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foster 01-02-16 06:02 AM

Re: The Share Your Dreams Thread
First I was a vampire being hunted. Then I was hunting other vampires.
Time to go to sleep, I've been on a really interesting dream streak lately so I'm curious what comes next.

Zotis 01-02-16 06:25 AM

Re: The Share Your Dreams Thread
I had a Dawn of the Dead (remake) dream once, but I realised it was a dream and started using super powers to destroy all the zombies. Survivors flocked to me for protection and I was the savior of the world. It was a really fun dream.

foster 02-04-16 03:04 AM

Last night it was windy and I was able to fly. Not very high off the ground but I had a decent speed. I went one direction, turned around and came back. A friend saw me do it!

I went and told people and gathered a posse to come watch me fly. But I needed that windy spot so we all began the trek to it. Got lost somehow and ended up in a kingdom. When I tried to turn us all around the kingdom wouldn't let us leave! I remember saying to someone… if only I could fight as well as I can fly :lol:

I think we got out, idk.. forgot all about this dream from last night until just a few minutes ago.

Originally Posted by foster (Post 1432014)
First I was a vampire being hunted. Then I was hunting other vampires.
Time to go to sleep, I've been on a really interesting dream streak lately so I'm curious what comes next.
Man I should have been more detailed with this description. It sounds cool but I can't remember much about it.

DalekbusterScreen5 05-22-16 05:09 AM

I dreamt last night that in October 2016 the Queen had given up the throne and it was now sometime in 2017; Prince Charles had stepped down struggling to cope with it being some anniversary of Princess Diana's death and Harry was holding a vote with people gathered around members of the Royal family as opposed to who should be King/Queen. William won and so William and Kate became King and Queen.

DalekbusterScreen5 10-08-16 10:30 AM

After reading this, I'm convinced I met James May in his higher self a few nights' back heightened-state that we are all in when we're sleep:

Basically, I was in one of those Clarkson, Hammond and May Top Gear segments where each of them had to use a different mode of transport in a race to a given destination. Clarkson was in a drive-yourself car, Hammond I'm pretty sure was on a bike and I joined James May in one of those driverless cars. Me and James May were speeding through what looked like the A64; May was turning the steering wheel pretty rapidly and the car was diving through traffic. In no time at all, we arrived at our destination: a beach that I suspect was Scarborough beach. We were first to arrive, then Clarkson with Hammond coming last.

The weird thing was, it all felt real - like I was actually there in the car. That's why I reckon that I had come across James May's higher self during his time asleep.

DalekbusterScreen5 10-13-16 04:36 AM

I had a really weird dream last night.

I was in the waiting room at Scarborough train station. It was empty, apart from one other person - a good friend of mine who worked at Scarborough Sixth Form college whilst I was a student there and helped me considerably during my time at college called Marianne. I tried to talk to her but stuttered - I was shocked because she had sadly passed away of cancer last week therefore I didn't expect to see her. Marianne said 'It's okay, I thought I was dead too. We thought I was gone, then I ended up here,'. We talked for ages and she offered me advice. I can't remember exactly what she said; it was something like 'Keep up your studying [at university], you're doing really well'. It ended when my Dad came into my room to put some food down for my cat.

It was such a bizarre dream because everything was bright (sort of like over-exposure on a camera) and our voices were crystal-clear, like a real life conversation. My Mum had a similar dream with my late Grandad and I wonder if it's connected. Could it be the after-life? Heaven?

DalekbusterScreen5 02-10-17 07:00 PM

Another strange dream possibly connected to the afterlife.

I was outside and there was this weird procession going past down the street. I walked into my house and through to the kitchen, where I found the Queen waiting speaking in a foreign language (I think it was German) and translating it in English as 'I won't be moving to the EU'. Then my Grandma appeared and repeated the English part of the Queen's words. There was a man who looked familiar stood behind her, facing away from me. He turned around to reveal...

My Grandad, who sadly passed away of cancer in 2007.

Now this is where it gets weird. From this point, as with the Marianne dream in the previous post, it all started to feel like it was actually happening. He gave me two words of advice - 'Remember to keep them [my parents] informed, remember to keep them [parents] in the loop'. Now today I was filming for a student film as part of my university course and because of my autism I have been letting my Mum know when I'm in in the taxi, when I am with my group and when I'm on the train back so she knows I'm alright. Only today, I had to keep her more informed than ever. One of the child actors was ill meaning a potential early finish, shooting outside a primary school hadn't been cleared properly and my group had decided to film on a different street to where I had thought we were filming. It's a pretty big coincidence that I just happen to have a dream of my Grandad giving me these words of advice the night before the film shoot becomes more complicated.

I think my Grandad is up there in heaven and he knew that I'd have to keep my parents more informed than before on that Friday. He was the kind of caring person who would worry about how stressed my Mum may get if she wasn't kept properly informed. It's too big a coincidence for there to be nothing in it.

OdumC 02-10-17 07:06 PM

Re: The Share Your Dreams Thread
Had a weird one the other night, the classic lost something, can't find it, completely helpless dream.. as things started getting frantic, I said out loud IN the dream... "Wait.. this is just a bad dream..." and woke up.

Never done it before, probably never do it again, but that was a completely bizarre experience.

Saunch 02-10-17 11:25 PM

Re: The Share Your Dreams Thread
Not sure what inspired this:

Dreamt I was back in elementary school, taking a field trip to a museum, I think. Suddenly we're told to line up. We got to leave. Teachers march us back outside where the buses are waiting. Needles are coming down from the sky. Needles as thick as light posts are coming down from the grey sky stretching far above the clouds. It starts to rain.

I get on the bus. They're sitting us in alphabetical order (by last names) so I start looking for my sister. Somehow I have a smart phone and text her and then my parents. No response. The bus starts moving. Underneath the seat I feel a plastic bag. It's full. Something stiff inside. I look down to see what it is.

Then I woke up.

DalekbusterScreen5 02-11-17 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1642885)
Underneath the seat I feel a plastic bag. It's full. Something stiff inside. I look down to see what it is.
Sorry, that was my packed lunch. :p

DalekbusterScreen5 02-26-17 06:21 AM

Two nights ago I had a dream where I was in a strange crossover of Coronation Street and La La Land.

Cathy from Corrie had been in a relationship with Seb from La La Land, and at some point they had split. I was trying to persuade Cathy to get back with Seb, but she wasn't having any of it. It sounded like at some point Seb had cheated on her with someone else. I kept going back to Seb and updating him, who was in this weird corridor that looked like something from The Crystal Maze. He was working as a production designer on a children's game show, so I guess he gave up running his own jazz club and playing the piano.

BoxOfficePoison 03-02-17 12:38 AM

Re: The Share Your Dreams Thread
I usually don't remember my dreams, but probably the weirdest one I do remember happened several years ago.

I dreamed the Mob in the USA was running underground, high-stakes tiddlywinks games. I remember walking around the streets, seeing these '30s-'40s-era gangster-movie-type "tough guys" -- coat collars turned up, fedoras pulled down low -- sitting on the curbs, crying their eyes out over their losses at the tiddlywinks tables.

The funny thing is that, during the dream, I knew this was completely serious business, but at the same time I knew it was absurdly funny, as if I were watching some "Airplane!"-type comedy (which it might also have been, on some level).

One other bit I remember was watching this slick, professional tiddlywinks dealer at a casino in Las Vegas. She was opening a box of new tiddlywinks. Seemed to be having a little trouble getting the box open, and once she'd opened it, the tiddlywinks were loose in the box, with all the colors mixed together. But, being the slick, professional tiddlywinks dealer from Vegas that she was, she stuck her hand in the box and immediately pulled out a large fistful of all blue tiddlywinks. Ooohh! I seem to remember realizing the dealer was cooperating in some undercover FBI sting against the illegal tiddlywinks rackets, but I woke up before I found out how the sting went.

So no, nothing very interesting.

BoxOfficePoison 03-02-17 12:54 AM

Re: The Share Your Dreams Thread
Actually, come to think of it, I did have a work dream a few years ago that was mildly amusing.

One of my colleagues was was doing a fecal examination -- checking a patient's stool for intestinal parasites, or the eggs thereof -- in this case on a turd roughly the size and shape of a coconut (no idea what kind of patient it came out of!).

She split the turd open, and saw what looked like an earthworm -- small, pink, segmented -- stuck partway in, wiggling. When she pulled the "worm" out, it turned out to be the end of the tail of a bouncy, pink dinosaur-looking creature, about a foot (30 cm) tall, segmented all over, sort of like the Michelin tire guy in the old TV commercials. We had no idea what this thing was, whether it was pathogenic or otherwise dangerous to animals or to humans, or anything else about it, and neither did the medical director.

But it was kind of cute, so we let it hang around anyway.

MovieMeditation 03-02-17 05:56 AM

Re: The Share Your Dreams Thread
All my dreams are about @CiCi ...

CiCi 03-02-17 06:30 AM

Re: The Share Your Dreams Thread
Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1659947)
All my dreams are about @CiCi ...
And mine about you...r dog

MovieMeditation 03-02-17 06:33 AM

Originally Posted by CiCi (Post 1659949)
And mine about you...r dog
Dammit. :(

christine 03-02-17 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by DalekbusterScreen5 (Post 1592792)

It was such a bizarre dream because everything was bright (sort of like over-exposure on a camera) and our voices were crystal-clear, like a real life conversation. My Mum had a similar dream with my late Grandad and I wonder if it's connected. Could it be the after-life? Heaven?
You do have some vivid dreams!
Personally I don't think it's the afterlife or heaven, it's just the subconcious desire to meet or speak to people that have gone. I used to have loads of dreams about my Nan after she died as we were very close. I still have the occasional dream about her, and I'm talking 40+ years since she died. In those dreams it's always really ordinary stuff like we're sitting together at home chatting and drinking tea. It's nice, it's familiar and comforting but I don't think it's anything supernatural.

TheUsualSuspect 03-02-17 08:58 AM

...last night I had a dream....THAT A HAMBURGER WAS EAT ME!!!!!!

DalekbusterScreen5 03-02-17 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by BoxOfficePoison (Post 1659870)
I usually don't remember my dreams, but probably the weirdest one I do remember happened several years ago.

I dreamed the Mob in the USA was running underground, high-stakes tiddlywinks games. I remember walking around the streets, seeing these '30s-'40s-era gangster-movie-type "tough guys" -- coat collars turned up, fedoras pulled down low -- sitting on the curbs, crying their eyes out over their losses at the tiddlywinks tables.
This needs to be a sitcom.

DalekbusterScreen5 03-02-17 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1659957)
You do have some vivid dreams!
Personally I don't think it's the afterlife or heaven, it's just the subconcious desire to meet or speak to people that have gone. I used to have loads of dreams about my Nan after she died as we were very close. I still have the occasional dream about her, and I'm talking 40+ years since she died. In those dreams it's always really ordinary stuff like we're sitting together at home chatting and drinking tea. It's nice, it's familiar and comforting but I don't think it's anything supernatural.
I like to believe it is heaven/the afterlife. The idea that there's nothing beyond death is too scary to comprehend.

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