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r3port3r66 10-27-02 04:22 PM

Who Would Play You?
OK, let's say you've written your life story, or your life up until now, and a big Hollywood studio has decided it would make a great movie!
The only thing left to do is cast the actor that's going to play you. Of course you have some suggestions, but for some reason that actor is either not interested or unavailable. So they cast a lesser known actor.

The question is; who would be your first choice as to who plays you in your bio-pic? And who do you think would end up playing you if that actor/actress were unavailable?


I would say Ben Affleck would be my first choice. But, it would probably go to Lou-Diamond Phillips! :modest: :suspicious: :)

Yoda 10-27-02 05:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

The Silver Bullet 10-27-02 06:35 PM

Jack Black. Probably.

I'm no good at these things. Any other suggestions?

Steve 10-27-02 08:00 PM

Jude Law

LordSlaytan 10-27-02 08:38 PM

John Cusack would be my choice, but they would probably cast...

Chris Penn.

Naisy 10-27-02 09:26 PM

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Jack Black. Probably.

I'm no good at these things. Any other suggestions?
John Goodman :D

for me i have no real idea, Christopher Lambert (or Jackie) would be my first CHOICE but as for playing me realistically, probably some b-grade loser.

The Silver Bullet 10-27-02 10:13 PM

John Goodman?!

Naisy 10-27-02 10:19 PM

either i spelt that wrong OR your shocked, well he is a funny guy, if you take away a couple of kilo's you would look like him, only difference is he doesnt have the moral standard of Hitler :D

Holden Pike 10-27-02 11:54 PM

Not the right age of course, but from SB's photos I'd say he's much closer to Daniel Roebuck. Roebuck was one of the supporting Marshal's in The Fugitive (1993) and U.S. Marshals (1998) - you know, the guy who isn't Joe Pantoliano. He was also a co-star on "Nash Bridges" and "Matlock", plus he donned a phoney chin to play Jay Leno in the made-for-cable saga of Letterman vs. Leno for the "Tonight Show" gig in "The Late Shift" (1996). If you want to see him younger, check out River's Edge (1986), Project X (1997) and Dudes (1987).

Naisy 10-27-02 11:57 PM


liam5000 10-28-02 02:29 AM

Who Would Play You?
I think the best person to play me is me.

But, if they wouldn't choose me, I'd like Rupert Grint (Harry Potter & The Sorcerers Stone: Ron Weasley) to play me.
All he needs to do is put on a few pounds & do an Australian accent (NOT OVER THE TOP LIKE STEVE IRWIN!!!!!)

HarroW 10-28-02 03:05 AM

I'm going to have to go with SB on this one and say Jack Black for myself...

Although for SB, i'm actually going to have to recommend this teenager on a crappy Australian soap called "Home and Away"... He plays a bible bashing high school student... If only I could think of the name... I'll post a picture when I can find one...

If there are any Aussies on here who can help me, then please do!

blibblobblib 10-29-02 02:10 PM

Seth Green to play me....without a doubt.
Kinda looks like me, what with the whole freckle thing and strange hair colours.
Plus he rules on so many levels :D

Jonny Goodboy 10-30-02 07:51 PM

I don`t know...whoever`s a cross breed between Matt Damon & Dolph Lundgren.:confused:

Take a gander (it`s about time I posted a pic anyway) Here! , for any :idea: `s.
Just ignore the Black puffy eye. ;)

Monkeypunch 10-30-02 11:36 PM

I would have to be played by Kevin Smith, because we look so similar, but I'd probably end up with Jack Black from Orange County.....:D (I do not, however, run around in only my drawers or take massive amounts of drugs.):laugh:

Caitlyn 10-31-02 12:22 PM

LordSlaytan’s avatar ;)

Naisy 10-31-02 07:30 PM

I really have no real idea who should/could/would play me!! i know who i want to be, but not who i want to be me, i am not a big casting man, thats what those agencies are for!

LordSlaytan 10-31-02 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Caitlyn
LordSlaytan’s avatar ;)
You likie??? Me likie too...:D

Yoda 10-31-02 10:44 PM

Not that it's all that interesting, but a friend of mine re-iterated my similarity to Joseph Gordon-Levitt again today. I decided to take it as a compliment.

Aniko 11-01-02 07:08 PM

As you should Yoda, he's a cutie. :yup:

First choice would be the country singer Pam Tillis, and give her acting lessons. I've been told, and my husband agrees, that I look like her.

Second choice, if that wasn't do'able, would be Diane Lane. I was going to write why, but my words became very....well... wordy so I'l leave it at this. ^^;;;

Gracie 11-01-02 08:28 PM

I think either the girl from Spy-Kids (Did you know she's a natural blonde?!?!), or Winoa Ryder.

Sexy Celebrity 11-03-02 03:44 AM

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Move over Frida, there's a new autobiographical movie coming your way.....


starring Ewan McGregor!

FiLm Fr3aK 11-03-02 04:16 AM

lol Dolly Parton.

Sexy Celebrity 11-03-02 04:19 AM

Ooooooohhhhhhh..... a woman with big airbags!

FiLm Fr3aK 11-03-02 04:21 AM

yea.. thats ALMOST funny.

Sexy Celebrity 11-03-02 04:39 AM

You're right. Everyone makes jokes about Dolly's big jollies.

Let's see.... how about Dolly Parton's big hair?

Oooooooooooooooohhhhhh....... a woman with big ...... hair ..... I dunno. It's 3:30 in the morning. Why should I be making Dolly Parton jokes?

r3port3r66 11-03-02 01:48 PM

Actually Dolly Parton answers both questions for FF (Who would play you/end up playing you?)

How about you Jason, who would end up playing you if the talented and busy Mr. McGregor were unavailable?

Sexy Celebrity 11-03-02 01:59 PM

Ewan McGregor would never be busy enough to play me.

Nightmare Inc. 11-04-02 09:36 PM

Samuel Jackson (even though i'm not black, i'd like him to play me.)

Tom Hanks

Robin Williams

Tom Cruise

Russel Crow

Mel Gibson

all of my favorite actors

Sir Toose 11-11-02 06:02 PM


If he were older and had a goatee...

I saw Santa Clause 2 and when this kid walked on I thought "Yoda"

Gracie 11-15-02 07:34 PM

OMG!!!!!! He looks just like Chris looked as a kid, only a little chubbier!! :laugh: How freakin' hillarious is that?!?!

Nikki 11-23-02 02:19 AM

Angelina Jolie........

Yoda 11-23-02 02:56 AM

Originally posted by Nikki
Angelina Jolie........
I can see you haven't yet been introduced to this fella: :modest:


Piddzilla 11-25-02 05:56 PM

My girlfriend says I look like an actor called Charlie Hunnam or Hunnman or something (don't even know who he is). So I guess it would be him who would have the honour of depicting I, your King, on the big screen. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Aniko 11-26-02 06:45 PM

Toose...why did you take your picture away? I wanted another look at it. I was originally going to say Johnny Depp....but he just seems a little to intense. If Tom Hanks were a little younger I would say him...because of his funny and serious side. :yup:

Yoda 11-26-02 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Piddzilla
My girlfriend says I look like an actor called Charlie Hunnam or Hunnman or something (don't even know who he is).
Charlie Hunnam in "Abandon"

Piddzilla 11-26-02 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Yoda

Charlie Hunnam in "Abandon"
Oh ok... Haven't seen. Is he a hunk?? :D :D :D :D

Sir Toose 11-27-02 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Aniko
Toose...why did you take your picture away? I wanted another look at it. I was originally going to say Johnny Depp....but he just seems a little to intense. If Tom Hanks were a little younger I would say him...because of his funny and serious side. :yup:
It was a 'limited time only' affair. :D

Yoda 11-27-02 10:29 AM

I saw it! I saw it! :D

Sir Toose 11-27-02 10:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Charlie Hunnam:

Piddzilla 11-27-02 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Toose
Charlie Hunnam:
:laugh: Well, I don't know what drug my girlfriend's on but... I guess she sees me in all blonde guys.

By the way.... I SAW YOUR PIC TOO!!! :D Actually, I think I've seen it before...

Skaidon 11-27-02 12:49 PM

Someone once said that the perfect person to play me wouldbe Brad Pitt, I look kinda like him, and have the same sort of attitude (attitude from Fight Club) :)


LordSlaytan 11-27-02 06:53 PM

It's funny nobody has said Bobcat Goldwaith or Phillip Seymore Hoffman. We're all Brad Pitts and babes. ;)

The Silver Bullet 11-27-02 06:59 PM

Ooooooh. I'll be Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Yeah!

Piddzilla 11-27-02 06:59 PM

Phillip Seymour Hoffman can play me any day! He's one of my favourites and I would be honoured. I will play HIM if they ask me to.... :cool:

Gracie 11-27-02 07:01 PM

Or Whoopie Goldberg or Britney Spears or Ryan Stiles! :laugh: I stand by my post about the girl from Spy Kids and Winona Ryder! :yup: ;)

Yoda 11-28-02 01:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
BTW; my hair would roughly resemble Elijah Wood's (only more orderly). We've both got some damn thick cranial fur. Mine's generally a darker brown, however.

Naisy 01-04-03 09:33 AM

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Ive found the PERFECT casting for Silver Bullet, Colin Lano, im not sure if you Americans have heard of this comedian but lets just say he uses Matts big vocabulary, is sarcastic as they come, is extremely mean to his friend (Frank) and he is the one without the hat (i hope i have the right picture) but yes my recommendation, for this guy wouldnt even need to meet SB to play him perfectly.

Mr.Nemesis 01-04-03 09:55 AM

i think prolly dolph lundgren

Naisy 01-08-03 07:33 AM

who? :confused: whose that? what movies has he been in?

Fugitive 01-08-03 07:44 AM

Are you serious, man?
I unfortunately resemble Keanu Reeves but have the disposition of Gary Cooper.

Naisy 01-08-03 07:45 AM

im serious man, name some movies, names im not so good with at this hour, but movies im still on the ball so anwser the question without delay man.

Fugitive 01-08-03 07:51 AM

You mean you've never heard of Dolph?
Mostly b-grade stuff like He-Man and - correct me if I'm wrong - Red Scorpion.

Naisy 01-08-03 08:04 AM

name rings a bell but nothing specific is in mind sorry

MyRobotSuit 01-08-03 05:37 PM

I think this thread expresses too much ego and I will therefore not be a part of it. (apart from this)

LordSlaytan 01-08-03 06:28 PM

Originally posted by miniontv
I think this thread expresses too much ego and I will therefore not be a part of it. (apart from this)
You make me laugh, silly baby. :laugh:

MyRobotSuit 01-08-03 06:41 PM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan

You make me laugh, silly baby. :laugh:
Pass the salt. Let it ease my wounds.

g0dzer0 01-08-03 06:45 PM

emilio estevez, i'm sure they could get him, he doesn't do **** now adays.

Sir Toose 01-08-03 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Naisy
im serious man, name some movies, names im not so good with at this hour, but movies im still on the ball so anwser the question without delay man.
Most famous for his role in Rocky IV, he was the big azzed russian.

LordSlaytan 01-08-03 06:52 PM

Originally posted by miniontv

Pass the salt. Let it ease my wounds.
I was only poking at your avatar. Your post still cracks me up though. :laugh:

MyRobotSuit 01-08-03 06:54 PM

My face amuses you ?

I am shocked.

Piddzilla 01-08-03 06:58 PM

Heeey, Dolph Lundgren!!! He's swedish!!! Who looks like Dolph?? You know he trained the american olympic karate team, right? Yeeeah, good old Dolph! He actually considered changing his name from Dolph Lundgren to Dolph Lancaster. :laugh: Or maybe it's just a rumour, I don't know. :D Heck, let's agree it's true!!

Piddzilla 01-08-03 06:59 PM

Originally posted by miniontv
My face amuses you ?

I am shocked.
Me too!

LordSlaytan 01-08-03 06:59 PM

Originally posted by miniontv
My face amuses you ?

I am shocked.
HA! You're avatar proves that alright.

MyRobotSuit 01-08-03 07:05 PM

Oh well. I would like to point out at this point that I am shocked. Shocked constantly. I hate everything. Nothing pleases.

The intensity of my gaping eyes may prove this but it's what's inside that counts. The inside that torments.

I hate Harry Potter.

Hondo333 04-30-03 02:04 PM

Well some ppl have told me that i look like young pictures of leonardo Dicaprio. but i cant see it

But id want my Idol James Dean To play Me

jrs 04-30-03 04:48 PM

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I had someone saying after seeing Confidence at my theater that I look like Andy Garcia.

Piggle_Humsy 04-30-03 07:13 PM

Hmmm who would play me.....
I'd love Drew Barrymore to play me as I've always wanted to be her so she could be me for a change! ha! :yup:
But If she wasnt available I wouldn't mind.....Kathy Najimy , Christina Ricci
or...Janeane Garofalo :yup: :yup:

But If I couldn't choose i'd probly end up getting someone like Roseanne! :( :rolleyes:

Piggle :dizzy:
x x x x

Yoda 12-22-05 04:36 PM

These days, I look staggeringly like Jesse Bradford (he's, uh, the one on the right):

Travis Bickle 12-22-05 04:50 PM

George Clooney would play me

Tacitus 12-22-05 05:25 PM

Take yer pick between Jimmy Nesbitt or Bob Hoskins. If only Richard Harris were still alive. ;)

Ophelia 12-22-05 07:15 PM

Nora Batty or Kathy Bates.....

Iroquois 12-22-05 09:11 PM

My choices include:

Richard E. Grant

Johnny Depp (as Raoul Duke of course)

Bill Nighy

-Danny 12-25-05 06:24 AM

Ryan Gosling. Interestingly enough, he's my age and he resembles me in a way. A great actor too. So it's win/win.

nebbit 01-04-06 07:13 AM

This is the only person who could play how i feel in the inside. :yup:

The person to play me as I am on the outside. :yup:

Well, thats what i would wish ;D

the-jumpin-bean 01-04-06 07:50 PM

Alot of people say I resemble Courtney Cox-Arquette. So maybe her

Sleezy 01-04-06 08:12 PM

I've been mulling this over for a few days, and the best I can come up with is Paul Rudd:

John McClane 01-04-06 10:05 PM

I'd have to say....

Ron Livingston

The way he looks in all his roles really gets close to how I look in life. Comatose

Knightley&Daily 01-21-06 12:23 AM

Since all my friends say I look a lot like the son of Tom Cruise in War of the Worlds Robbie(Justin Chatwin). I guess I will agree and say he would play me.

Travis Bickle 01-21-06 12:17 PM

He'd play me.

Lennon 03-01-08 06:22 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Denzel Washington- Even though I am a short white kid; but we both have black hair so :p

thebest 03-01-08 06:46 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Tobey Maguire

mark f 03-01-08 09:11 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
They are both slightly too young, but as long as they're in their bearded mode, Russell Crowe or Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Back in the (G)olden days, Sebastian Cabot.

(I'm Matson.) My rating for The Family Jewels:

I was looking for a video of Sebastian doing Dylan's "It Ain't Me Babe", but I couldn't find it. Rassafrassa.

Caitlyn 03-01-08 09:26 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
I would like it to be Hilary Swank...

Ðèstîñy 03-01-08 09:56 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?

I hear she can't act, but that's OK. Neither can I!

Oh, and she'd have to eat some . . . cause damn!

rufnek 03-03-08 02:52 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Groucho Marks. Or Orson Welles. Or Percy Kilbride, depending on what aspect of my life they emphasize. Maybe they could all play me at different times in my life.

Silas 03-03-08 04:02 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
It prob would be somewhere between shia le beouf or gollum

christine 03-03-08 04:21 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Frances McDormand on a good day

Kathy Bates on a bad


kcurrin 03-03-08 06:25 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Reese Witherspoon. They say I favor her.

jamaine12 03-11-08 05:51 AM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Sandra Bullock or Meg Ryan will do..:D

jamietome 03-11-08 06:36 AM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Danny DeVito!!!!!!!!

Iroquois 03-11-08 09:08 AM

Re: Who Would Play You?
If we were going to be realistic, I'd nominate Tom Felton (best known as Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies).

Put a Beatles haircut on him and there you have it.

christine 03-11-08 10:37 AM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 419913)
If we were going to be realistic, I'd nominate Tom Felton (best known as Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies).

Put a Beatles haircut on him and there you have it.
He does look a lot like you, or you him!

MovieMaker5087 03-11-08 01:37 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Peter Billingsley

Naisy 03-12-08 09:59 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
In terms of personality Hugh Laurie,
in terms of looks I'd go for Elmo

nebbit 03-12-08 11:16 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Originally Posted by Naisy (Post 420212)
in terms of looks I'd go for Elmo
Oh Please ;) I have seen pictures of you :yup: Brad Pitt could play you :yup:

Slug 03-13-08 01:23 AM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Well, now that Rodney's gone, how about, Rip Taylor, or Rip Torn?

Naisy 03-13-08 01:47 AM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Originally Posted by nebbit (Post 420224)
Oh Please ;) I have seen pictures of you :yup: Brad Pitt could play you :yup:
maybe in a black and white silent movie minus the white part. Besides Elmo is cute!

Caitlyn 03-14-08 03:39 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
Originally Posted by Naisy (Post 420262)
maybe in a black and white silent movie minus the white part. Besides Elmo is cute!

First person I thought about to play you was:

christine 03-14-08 05:01 PM

Re: Who Would Play You?
ooo Naisy must be a looker!

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