a feeling our taste won't line up. But I got a feeling you'll like a movie coming up soon :lol:. Call it a hunch.:shrug:

MovieBuffering 07-21-19 08:08 AM

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Animal House - 1978

"What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"
The movie to set the bar for all other comedies like it to follow from Old School, Wedding Crashers to American Pie. It's amazing how many comedy career's National Lampoon and Doug Kenney launched. John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and many others can credit their start to National Lampoon, who SNL hired/stole away, depending on your perspective. But Belushi is the real breakout star in this movie. He plays the dim witted drunk or has no fear of consequences. Pretty much copied a million times since to varying degrees of success.

This comedy was way ahead of it's time. A crude comedy like this is common place now a days. The soundtrack of this movie is aces. It also produces many iconic scenes that bleed over into real life. Toga parties became common place at colleges. Made food fights cool. And set the pace for all fraternity houses for the next decade.:lol: Always a soft spot for this film for me because it still resonates today but it will always be towards the end of my countdown.

Director - John Landis
Best Performance - John Belushi as John "Bluto" Blutarsky
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 92%
Factoid - John Belushi's performance in the cafeteria scene was entirely improvised. When he began piling food on his tray, Director John Landis urged the camera operator to "stay with him". The infamous "I'm a zit" gag was also improvised, and the reaction from the cast is completely genuine.
Factoid #2 - This is Kevin Beacon's first role in a movie.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

Memorable Scene
lol they always use to play this scene at Orlando Magic games in the 90s when my dad would take me and they were losing big going into the 4th:laugh:. Use to crack me up even at a young age. P.S. Damn you Shaq for leaving.

MovieBuffering 07-21-19 08:12 PM

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Gladiator - 2000 :joaquin:

"Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?"
I have a confession to make. I have never sat down and watched this movie all the way through on one seating. I have seen the whole movie many times, just not all at once:lol:. It came out when I couldn't handle all the blood and gore in these types of movies. I was like 13. I have just never got around to space out a singular time to watch it from beginning to end. But I have seen it all though. Definitely the last 3/4s of the movie a ton. Saw it about a week ago on AMC. Probably the closest I have been to seeing it all at once, almost from the start.:lol:

But anyways my 2nd Ridley Scott movie already on the countdown. Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix is a tough one for best performance. They were both so damn good and memorable. I edged it to Joaquin just a hair. I think Crowe's performance maybe more memorable but Phoenix's might be just a bit better. Also Connie Nielsen might be the sexiest woman to ever roam Hollywood. She is breathtakingly beautiful in this and just as sexy in Wonder Woman at 50. Also her performance in this was outstanding:lol:. Scott directed this splendidly. Between the visuals, the performances, the story and the execution it is entertainment at it's peak and his best movie, in my opinion, in his impressive filmography.

Every time I see the film it rises. It just started out in such a big hole because of my juvenile prejudice to the film. It might be in the 60s or 50s if I do this in like 5 years.

P.S. I was on IMDB doing research on this and they are doing Gladiator 2? uh oh. Let's hope they do it justice, which i doubt. Scott is directing. We will see. :shrug:

Director - Ridley Scott
Best Performance - Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 76%
Factoid - Mel Gibson was offered the lead role. He turned it down. At forty-three, he felt he was too old to play Maximus.
Stock In Countdown - Riser

rauldc14 07-21-19 09:00 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Gladiator is fantastic. Top 25 for me

Miss Vicky 07-21-19 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2024952)
I have a confession to make. I have never sat down and watched this movie all the way through on one seating.
Dude, what? :eek:

I've no idea how many times I've seen it but the first five times were in the theater. Also very disappointed that it's in the 90s.

MovieBuffering 07-21-19 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 2024958)
Dude, what? :eek:

I've no idea how many times I've seen it but the first five times were in the theater. Also very disappointed that it's in the 90s.
hahaha I have to get over my prejudice I had for it when I was 13. I wasn't allowed to see it in theaters when it came out lol. I think if it came out 10 years later when my movie taste started to take a more mature shape I would have a better affinity for it. It goes up every time i catch it if it's any consolation.

I was just relieved it was coming up soon so you saw a movie that was in my countdown. :lol:

rauldc14 07-21-19 10:44 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
My first top 100 here compared to my last one I did has really shown my film taste to have evolved, even if I have a long way to go still.

MovieBuffering 07-22-19 12:32 AM

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Moneyball - 2011

"How can you not get romantic about baseball?"
I remember seeing this when it first came out and enjoying it. I don't remember loving it. Saw it again recently and it really aged well for me. A baseball move about analytics and roster moves shouldn't make you emotional but at the end it might get you. This is one of Brad Pitt's best performances. He just turns the charm all the way up to 100. Charisma in spades. Jonah Hill has a muted performance but its appropriate and well done. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is in it, one of his last roles, and this is the movie that literally started Chris Pratt's ascent in Hollywood. (Small role but he had to get in shape).

The movie shouldn't be as entertaining as it is but everyone involved elevates the material. Pitt's character's relationship with his daughter isn't a huge plot but it really adds the emotional heft the movie needed. Plus I love the song she sings in this movie, my favorite part. I remember when the A's went on this run back in the early 2000s. Bet they never thought it would be made into a movie.:lol: Every time I see it I like it more and more.

Director - Bennett Miller
Best Performance - Brad Pitt as Billy Beane
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 94%
Factoid - When Chris Pratt auditioned for the role of Scott Hatteberg, he was told he was too fat. Pratt decided to lose weight before the role was cast. "I'd check, maybe, once a week," he recalls. "I'd say, 'They cast it yet?' And I would just keep working out. Finally I got in good enough shape that I took a picture of myself and sent it to my agent." He won the role.
Stock In Countdown - Riser

MovieBuffering 07-22-19 01:13 AM

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Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery - 1997

"Who does Number 2 work for? Who does Number 2 work for?"
Either this hits your funny bone or it doesn't. I have enjoyed this movie since I was a kid. It really is just a parody on the old Bond movies. I didn't realize that when I was younger I just thought it was funny and I still think it's funny today now that I know. First movie that really featured Will Ferrell in anything meaningful. Seth Green got his start here. And of course Elizabeth Hurley was a fox and still is. But Mike Meyers makes the whole thing work. He played both Austin Power and Dr. Evil and both become iconic in pop culture. This was sort of the peak of his career and he never quite achieved the same level of success. (probably why he is trying to make a 4th). Sequels were ok but not on the same level.

I always enjoy seeing it on tv and it makes me laugh every time I see it. It's just a stupid comedy that works for me. Think my favorite scene is with Tom Arnold and "who does number 2 work for?":lol::lol: So many great lines. I think it's a classic comedy you don't have to haha.

Director - Jay Roach
Best Performance - Mike Myers as Austin Powers and Dr. Evil
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 70%
Factoid - Mike Myers originally wanted Jim Carrey to play Dr. Evil, but Carrey eventually passed, due to scheduling conflicts with Liar Liar (1997). Myers then took the iconic role himself.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

Memorable Scene
(Lot funnier scene to choose from but this sums up why I like this movie so much. Feels like I wrote this little sequence:rotfl:)

Miss Vicky 07-22-19 01:16 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
I haven't seen Moneyball but I have seen Austin Powers, unfortunately.

John-Connor 07-22-19 03:31 AM

Gladiator my #52, Arrival #72..
Had Moneyball too, great movie, but very recently removed from my top250..

the samoan lawyer 07-22-19 08:43 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
I'll keep an eye on your list BUFF, congrats for getting it started, something I've been meaning to do too.

MovieBuffering 07-22-19 10:44 PM

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Spotlight - 2015

"You guys gotta understand. This is big. This is not just Boston. It's the whole country. It's the whole world. And it goes right up to the Vatican.?"
On paper I shouldn't like this movie. But in reality this movie is really damn good. McCarthy handled this movie with a deft touch. A movie about the uncovering of child abuse should not be rewatchable or entertaining. However the movie is actually an easy watch. Everyone is on their game from Schreiber to Ruffalo to McAdams and Keaton. There isn't one stand out memorable performance but I'd edge out Keaton as the best, just because he has the most I suppose.

It is sort of refreshing in this current climate of media to watch a group of journalists taking their time to get a story's facts right before rushing to publish. It is all just opinion now, people shouting on tv. Sort of crazy how much media has changed, for the worse, in 20 or so years. This was set around 9/11, it was in the movie. This movie was handled with such care and craft it's worth a view. Hate that the movie had to be made but since it did I am glad they did it right.

Director - Tom McCarthy
Best Performance - Michael Keaton as Walter "Robby" Robinson
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 97%
Factoid - In the baseball game scene, the real Michael Rezendes, Sacha Pfeiffer, and Walter Robinson can be seen in the background.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

John-Connor 07-23-19 03:46 AM

Originally Posted by John-Connor (Post 2024986)
Gladiator my #52, Arrival #72, Spotlight #244
Keep em comin' BUFF..👍

MovieBuffering 07-23-19 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by John-Connor (Post 2025185)
Keep em comin' BUFF..👍
Gotta say I don't mind being called Buff for once in my life:shrug:

nebbit 07-23-19 11:36 PM

nice interesting mixture of movies :yup:

MovieBuffering 07-23-19 11:47 PM

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Inside Out - 2015

"Do you ever look at someone and wonder, "What is going on inside their head?"
Well my first animated film. Pixar is always strongest when they have an original film. First off whoever cast this movie needs a raise and to cast a lot more movies. Bill Hader as Fear, Amy Poehler as Joy, Lewis Black as Anger, Phyllis Smith as Sadness and Mindy Kaling as Disgust are all flawlessly cast. Could really go with all of them as best performance but I went with Amy since she was given the most to do.

The movie is about a 13 year old girl and her emotions during a cross country move. The movie was funny, moving and entertaining. There not much else to say but it's usual Pixar stuff. It's for adults and kids alike. I think that's why Pixar is so great when they go original. They have something to say and they don't dumb it down for kids. Just feels like you got your money's worth. Feels about right on my countdown. If I had watched it recently it might be a few ticks higher.

Director - Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen
Best Performance - Amy Poehler as Joy
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 98%
Factoid - The writers considered up to 27 different emotions, but settled on five (Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear, and Anger) to make it less complicated. Some of the major emotions that ended up being cut included Surprise, Pride, and Trust.
Stock in Coutdown - Neutral

MovieBuffering 07-24-19 12:24 AM

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The Jerk - 1979

"Lord loves a working man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it."
Well this movie probably wouldn't get made today:laugh:. I got to be honest I haven't seen this movie in quite some time but damn does it still make me laugh to think about it. I have such an affinity for it because it is one of my dad's favorite movies. I believe it was Steve Martin's first starring role and he wrote the screenplay. There are just some absolutely classic comedy scenes in this movie. "The phonebooks are here!". The guy shooting the cans:laugh:. His dog being named "sh*thead":laugh::laugh:. The most iconic scene is probably when he is leaving the house and he grabs everything in his path on the way out. "That's all I need." I still act that out sometimes when I leave places :rotfl:

Anyways it might be higher if I had seen it recently. I can't remember the last time I saw it. Just writing about the scenes brings me joy. This movie kind of reminds me of a classier Joe Dirt:lol:. Anyways if you are in the mood for a good laugh and aren't a sensitive SJW you should like this movie too. Still my favorite Steve Martin movie.

Director - Carl Reiner
Best Performance - Steve Martin as Navin R Johnson
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 81%
Factoid - Stanley Kubrick was a big admirer of this film. He would often recite lines from the film to cast and crew on his films and he once invited Steve Martin over so they could play chess.
Stock in Coutdown - Sinker (Just haven't seen it in awhile)

Miss Vicky 07-24-19 01:17 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
I love Inside Out. I didn’t care for The Jerk. Haven’t seen Spotlight.

John-Connor 07-24-19 03:29 AM

My favorite animated movies list is still in development, but Inside Out is definitely going to be included.

ahwell 07-24-19 11:29 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Inside Out is the only one of yours I've seen so far, and I totally agree. Inside Out is great.

Gideon58 07-24-19 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2025163)
Spotlight - 2015

I'm surprised this one is rated so low. Looking forward to the rest of your list.

Citizen Rules 07-24-19 02:32 PM

Nice, Top 101 MovieBuffering! I haven't had time to comment but have admired it. I love a lot of the movies you've selected but what??? No Amelie!:)

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2024102)
100 Arrival - 2016
The movie itself is visually amazing...
Yup the visuals sure are amazing. The best part is the look of the aliens, their ship and their ink cloud language. That was very cool and original looking. I like Amy Adams in it but the military plot seemed pot boiler so ultimately I didn't care for the film.

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2024452)
97 Blade Runner - 1982
...I couldn't imagine watching this in 1982.
I watched it a half dozen times back in 1982 at this old theater with a huge screen. The original theatrical cut would not only make my Top 100 it would make my Top 10 for sure. Glad to see it on your list!

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2024670)
95 Full Metal Jacket - 1987

All conversations about this movie start and end with Lee Ermey's performance. I am a sucker for movies that produce iconic/unforgettable performances/characters. This performance ranks right up there. Every second the man is on screen you are captivated. ...
Amen to that, Ermey is the man! I liked him in this so much that I went looking for other of his movies. If you him in Full Metal Jacket, definitely check him out in another Vietnam war movie, The Siege of Firebase Gloria (1989)

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2024851)
93 Animal House - 1978

It's amazing how many comedy career's National Lampoon and Doug Kenney launched. John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and many others...
It's been a long time since I seen Animal House but hell yeah, great choice!

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2024952)
92 Gladiator - 2000

I have a confession to make. I have never sat down and watched this movie all the way through on one seating...
Ha! I love that sentence. Joaquin Phoenix was awesome in this, but I didn't care for the film. Cool sets though!

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2025163)
89 Spotlight - 2015

On paper I shouldn't like this movie.
That's what I was just thinking, Spotlight doesn't seem like a film that would be on your list, but hey it's your list...and I think Spotlight is one of the best films make in the last 10 years.

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2025397)
87 The Jerk - 1979

Well this movie probably wouldn't get made today:laugh:.
Ha, you're right it wouldn't and couldn't be made today, but damn is it funny.

Dude so far awesome list you've put together:up:

MovieBuffering 07-24-19 11:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Titanic - 1997 :leo:

"Draw me like one of your French girls."
Damn it. I want to hate this movie. I remember hating it when it came out. I was 10. Sappy love story. Super long. Hated that Celine Dion song. (still kind of cold on that). I remember I saw my buddy buying that single in Wal Mart when I was like 12 and laughed at him lol. Over the top fans along with DiCaprio being a teen heartthrob back then. But God Damn it I just can't hate it. I always stop when I see it on tv. It is just a riveting story engulfed by a compelling real life event. The melodrama just works combined with the actual Titanic story. It's crazy how long it stood as the biggest box office ever. (Seems to shift a lot more now).

It also has the distinction of introducing one of the greatest actors of my generation, well an actor I grew with, in Leonardo DiCaprio. This really launched him. Kate Winslet was launched as well but not meteorically like Leo. She can also take pride in being the first pair of hooters I ever saw when I was like 10. Kate welcomed me to manhood:love: (some may question if I ever actually made it there:lol:) This movie falls apart if Kate and Leo do not work together and man does their chemistry shine. They still seem like best of friends off camera some 20 years after. This movie really is a cinematic achievement. Whatever you want to say about Cameron dude knows how to make a blockbuster. Might not have been as huge a success in someone else's hands.

Even though I begrudgingly put it in my countdown I can't deny it's place in movie history and in my countdown:laugh:. It really does catch you and pull you in every time.

Director - James Cameron
Best Performance - Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 89%
Factoid - The hands seen sketching Rose are not Leonardo DiCaprio's, but director James Cameron's. In post-production, Cameron, who is left-handed, mirror-imaged the sketching shots so the artist would appear to be right-handed, like DiCaprio.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker (:lol: couldn't resist)

John-Connor 07-25-19 03:19 AM

Citizen Rules 07-25-19 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2025626)
I love Titanic, so you're in good company:p I seen the real Titanic artifact exhibit when it came to Seattle. They had an actually piece of the Titanic's hall that you could touch, that gave me goose bumps.

MovieBuffering 07-26-19 01:43 AM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2025723)
I love Titanic, so you're in good company:p I seen the real Titanic artifact exhibit when it came to Seattle. They had an actually piece of the Titanic's hall that you could touch, that gave me goose bumps.
oh sh*t. Are you from Seattle Citizen? Me and 2 other buddies might just book a trip out there. Think we might book our flights tomorrow. I found $214 round trip from damn Tampa. Too good of a deal to turn down.

If you are you gotta give me some spots for us to visit and where to stay at. We are all early 30s bachelors. Think it's the first week of October. Going try and go to the Seahawks-Rams game on the 3rd on a Thursday. I've always had an infatuation with Seattle. The SuperSonics were always my west team (I'am die hard Magic fan). Also screw OKC glad they fell apart, hope they never win till Supersonics are back. Plus I grew up watching Frasier and still cherish that show. Just for some reason always dug Seattle never been.

I also might shoot down to Portland for a couple days. Have a childhood buddy that works at Nike. But we will see. Trip isn't set in stone yet but pretty close. Not many cities left I want to see in he US but Seattle has always been a top priority.

MovieBuffering 07-26-19 02:37 AM

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Mystic River - 2003

"Maybe some day you forget what it's like to be human and maybe then, it's ok."
Time for the feel good story on my countdown :lol:. This one is a little intense to watch. Eastwood is the man, guy is a machine. The performances in this movie are really stellar. Robbins and Penn won Oscars for Best Supporting Actor and Best Lead Actor respectively. I'd edge out Robbins as a little better, he played aloof and disturbed really well. Bacon and Fishburne worked well together and this movie has a young Emmy Rossum in it before Shameless fame. (She doesn't do too much in it).

I think it was the first movie I watched and noticed Boston as a key part of the story. Like Boston was a character in the movie itself. It can be a tough watch but it is pretty suspenseful at times and keeps you guessing who is guilty. Makes you want to watch until the end to find out. That's what good stories do they keep your attention. It was executed (no pun intended) really well.

Might be a little higher but again I haven't revisited it in awhile so maybe it is a bit higher. Might go up if I saw it recently, but you really have to be in a certain mood to watch it :lol:

Director - Clint Eastwood
Best Performance - Tim Robbins as Dave Boyle
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 88%
Factoid - Michael Keaton was originally cast as Sean Devine. Forest Whitaker was the original choice for Whitey Powers and almost accepted, but had to back out due to other conflicts.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

stacywatson01 07-26-19 04:08 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Great post. I appreciate the in-depth knowledge you have. Thanks a lot for sharing.

John-Connor 07-26-19 04:08 AM

Originally Posted by John-Connor (Post 2024986)
Gladiator my #52, Arrival #72, Spotlight #244, Mystic River #243
Eastwood is the man indeed, he deserves a club on MoFo..

Citizen Rules 07-26-19 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2025835)
oh sh*t. Are you from Seattle Citizen? Me and 2 other buddies might just book a trip out there. Think we might book our flights tomorrow. I found $214 round trip from damn Tampa. Too good of a deal to turn down.

If you are you gotta give me some spots for us to visit and where to stay at. We are all early 30s bachelors....
I'm not from Seattle, I live a couple of hours away in the sticks. It's been a few years since I been there, but hell yeah! there's a ton of neat stuff to do in Seattle! $214 round trip from Tampa, that's a screaming deal. I've flew the other direction from Seattle to Tampa and it was always around $350 or more. I hope you can get a direct flight, I never could...Stuff for bachelors in their 30s to do? Head down to Pioneer Square and there's tons of nicer bars with live music...and there's lots of other stuff to do in Pioneer Square other than drink and jam! Oh weed is legal, you can buy it in Marijuana shops. I don't partake so I don't know if it's expensive, but at yeast you don't have to feel like a criminal in WA state:p Other than that there's all the usual tourist stuff that's fun like Pike Place market, Space Needle. Oh I know something cool, Seattle is right on the Puget Sound and you can easily go whale watching. I did that and we seen Gray whales, so cool to see and the boat ride is awesome too! Have fun:)

MovieBuffering 07-26-19 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2025902)
I'm not from Seattle, I live a couple of hours away in the sticks. It's been a few years since I been there, but hell yeah! there's a ton of neat stuff to do in Seattle! $214 round trip from Tampa, that's a screaming deal. I've flew the other direction from Seattle to Tampa and it was always around $350 or more. I hope you can get a direct flight, I never could...Stuff for bachelors in their 30s to do? Head down to Pioneer Square and there's tons of nicer bars with live music...and there's lots of other stuff to do in Pioneer Square other than drink and jam! Oh weed is legal, you can buy it in Marijuana shops. I don't partake so I don't know if it's expensive, but at yeast you don't have to feel like a criminal in WA state:p Other than that there's all the usual tourist stuff that's fun like Pike Place market, Space Needle. Oh I know something cool, Seattle is right on the Puget Sound and you can easily go whale watching. I did that and we seen Gray whales, so cool to see and the boat ride is awesome too! Have fun:)
Nice thanks. Yea not direct flight lol. My sister lives in Denver, I am familiar with not feeling like a criminal lol. I'll have to check out those spots thanks.

MovieBuffering 07-26-19 10:39 PM

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Naked Gun Trilogy - 1988, 1991, 1994

"Like a midget at a urinal I was going have to stay on my toes"
"Like a blind man at an orgy I was going have to feel things out."
"The truth hurts, oh sure maybe not as much as jumping on a bike without a seat, but it hurts"
Meh, I cheated and put 3 movies in one. They are all basically the same movie. Might do it a few more times in this countdown.:shrug:

Leslie Nielsen is a God damn legend at delivering comedy lines deadpan. He is the whole reason these movies even remotely work. Even if the lines are not particularly funny Nielsen makes them work with his delivery. I remember when I was like 12 or so watching these movies in my room at like 2 am and waking up my parents from laughing. Granted they were funnier back then but they still pack some laughs now. Also it's incredibly ironic to watch OJ Simpson be lovable with what would happen later in his life :lol:. And Jesus did Anna Nicole look amazing in the 3rd one :lol:

I know the movies themselves are not very good but they were spawned off Airplane! And these movies inspired, unfortunately in most cases, all those scary movie spoofs and the terrible ones to follow. So in a way it was kind of an innovative genre in Hollywood. Something to be said for that :lol:. These movies will always hold a soft spot for me. As you can tell I like comedies and if you can make me laugh you have a good chance of making this countdown

Director - David Zucker & Peter Segal
Best Performance - Leslie Nielsen as Frank Drebin
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 87%, 57% and 54% respectively.
Factoid - With "Weird Al" Yankovic's and Jeff Wright's appearances in these movies, they are the only actors, outside of the main characters, to appear in all three movies of the franchise.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

MovieBuffering 07-27-19 12:52 AM

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Back To The Future - 1985 :docbrown:

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious sh*t."
The movie came out two years before I was born. If it were made in the 90s it would probably be much higher on my list. Just wasn't a big part of my DNA being a 90s kid. Still adore the film though. Plus Doc and Marty were sort of the inspiration behind one of my favorite shows going right now Rick and Morty. There is no question this movie struck a nerve on pop culture even to this day. Micheal J Fox as Marty McFly is about as perfect casting as there is, he was flawless in the role. (Saw Mathew Modine turned down the role on Kevin Nealon's Hiking show :lol:). But the real star to me of the movie is Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown. He is so damn memorable in that role you can't envision anyone else playing him. "Great Scott!"

When Zemeckis is on he sure can make a movie. This movie just has a great inventive atmosphere and joyful spirit about it. If someone doesn't like this movie you have to seriously consider not being around them anymore because they are probably no fun. So many memorable scenes and moments. Made 88 miles per hour a catchphrase and made a DeLorean a cool car. Flux capacitor feels like a legit scientific thing now. Biff character also was unforgettable. I couldn't imagine being in theaters when this first came out, what an experience that would have been.

Director - Robert Zemeckis
Best Performance - Christopher Lloyd as Dr Emmett Brown
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 96%
Factoid - The rights to the film and its sequels are owned by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale. In a 2015 interview, Zemeckis maintained that no reboot or remake of the franchise would be authorized during his or Gale's lifetime. (Thank God)
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

MovieBuffering 07-27-19 08:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)

True Grit - 2010 :damon:

"They tell me you are a man with true grit."
I love me a good western. Add the Coen Brothers to the mix and you have the ingredients for a classic. What the Coen Brothers do so well is create an appropriate atmosphere in a movie with characters, dialogue and usually Roger Deakins in charge of cinematography. I do wish the Coen's would do a lot more Westerns. I believe their talents compliment the genre well. I thoroughly enjoy the dialogue they write for a movie like this. Their choice of words tickle my ear with entertainment :lol:. "You give out very little sugar with your pronouncements". "You display great poise". "Perhaps the local In'jins will take him in and honor his jibberings by making him chief." Just some examples :lol:.

But what makes this film truly special on top of the Coens is the performances. Everyone is on their A+ game. Bridges, Damon, Brolin (in the little he is in), Barry Pepper all bring it. Damon has a real fun character to me, makes me laugh a few times. However, what really sets this film apart is Hailee Steinfeld's turn as Mattie Ross. Only 13 when cast for the 14 year old character she really masterfully and confidently plays this head strong teenage girl in a very manly setting. Say "Hello" Hollywood. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Oscars and lost to Melissa Leo but she should have won easily. In fact she should have been nominated for Best Actress because she is the protagonist and in my opinion could have won that (Natalie won that year for Black Swan I believe). It really is a remarkable turn. It is strange since the movie that she has turned into a pop star, weird career path, she is still only 22 though.

Anyways, Coens + Western + Stellar Cast + Deakins = Gold. Could be a couple spots higher but maybe next time.

Director - Coen Brothers
Best Performance - Hailee Steinfeld as Mattie Ross
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 96%
Factoid - Fifteen thousand girls applied for the role of the young Mattie Ross, the part going to Hailee Steinfeld. She was 13 years old when cast. It was her theatrical feature-film debut.
Stock In Countdown - Riser

MovieBuffering 07-28-19 02:00 PM

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Anchorman - 2004

"Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era."
What can I say this movie makes me laugh. This is probably Ferrell's most memorable character. He is way too good at playing Burgundy. This movie is just fun. It also really launched Steve Carrell's movie career. He got the 40 Year Old Virgin the following year and The Office but Brick was so damn funny. I remember watching this movie with my buddy and every time Brick was on screen he was in tears :lol:. It was also what sort of reset Paul Rudd's career. Christina Applegate also is great and more than holds her own in this movie. They were all great in this. So many memorable moments as well. Really is a comedy classic. The sequel....not as much :lol:.

Ferrell had a hot streak during this time. Pretty much everything after Step Brothers I haven't really cared for though. Seems like he has just lost his touch. Guess it happens to all comedy movie actors like Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, Eddie Murphy etc. They hit a hot streak then their shtick just wears thin I guess. This was most definitely one of his strongest movies though.

Director - Adam McKay
Best Performance - Will Ferrell as Ron Burgundy
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 66%
Factoid - Will Ferrell's character, Ron Burgundy, was inspired by veteran Detroit WDIV-TV broadcaster Mort Crim (1978-1997).
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

Gideon58 07-28-19 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2025626)
Titanic - 1997 :leo:

It's become very chic on this site to bash this movie...thanks for having the cajones to admit how good it is. I love it too.

Citizen Rules 07-28-19 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by MovieBuffering (Post 2026190)
:up: Hey I admit it I like that one! Though Anchorman 2 sucked.

MovieBuffering 07-28-19 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2026195)
:up: Hey I admit it I like that one! Though Anchorman 2 sucked.
Yea they should have left it alone. It was almost unwatchable at points. Just think a comedic movie star has like a window of 5 to 10 movies before their touch get stale. Ferrell really hasn't had the touch since Step Brothers (which I actually disliked when it first came out, but actually grown fond of since, but not on my countdown)

MovieBuffering 07-28-19 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2026193)
It's become very chic on this site to bash this movie...thanks for having the cajones to admit how good it is. I love it too.
I get the hate. I want to hate it to. I just can't though. It should be bad but it all just works. It's just damn good entertainment and a touchstone in cinema history. Can't deny it.

My favorite part is actually watching everyone on the present ship roll their eyes at old Rose telling the story and then they are all gripped by the end realizing she isn't full of it. :shrug:

Gideon58 07-28-19 03:53 PM

My favorite scene is when Rose jumps off the lifeboat and runs back to Jack and he tells her she's so stupid...brings tears to my eyes every time I watch.

Miss Vicky 07-28-19 04:03 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Man I've fallen behind on this.

Titanic is good, or at least my memories of it are. It's been quite some time since I last watched it though. I vaguely recall not liking Mystic River. I know I've seen a couple of the Naked Gun movies and liked them when I was a kid, but I doubt I'd like them now. Back to the Future is good, but I definitely liked it more as a child than I do now. Didn't care for True Grit. I haven't seen Anchorman, but given my opinion of Will Ferrell I'm sure I'd hate it.

MovieBuffering 07-28-19 11:58 PM

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Saving Private Ryan - 1998 :damon:

"You can tell her that when you found me, I was with the only brothers I had left. And that there was no way I was deserting them. I think she'd understand that."
Welp thought I would give you all my first Spielberg film (well I guess he produced Back To The Future) as well as my first Hanks film and round out to 80 on this Sunday night to close the week. Unfortunately I have another confession about this movie much like Gladiator, don't think I've ever watched it all in one sitting. It's much like Gladiator, even more so, I had a hard time with watching violence depicted on screen like that when I was 11. Wasn't until college until I got over that bug. However, I have seen it all on multiple occasions especially the end. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to put 2 + 2 together to figure out this movie is a classic. Well maybe you do because the Academy seems like they can't put 2 + 2 together. Still one of the most egregious losses of all time. I think I've seen Shakespeare In Love a long time ago. I am sure it's a fine movie but come on, SPR is an all timer. (This is why I think the Academy should do a special award show every 5 or 10 years and award the best of that time span. No stupid campaigning allowed. Time can clarify which movies and performances are actually the best. "No timelines when you are timeless" - Lil Dicky)

Tom Hanks was and still is spectacular per usual. He owned the 90s didn't he? Spielberg was ground breaking per usual. Everyone in the cast was amazing. Just one of those special films. If you don't cry at the end of this movie you may not have a soul. I heard this is how God verifies if you have a soul to get into heaven, so you better cry :lol:. It would probably be higher if it didn't take me so long to get over my stupid phobia. It didn't really take hold of how amazing this film was until my 20s so it's playing catch up like Gladiator.

Director - Steven Spielberg
Best Performance - Tom Hanks as Captain John Miller
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 93%
Factoid - Steven Spielberg cast Matt Damon as Private Ryan because he wanted an unknown actor with an All-American look. He did not know Damon would win an Oscar for Good Will Hunting (1997) and become an overnight star before the film was released.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

MovieBuffering 07-30-19 02:08 AM

6 Attachment(s)
List Review

101. Super Troopers
100. Arrival
99. Social Network
98. Bowfinger
97. Blade Runner
96. Napoleon Dynamite
95. Full Metal Jacket
94. Looper
93. Animal House
92. Gladiator
91. Moneyball
90. Austin Powers
89. Spotlight
88. Inside Out
87. The Jerk
86. Titanic
85. Mystic River
84. Naked Gun Trilogy
83. Back To The Future
82. True Grit
81. Anchorman
80. Saving Private Ryan

Countdown Stats

Most Frequent Actors - Matt Damon (2), Steve Martin (2), Will Ferrell (2)
Most Frequent Director- Ridley Scott (2)
Films By Decade
1970s - Two
1980s - Four
1990s - Four
2000s - Five
2010s - Seven

Honorable Mentions (Just Missed Countdown)

MovieBuffering 07-30-19 07:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Inside Man - 2006

"My name is Dalton Russell. Pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself. I've told you my name: that's the Who. The Where could most readily be described as a prison cell. But there's a vast difference between being stuck in a tiny cell and being in prison. The What is easy: recently I planned and set in motion events to execute the perfect bank robbery. That's also the When. As for the Why: beyond the obvious financial motivation, it's exceedingly simple... because I can. Which leaves us only with the How; and therein, as the Bard would tell us, lies the rub."
Slick. That is the word that comes to mind when I think of this movie. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed this movie when I first saw it. There is just something about a slick, smartly written and directed bank robbery movie that is captivating to me. This has it in spades. Denzel is his typical charismatic presence on screen as the negotiator and Ejiofor plays a good compliment to Denzel. (This was before Ejiofor really broke out) Christopher Plummer and Jodie Foster aren't in this a ton but they are good while they are. Clive Owen is really damn good as the mastermind to the bank robbery.

The biggest surprise however is that Spike Lee directed this movie. He decided to make a movie not all charged up with race and guess what? It's really good. Surprise, Surprise. If I told you to guess the director of this movie without giving you any clues it would probably take you awhile, if at all, to get Spike Lee. Listen I think black film makers should obviously make stories from a black perspective but I think they pigeonhole themselves too much. Spielberg, Nolan, Fincher etc are not boxing themselves into any narrative corner like a lot of black directors do. I think making a movie like this that is accessible and not reliant on race also does a lot more good for the lead black actors as well. I don't know that's just a tangent I could write a lot more about that but I digress. This movie is is worth a gander if you haven't seen it.

Director - Spike Lee
Best Performance - Denzel Washington as Detective Keith Frazier
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 86%
Factoid - The scene in the coffee shop was improvised. On the DVD commentary, Spike Lee states that when Denzel Washington ad-libbed the line "I'll bet you can get a cab though," he nearly ruined the take by laughing so loud at Washington's line.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

MovieBuffering 07-31-19 01:53 AM

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The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - 2011

"I want you to help me catch a killer of women."
It really sucks they didn't do a sequel to this movie. I guess there is the Swedish version with the sequels and the new one that came out last year. However, I really enjoyed this Fincher version. He makes the Swedish winter a character of it's own. I think it's visually beautiful. (My ancestry is Swedish :wink:) I thought Rooney Mara was amazing in the role. I seriously think she is one of the best actresses working now, she just doesn't get the projects she deserves to me. She elevates any scene she is in to me. I thought her and Daniel Craig had good chemistry together. This is a brutal watch, especially the beginning. But the dynamic of Mara and Craig's characters along with the mystery they are trying to solve keep this movie incredibly compelling. That's why it's such a bummer to me they didn't get to do any sequels to this. Would love to see where this version of the characters lead to. Oh well such is Hollywood.

Spoiler but this is my highest Fincher movie. Only 2 on the countdown. I actually like all of his work for the most part. I just never got into the Fight Club kick. Seven is cool but never one of my favorites. Gone Girl almost made the list but never high on it. He is definitely a director I lookout for his projects but never quite make it to all time favorites. Haven't seen it in awhile which is why it's fallen a bit but I always enjoy it.

Director - David Fincher
Best Performance - Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 86%
Factoid - In order to convince the studio that Rooney Mara had what it took to portray the strung out Lisbeth Salander, David Fincher asked her to go out and get really drunk. He then had her come in the next morning after a night of vomiting, and took pictures of her in her hungover state. This also convinced the studio to cast her.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

MovieBuffering 07-31-19 10:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Interstellar - 2014 :damon:

"Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here."
Well my first Nolan movie. Another spoiler alert: you will see a lot more of his movies on this countdown. He is my favorite director by far. He gives a damn about quality and he hasn't made a bad movie yet. I think Dark Knight Rises is his worse movie but even that isn't a bad movie. (Think it suffered after Ledger died, believe he was planning on using him again). He just has an extraordinary talent for providing thought provoking stories with stunning visuals. So I get pumped up when he has a movie releasing like next year:yup:.

Interstellar itself takes some serious balls to make. If you like nothing else the movie provides you have to admire it's ambition and big ideas lays on the table. Now I think some of the story gets convoluted and messy at times but it's still pretty well done. It's not just a Sci-fi story with cool visuals it does have some heart. McConaughey really anchors the story and everyone in it is very solid but this movie is more about ideas than the performances. The score is amazing. The visuals are, per Nolan usual, nearly flawless. The ideas are big and the opposite of lazy. The story packs enough of emotional punch to keep you invested in the characters and performances. It's just a refreshing movie in a sea of franchise superhero movies and rebooted unoriginal uninspiring story telling. Plus I do think this movie will age well. #InNolanITrust :shrug:

Director - Christopher Nolan :love:
Best Performance - Mathew McConaughey as Cooper
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 72%
Factoid - Steven Spielberg, who was attached to direct this movie in 2006, and hired Jonathan Nolan to write the screenplay, chose other projects instead. In 2012, after Spielberg's departure, Jonathan Nolan suggested the project to his brother Christopher Nolan.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

Citizen Rules 07-31-19 11:32 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Castaway and The King's Speech would make my Top 100...if I ever do one that is:p

MovieBuffering 07-31-19 03:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Creed - 2015

"Every punch I’ve ever thrown has been on my own. Nobody showed me how to do this. I’m ready."
Ryan mother F*ing Coogler. My god the birth of a true talent. This man has an eye for cinema that I hope gets the chance to work on the biggest canvas it can. The scene I posted below is special. 2 rounds of boxing shot in one take. You can't help but be awed by it. Then he consolidates his talent later in the last fight during the entrances proving he has an eye for spectacle and the moment that I hope gets to flex for a long time. Also that last entrance is a great example of Coogler being able to add his voice subtly to a movie. He is so massively talented, I hope he doesn't get boxed into just doing black themed movies like a Spike Lee. I believe he has the talent to transcend cinema like Spielberg, maybe not to that level, but close to it if he works on more accessible type films. I just root for the guy, we are practically the same age, and you can tell in interviews the guy is just genuine to the bone with people. Hope he takes over Hollywood.

This movie however brings the Rocky franchise to a new generation. I have never been a huge Rocky guy. (Ironic since I've really become a fan of boxing like 5 years ago, I was always just causal until then.) I just never got into the movies, I've seen most of them when I was younger and know what happens but couldn't recite them. However, I loved this movie. Coogler gives a masterclass in how to pay homage to original films while creating a film with it's own identity. Michael B. Jordan is wonderful in the lead role but Stallone really brings it as an older trainer Rocky. Brings his story full circle as well.

It's a damn shame Coogler couldn't come back for Creed 2 (which I've only seen 1/3 of the movie so far). I know the movie was personal for him because Rocky is his dad's favorite movie and he convinced a reluctant Stallone to do it. I mean it worked out for him doing Black Panther, but it's still a shame. Do yourself a favor and watch some Coogler interviews online. You can help but like the guy. It sort of fallen a bit in my countdown just because I haven't seen it in awhile, but I really do love the movie.

Director - Ryan Coogler :love:
Best Performance - Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 95%
Factoid - Following in the tradition of his father Apollo, Adonis is named after a character in Greek mythology. Whereas Apollo was named after the Greek sun god, Adonis is named after the demi-god of beauty and desire.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

Miss Vicky 07-31-19 03:37 PM

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was okay. Of your honorable mentions, North By Northwest is very good. Castaway is okay. Don't like Deadpool. Don't think I've ever even heard of Extract. Haven't seen the rest.

MovieBuffering 07-31-19 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 2026870)
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was okay. Of your honorable mentions, North By Northwest is very good. Castaway is okay. Don't like Deadpool. Don't think I've ever even heard of Extract. Haven't seen the rest.
Extract was made by Mike Judge. He got his start by creating Bevis and Butt-head. He made King Of The Hill, (I never really liked but maybe I didn't get it when I was younger) Office Space and Idiocracy. He also created the show Silicon Valley on HBO (which I've never seen). He has actually had quite a prolific career.

But Extract is just a low budget under the radar comedy. Has Bateman starring with Mila Kunis, Kristen Wiig (before she was big), JK Simmons and bunch of others. It's a hidden gem to me but you don't seem to like much of what I like so I don't recommend it for you :lol:

MovieBuffering 08-01-19 09:20 PM

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The Big Lebowski - 1998 :walter:

"Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."
My second Jeff Bridges and Coen Brothers movie together. I guess they do good work together. :shrug: This is a classic. When the Coen Brothers are at their best their dialogue combines with great characters to create memorable cinema. The Big Lebowski is just that right cocktail mixed together to go down smooth. Bridges as "The Dude" is unforgettable and there are countless other memorable characters in the film. However, the one that takes the cake to me has to be John Goodman's Walter. The Dude is the protagonist but man does Goodman have the most memorable scenes and lines in the film. His character is funny every time he is on screen. His uptight quick to temper is the exact opposite to Bridges's laid back, hardly a pulse, Dude. It just creates great comedy to see these two polar opposite personalities try and tackle the situation The Dude finds himself in. :lol:

If you haven't seen this movie I strongly suggest pouring yourself a white Russian around your favorite rug and watching it. This is the Coen Brothers at the peak of their quirky powers.

Director - Coen Brothers
Best Performance - John Goodman as Walter Sobchak
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 83%
Factoid - The Dude says "man" 147 times in the movie, nearly one and a half times a minute.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

Miss Vicky 08-01-19 09:26 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Love Lebowski. It used to be a top ten for me.

MovieBuffering 08-02-19 09:05 AM

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Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - 2015

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to face your fate."
I had to put one Mission Impossible movie on the countdown and I think this is the best one to do it. I think the momentum for the franchise was really slowed down after the 3rd Mission movie. Seemed like a franchise that had worn it's welcome out and Tom Cruise was just hanging on to past glory. Then Ghost Protocol came and was like a jolt to the franchise. It seemed to head in a fresh new direction: What crazy ass stunt is Cruise willing to do next to entertain us? Then they build the story around the stunts. Well Rogue Nation to me is the culmination of all the movies before it and finding it's identity as a franchise. Protocol took the franchise in a new direction and Nation seemed to grab it and proceed with a new confidence. Maybe that can be attributed to Cruise finding his go to guy in McQuarrie. Whatever it is this movie is just pure straight up big popcorn action entertainment and it knows it.

Tom Cruise is one weird dude, but he almost has to be clinically insane to continue to do what he does. His reign as a bonafide movie star lead has been 40 freaking years with no signs of slowing down. Whatever you think of the man you have to admire the lengths he goes to just entertain us. Everyone is great in Nation and it goes without saying Cruise always brings it for these movies, these films are his babies. However, I think what separates this film is Rebecca Ferguson's turn as Faust. She really brings a presence to the film that Cruise has not had really in the franchise: an equal. Well maybe not quite an equal but someone who will consistently challenge Ethan Hunt. She is a real stand out.

Seems to be no slowing down for Cruise either as Fallout was amazing as well and they just announced MI7 and MI8 will film back to back next year for a 2021 and 2022 release. He will be 60 be the time 2022 is released. You have to imagine he is passing the torch in those movies. I wonder who he has in mind if anyone?

Director - Christopher McQuarrie
Best Performance - Rebecca Ferguson as Ilsa Faust
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 93%
Factoid - Tom Cruise performed the sequence where Ethan Hunt climbs on the outside of a flying airplane (an Airbus A400M) without the use of visual effects or a stunt double. At times, he was suspended on the aircraft five thousand feet in the air.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

John-Connor 08-02-19 09:15 AM

Nice job on the Rogue Nation artwork.

MovieBuffering 08-02-19 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by John-Connor (Post 2027305)
Nice job on the Rogue Nation artwork.
Rebecca Ferguson in that dress..... :love::devil:

MovieBuffering 08-02-19 11:36 AM

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Superbad - 2007

"Muhammed is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a f*cking book for once."
This movie is so authentic it hurts :lol:. Any normal around 18 year old boy will tell you this struggle is real. Trying to get with girls with the inadequate tools to make it happen while looking for ways to get alcohol is that struggle. :lol: You are just trying to figure out who you are while navigating peer pressure. Man I remember having a fake ID, well it was just an older kid's ID who I could pass for. I didn't start drinking until I was 19 so it wasn't a long struggle for me. I only got turned down twice with it. :shrug:

This is just a fun time at a movie with a bunch of laughs. Believe this is Jonah Hill's first leading role. Micheal Cera plays awkward teenager perfectly. Rogen and Hader are entertaining as hell as dumb witted cops. Plus this is Emma Stone's first film credit. However, the most memorable character/performance was Mintz-Plasse as "McLovin". It's painfully good at how well he was cast in this role. :lol: I have that McLovin ID somewhere in my house. :rotfl:

Anyways you can tell a lot of time and care was put into making this movie. It's about the perfect coming of age comedy there is. I really do like this movie but for some reason I was never in love with it. Back 3rd of my countdown is about right.

Director - Greg Mottola
Best Performance - Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Fogell aka McLovin
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 87%
Factoid - Writers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg started this script when they were just thirteen years old, because "we just wanted to see if we could write a movie."
Stock In Countdown - Netural

Miss Vicky 08-02-19 12:41 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
I didn’t think I’d like Superbad, but it’s pretty funny. Not a favorite though

rauldc14 08-02-19 12:48 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Another Inside Man fan! Nice to see the love for it!

MovieBuffering 08-03-19 12:22 AM

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Goodfellas - 1990

"As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster."
I am a funny guy how? Am I a clown? :lol:. This is probably on just about everyone's countdown. It's a cinematic classic. Scorsese at his peak. This movie feels super authentic to what it felt like to be a gangster in New York. Di Nero and Pecsi are born to play these roles, but the dude who really brings it is Ray Liotta as Henry Hill. Can't imagine anyone else in that role.

Listen I don't know what else to say about this movie. I am sure pretty much everyone on this site has seen it and knows how good it is. It is a little further back in my countdown because I didn't catch on to how good it was until probably my mid 20s. Playing catch up like a lot of good movies are doing before my taste in movies got better. Plus I do think the movie can sometimes drag for a bit. But I haven't watched it in awhile so I am probably talking out of my arse. I think low 70s is about right.

Director - Martin Scorsese
Best Performance - Ray Liotta as Henry Hill
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 96%
Factoid - Al Pacino was offered the role of Jimmy Conway, but he turned it down, due to fears of typecasting. Ironically, that same year, Pacino ended up playing an even more stereotyped gangster, Big Boy Caprice in Dick Tracy (1990). He admits he regrets this decision.
Stock In Countdown - Netural

MovieBuffering 08-03-19 09:31 AM

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Gone Baby Gone - 2007 :affleck:

"And if that girl only hope is you, well, I pray for her, because she's gone, baby....Gone."
This movie remind me a lot of Mystic River that was already on the countdown except a little bit better to me. This sort of started Ben Affleck's reconnaissance and helped him get back into the good graces of Hollywood. He is actually a really good director. Went into The Town after this and Argo which nabbed him another Oscar. Seemed like his acting even got better after this movie :lol:. Maybe the wisest move he made was not staring in this flick and letting his brother take the lead. Probably revitalized his love for movies. Just a theory. :shrug:.

Speaking of Casey he really does a great job playing an undercover detective of sorts. It adds an interesting dynamic when his girlfriend, played by Michelle Monaghan, is his partner. Ed Harris and Morgan Freeman are good as well. I believe Amy Ryan got nominated for an Oscar for her role, she is really damn convincing as Boston white trash :lol:. It is a really good mystery that unravels at the end that sort of ask you a moral question. What would you do? Again if you liked Mystic River chances are you will really like this flick.

Director - Ben Affleck
Best Performance - Casey Affleck as Patrick Kenzie
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 94%
Factoid - Amy Ryan was so convincing with her Boston accent in her audition, that Writer and Director Ben Affleck asked her what part of Boston she was from.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

Miss Vicky 08-03-19 11:01 AM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
I think Goodfellas is a solid film, but I don't love it and have no real desire to watch it again. I thought Gone Baby Gone was very good, despite my dislike of Casey Affleck, but it is also not a favorite.

rauldc14 08-03-19 12:37 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Goodfellas and Gone Baby Gone are both terrific, specifically the latter.

MovieBuffering 08-03-19 10:47 PM

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Jerry McGuire - 1996

"Show me the money!"
Jerry had me at hello. I haven't seen this movie in a really long time but man is it chalk full of memorable scenes, lines and performances. This movie is kind of like Titanic in a way to me. Thick with melodrama but it just seems to work. Plus I think I hate to like it :lol:. But I love me some sports so adding sports into this movie sucks me in. They could probably do a really good sequel to this movie with how much more greedy professional sports has gotten :lol:.

Tom Cruise is a damn movie star isn't he? He carries this movie just fine. Cuba Gooding Jr won his Oscar for this flick. Renee Zellweger was in the middle of her moment. Somehow Crowe made a movie that produced memorable lines and scenes galore. "Show me the money" and "You had me at hello" are both on the top 100 AFI's movie quotes of all time. Cruise was I believe characterized from this movie for a good 10 years or so. Whenever someone did a Cruise impersonation it was from this movie. If I were to rate this movie on my next countdown it will probably drop a bit but 70 is probably good for this one.

Director - Cameron Crowe
Best Performance - Tom Cruise as Jerry McGurie
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 83%
Factoid - Jonathan Lipnicki showed up on the set one day telling everyone that "the human head weighs eight pounds". Cameron Crowe liked it so much he wrote it into the script.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

Captain Spaulding 08-04-19 04:27 AM

Great job so far, @MovieBuffering! Love the thoughtful presentation and the stats. We're too deep into the list for me to comment individually, but I'm happy to see so many comedies popping up since they don't often get much respect around here. Napoleon Dynamite, Austin Powers, Big Lebowski and Superbad are some of my go-to favorites when I want a laugh. Very few of your choices would make my own list, but I like pretty much every movie that's appeared so far except Anchorman and Super Troopers (just don't find either movie particularly funny). Remember disliking Bowfinger as well, but I was a kid at the time so who knows how I'd feel about it now.

Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the list plays out. :cool:

MovieBuffering 08-04-19 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 2027779)
Great job so far, @MovieBuffering! Love the thoughtful presentation and the stats. We're too deep into the list for me to comment individually, but I'm happy to see so many comedies popping up since they don't often get much respect around here. Napoleon Dynamite, Austin Powers, Big Lebowski and Superbad are some of my go-to favorites when I want a laugh. Very few of your choices would make my own list, but I like pretty much every movie that's appeared so far except Anchorman and Super Troopers (just don't find either movie particularly funny). Remember disliking Bowfinger as well, but I was a kid at the time so who knows how I'd feel about it now.

Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the list plays out. :cool:
Thanks. Are these comedies the best movies made? Nope. But they are in my wheel house ha. I appreciate most of the classic movies that are in high regard around here and in cinema history but this is my list :lol:. Generally to make this list it has to be really rewatchable to me. A lot of comedies fit that for me :shrug: I think making someone genuinely laugh is the hardest thing to do in entertainment.

It's all basically a wash until I get to the top 50 - top 30. I like all these movies but they could be in a big range. Probably around the top 30 it's pretty solidly in order of my preference. Then the top 10 is basically nailed.

But anyways thanks for that support. I'll feel better when this is done. Hopefully I can be done around labor day but August is always pretty busy for me. :shrug:

MovieBuffering 08-04-19 01:43 PM

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 2005

"Look up "idiot" in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?"
"A picture of me?"
"No! The definition of the word idiot, which you ****ing are!"
I couldn't think of a better spot to put this movie at than 69. That eccentric number fits this quirky movie to a T. This flick is just straight up entertainment. It just constantly keeps you guessing. It doesn't keep to conventional story telling. You are constantly on your toes from scene to scene. Combine that with slick visuals and with 3 leads who are charming as hell and you have one of the most underrated flicks I've ever seen. Kilmer as Gay Perry probably has the most laughs as sort of a gay cocky private detective. Glad this movie was made when it was because the PC police probably wouldn't approve of Kilmer's role now. Monaghan goes toe to toe with Downey and she is sexy as hell in this movie. However Downey is the one who really shines in this film.

This is the movie that changed Downey's life really. He was just getting sober and on the comeback when he got this film. You can see why Favreau named this movie as to why he was inspired to cast Downey as Iron Man. You can see Tony Stark all over this performance. Without RDJ this film might not work as well as it did. His natural quirkiness feeds into the quirkiness and unpredictable nature of the movie. Quirky really is the word to describe this movie. It just brings a fun energy. Worth a viewing if you haven't seen it.

Director - Shane Black
Best Performance - Robert Downey Jr. as Harry Lockhart
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 85%
Factoid - Val Kilmer's depiction of Gay Perry is generally considered to be the first openly gay character to front a Hollywood action movie.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

Miss Vicky 08-04-19 01:46 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
I've seen both of these last two. Like both, but neither is a favorite.

Citizen Rules 08-04-19 01:59 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang was good and fun with a great cast. I haven't seen Jerry McGuire, but I probably should. I usually like Cruise's older movies.

MovieBuffering 08-05-19 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2027840)
Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang was good and fun with a great cast. I haven't seen Jerry McGuire, but I probably should. I usually like Cruise's older movies.
Jerry McGurie reminds me a lot of Titanic. Heavy on melodrama and I shouldn't like it...but it just works. :shrug:

It's worth at least a viewing for the quotable lines :lol:

MovieBuffering 08-05-19 09:35 PM

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Memento - 2000

"We all lie to ourselves to be happy."
Oh hi Hollywood. Meet Christoper Nolan. He will be around for a long time. Hard to believe next year will be 20 years since this movie came out. Seems like Nolan is still a fresh director on the scene. I mean he isn't even 50 yet. Feels like he should be in his 60s or something. He to me is just a once in a generation talent and this movie was his introduction to the world.

This movie is a foreshadowing to how much ambition and care he puts into his work. This movie would be difficult for a grizzled old veteran like a Spielberg to pull off and Nolan did it with his first full length feature. Nolan did it in his freaking 20s. 😲 The care and detail given to the story is wonderful. I'll add a video of Nolan breaking down the film at the end. It's worth your time to watch to see why this man is on a different level. :lol:

Pearce is pretty damn impressive in this film. He has to play a man who forgets anything about 30 seconds after he is told it. He can't form new memories. Movie doesn't work without him pulling it along. (Interesting enough Pitt was offered the role and had to turn it down with a scheduling conflict. Think he would have killed it too.) This movie is an absolute mind f***. It's going backwards. It's going forwards. It's color then it's black and white. Then it's another story. It's wild. It's a story about revenge and trust. I haven't seen it in quite a long time but I will always be grateful for it because it put Nolan on the map and gave us so many more awesome movies. :love: #NolanMark

Director - Christopher Nolan :love:
Best Performance - Guy Pearce as Leonard Shelby
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 92%
Factoid - The medical condition experienced by Leonard in this film is a real condition called Anterograde Amnesia, the inability to form new memories after damage to the hippocampus. During the 1950s, doctors treated some forms of epilepsy by removing parts of the temporal lobe, resulting in the same memory problems.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

Memorable Scene

Nolan Breaking Down The Film
(Worth your time)

MovieBuffering 08-06-19 08:15 PM

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Dumb and Dumber - 1994

"She gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention."
This movie is so stupid it turned into a classic comedy. I remember watching this when I was young for the first time thinking, "man that was a waste of my time". As the years went by I found myself laughing more and more at this dumb comedy. I don't know what to tell you. Is the movie stupid? Hell yea but it just works for whatever reason. It's weird how some movies just catch fire and are never forgotten. 1994 was a kind year to film (I contend the best ever.)

Carrey is obviously the biggest reason this film works. He was in the midst of his prime and could do no wrong. Think he had 3 number one movies in 1994. I think the best thing this movie did was get a drama actor to be his co star. Daniels holds his own comedy wise the best you can with Carrey but he just seems to ground Carrey's character and prevent him from becoming too far out there. It's just one of those silly comedies that grabbed America and never shook loose. So many memorable scenes and quotable lines. This was lightning in a bottle and they should have left it alone. Both the sequels suffered from what the original should have suffered from being too dumb of a movie. Movie business is weird. Anyways I always stop for awhile when it's on tv to smile :lol:

Director - Farrelly Brothers
Best Performance - Jim Carrey as Lloyd Christmas
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 67%
Factoid - Jeff Daniels claimed he was at a golf course one day when Clint Eastwood told him that he had just seen the movie. Daniels braced himself for a negative reaction, but to his surprise Eastwood wanted to tell Daniels that the bathroom scene had happened to him once when he was on a date. Daniels later co-starred with Eastwood in Blood Work (2002).
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

Miss Vicky 08-06-19 08:22 PM

Memento is very good. I've never been able to sit through all of Dumb and Dumber.

MovieBuffering 08-06-19 08:52 PM

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Hoosiers - 1986

"And David put his hand in the bag and took out a stone and slung it. And it struck the Philistine on the head and he fell to the ground. Amen."
I played basketball my whole life. Played in college, sort of outrageous I can call myself an NCAA athlete :lol:. Still try to play today. Also my mom was born and raised in Indiana. Anyways I say all that to say it would be absolutely sacrilegious to not have this movie on my countdown. This is a love letter to basketball in the state where basketball is king. Makes me fall in love with basketball all over again anytime I see it.

There is nothing really outstanding about the movie. It's an underdog story told many times before and since. It's just handled with such care you can't help but to fall in love with it, especially if you are a basketball nut like me. The basketball scenes just feel and look poetic. Dennis Hopper is awesome in it as a drunken dad to one of the players who is also a great basketball mind. "Don't get caught watching the paint dry" :love:. Hackman is nothing revolutionary but he does a great job as the coach. Oh and Jimmy Chitwood is the most Indiana white boy basketball player name ever :lol:. He is the man.

Maybe I am just so attracted to it because of the underdog basketball narrative. I am a 5'10 white kid who plays basketball. Safe to say I've always been an underdog on the court. I have to gain respect, it's never given its earned. I'll just always have a soft spot for this flick.

P.S. Lebron is going F*ck up Space Jam :rolleyes::sick:

Director - David Anspaugh
Best Performance - Gene Hackman as Coach Norman Dale
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 89%
Factoid - For the scene where Dennis Hopper walks onto the court drunk in the middle of the game, Hopper wanted a ten-second notice before calling action. At the ten-second notice, he spun around in circles until action was called, allowing him to stagger onto the court in an awkward fashion in order to appear drunk. He remembered James Dean in Giant (1956) asking George Stevens for 30 seconds so he could spin around to better feel the inebriation.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

JayDee 08-06-19 09:29 PM

Really nice layout. :up: And enjoyed your write-ups detailing why you loved the films you do. Some of my own personal favourites that have made an appearance so far are Bowfinger, Austin Powers, Back to the Future, Saving Private Ryan, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Dumb & Dumber

MovieBuffering 08-07-19 01:29 PM

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Rush Hour - 1998

Rush Hour is actually an unremarkable movie when you think about it. Just a buddy cop movie. However, this is what can happen when you have charismatic leads in your movie. It elevates rather mundane material into entertaining memorable films. Tucker and Chan just have an easy chemistry and skill sets that compliment each other's talents. They were both at the peak of their powers. Tucker is one of the rare famous actors who feels like he has gotten his sh*t together after fame. Every interview I see him in now he just seems to radiate a man content with himself and life :shrug:

I think this movie works so well also because there are so many different conflicts going on. Chan vs Tucker with two different agendas at the beginning. The language barrier. You see their relationship and trust evolve. Then you have the FBI vs Chan. Tucker wanting to impress the FBI. The kidnappers vs them. What crazy stunts is Jackie doing. A lot of different threads going on within the movie that keeps you invested. Even the sequels are pretty entertaining because of Chan and Tucker. But the original is always a fun watch.

I also want to say I like this movie because this is an example of organic diversity in film. This film would be paraded around into today's climate like it deserved a Nobel Peace Prize because they put two minorities together as leads in a film. It's just putting two talented dudes together regardless of race. Movies like this are so much better for diversity in film when it's just about the quality of the film and not who is in it like today :shrug:

Also this movie has the distinction of jump starting Rotten Tomatoes. I always think about that. The guy who started RT was a fan of Jackie Chan's Hong Kong movies and gathered up all the reviews to those movies. Then he launched the site in anticipation of Rush Hour coming out. So you can thank Jackie Chan coming to America for Rotten Tomatoes :lol:

Director - Brett Ratner
Best Performance - Jackie Chan as Lee
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 60%
Factoid - According to Director Brett Ratner, this movie was the first movie to be released in the U.S. featuring Jackie Chan in an English-speaking role without any kind of dubbing. According to Ratner, before this movie, Chan always had his voice dubbed over in his English-speaking roles because of his uncertainty in speaking the language. For this movie, however, Ratner convinced him to forgo the dubbing, as it would lend to the authenticity of his character.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

MovieBuffering 08-07-19 08:26 PM

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:leo: The Departed - 2006 :damon:

"I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me."
This was the first real gangster film I really got into. Came out a year after I graduated high school. My taste was starting to come around to good movies :lol:. I remember buying it on dvd on a whim at the Gainesville Wal Mart in college. Knew nothing about it really. Man did I enjoy it though. It feels more accessible than Scorsese's prior gangster films if that makes any sense but it doesn't lose that grit of his other films at the same time.

It's pretty crazy this is the film that won Scorsese his only Academy Award for directing. It probably helped he had a ludicrously talented cast to work with. Dicaprio, Nicholson, Damon, Baldwin, Whalberg, Douglas, Vera Farmiga, Anthony Anderson and Ray Winstone. Freaking Whalberg and Baldwin were actually really funny in this movie to me :lol:. It's tough to pick the best performance out of Jack, Damon and Leo but I went with Leo. Jack's is probably the most memorable and Damon's is good but I think Leo does the heaviest lifting here.

Oh man and that end. 😲:popcorn:😲. Wowey.

Director - Martin Scorsese
Best Performance - Leonardo DiCaprio as Billy Costigan
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 91%
Factoid - The only remake of a foreign film to win an Academy Award for Best Picture.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

MovieBuffering 08-08-19 10:37 PM

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Office Space - 1999

"So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life."
Mike Judge is probably the most prolific director/creator in Hollywood that most people have never heard of. He has created King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead and Silicon Valley. He made Idiocracy and Extract (both painfully underrated). Office Space may be his comedic masterpiece however. Every damn character in this movie is memorable. Seriously though just about everyone who shows up on screen you don't forget. It's thanks to Mike Judge's ridiculous ability to write normal everyday situation and make them entertaining as hell. He just has an ear for funny dialogue.

This movie also hits painfully close to home once you enter the work force. This is a giant middle finger to the 9 to 5 jobs :lol:. I was the Lumbergh character one year for Halloween. I wish I could find the pictures but unfortunately I can't find them. Got the Initech mug and suspenders the whole 9 yards. The whole cast is really good and Judge got Aniston before she blew up on Friends. However the real stand out of this movie is Stephen Root's Milton. "Have you seen my stapler". He is more of a side character but he is the most memorable character in the movie. Judge did a cartoon short years earlier with MIlton and Lumbergh character and designed the movie around that short. You should seek out that short if you are a fan of this movie.

Judge is the man. If you have ever been stuck in a 9 to 5 job this movie is a must watch :rotfl:

Director - Mike Judge
Best Performance - Stephen Root as Milton
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 80%
Factoid - The iconic red stapler coveted by Milton was created for the film by the prop department. They needed a bright enough color to be seen on film and chose red. After the film was released, Swingline began to receive requests from customers for red staplers. Having stopped offering red several years before, they made the decision to start offering the color once more.
Stock In Countdown - Neutral

MovieBuffering 08-09-19 05:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Jumanji - 1995

"You think that mosquitos, monkeys, and lions are bad? That is just the beginning. I've seen things you've only seen in your nightmares. Things you can't even imagine. Things you can't even see. There are things that hunt you in the night. Then something screams. Then you hear them eating, and you hope to God that you're not dessert. Afraid? You don't even know what afraid is."
I just always thought this movie was a lot of fun. Thought that this would actually be a really cool movie to remake since the special effects sort of don't hold up as well. Then I watched the new one. meh. Maybe they should have just left it alone. The stakes just weren't as high in the new film. It sort of makes the old 95 Jumanji a lesser film because they explored the jungle itself and it wasn't as threatening as they made it seem in the first. It did some alright things but I think it shouldn't have been attached to the original but what you going do. :shrug:

Robin Williams was a lot of fun in this movie. I thought the story itself was entertaining and kept me really entertained. I always stop when I see it on tv. The end always get in my feels as well :lol:. Not much else to say about the film. Surprised it wasn't fresh on RT but it was before the site was established. Is it a masterpiece? No. But figured it would be fresh at least.

Director - John Johnston
Best Performance - Robin Williams as Alan Parrish
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 54%
Factoid - According to author Chris Van Allsburg, the word "jumanji" is Zulu for "many effects," which alludes to "the exciting consequences of the game" as mentioned in the film.
Stock In Countdown - Sinker

MovieBuffering 08-11-19 12:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Wind River - 2017

"Luck don't live out here."
This was my 2nd favorite movie from 2017. I wasn't excepting to dig this movie as much as I did. I was just invested from beginning until end in this flick. Renner gives probably the best performance of his career. He should have been nominated for his work in this movie. It's an understated performance but man does he run the gamut in this movie. Also I think I developed a crush on Olsen after this film. She does a great job, she isn't given as much as Renner but she is more then fine...I mean that in more than one way :lol:. Kind of ironic she is the Olsen sister making it big in Hollywood. Also Gil Birmingham wasn't give a ton of screen time but is amazing in this movie. Everyone in it is amazing really.

Taylor Sheridan is 3 for 3 with movies IMO. He wrote Sicario, wrote and directed this as well as Hell Or High Water (which was very good but I wasn't as high on). He has a knack for these type of movies. I'd like to see him tackle an old western, think he would nail it.

The setting itself feels alive and like a character in the movie. It really is a bleak place to live and you feel it. The performances and the mystery keep you invested in the drama but then the end hits you like a ton of bricks. It's one of the coolest scenes I've seen in awhile. This movie is aces though. It's one of the newer ones on the countdown but I could see it rising even further on repeat viewings.

Director - Taylor Sheridan
Best Performance - Jeremy Renner as Cory Lambert
Rotten Tomatoes Score - 87%
Factoid - Wind River Indian Reservation is the seventh-largest Indian reservation in the U.S.
Stock In Countdown - Riser

Miss Vicky 08-11-19 12:19 PM

Re: MovieBUFFering's 101 Favorite Movies - 2019
Love The Departed. I don't like Rush Hour and didn't care for Office Space or Jumanji. I haven't seen Hoosiers and don't think I've ever heard of Wind River.

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