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seanc 12-22-20 01:51 PM

So everyone nominates a film. We all watch all the films and then send in a ranked list to the host. A winner is declared based on the same scoring system as our countdown lists

seanc 12-22-20 01:53 PM

As you watch you post in the thread what you have watched and some thoughts about the film. Generally the host makes the deadline giving a week for the number of films.

seanc 12-22-20 01:56 PM

I'm not speaking for Raul, but I just don't think he's around right now. He can clarify if I missed something. Usually the general HOF are pretty straightforward. The specialty ones can get bogged down in some minutiae as far as nominations go but are very fun as well.

Citizen Rules 12-22-20 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 2155910)
As for the rules, they will remain to be pretty much what they have been. No films over 280 minutes please. Please join with the intention of watching every movie.

I'll give everyone until Jan 1 to decide on a nomination. Then I will unveil. I will take last minute nominations after the unveil if people are interested in joining after seeing what was nominated.

Please try to watch everything again, unless you've seen it super recently. It just makes the process run more smoothly.

Lastly, we can help each other out by finding sources for our noms to make it easier on everybody. Look forward to it!

Please PM your nomination once you think of it!
I'm not speaking for Rauldc14 either, he's the host and a cool one too!

Raul did say we'd use the usually rules (which of course if you've never joined that doesn't help much.) So here's what generally happens in an HoF:

Movie Nominations:
Any movie under 280 minutes can be nominated, except for previous HoF winners.

PM Rauldc14 your nominations Keep your nomination a secret until the unveiling of the films on January 1st

Length of HoF: Usually 1 week per movie nominated. So if there's 10 members, there's 10 movies and the length of the HoF is 10 weeks. (plenty of movie watching time):)

During the HoF
: Everyone watches the nominated movies and discusses them in this thread.

*We're not allowed at MoFo to post illegal movie links, we PM each other for that:p but usually everything can be found from legit sources.

Citizen Rules 12-22-20 02:34 PM

Here's a really long list! of all the past HoF winners, so these movies can't be nominated again.

Inductees into the Main Hall of Fame

Winner: Psycho (1960 Alfred Hitchcock)
Winner: The Apartment (1960 Billy Wilder)
Winner: 400 Blows (1959 Francois Truffaut)
Winner: Sansho The Baliff (1954 Kenji Mizoguchi) Tie
Winner: Autumn Sonata (1978 Ingmar Bergman) Tie
Winner: A Separation (2011 Asghar Farhadi)
Winner: All Quiet On The Western Front (1930 Lewis Milestone)
Winner: The Shawshank Redemption (1994 Frank Darabont)
Winner: Paths Of Glory (1957 Stanley Kubrick)
Winner: The Best Years Of Our Lives (1946 William Wyler)
Winner: The Empire Strikes Back (1980 Irvin Kirshner) Tie
Winner: East Of Eden (1955 Elia Kazan) Tie
Winner: Her (2013 Spike Jonze)
Winner: Casablanca (1942, Michael Curtiz)
Winner: Dances With Wolves (Kevin Costner, 1990)
Winner: Contratiempo (2016, Paulo)
Winner: The Station Agent (Tom McCarthy, 2003)
Winner: Frances Ha(Noah Baumbach, 2012) Tie
Winner: Wait Until Dark (Terence Young, 1967) Tie
Winner: The Innocents (Jack Clayton, 1961)
Winner: Road to Perdition (Sam Mendes, 2002)
Winner: Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino 1994)
Winner: Phantom Thread (Paul Thomas Anderson 2017)
Winner: The Hunt aka Jagten (Thomas Vinterberg 2012)
Winner: Inglorious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino 2009)
Winner: Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg 1993)

Inductees into the Specialty Hall of Fame

1st Short Hall Of Fame
Winner: La Jetee (1962 Chris Marker)

2nd Short Hall Of Fame
Winner: Harvie Krumpet (2003 Adam Elliot)

3rd Short Hall Of Fame
Winner: Tale Of Tales (1979 Yuriy Norshteyn)

4th Short Hall of Fame
Winner: A Dog's Life (Charlie Chaplin, 1918)

Looney Tunes Hall Of Fame
Winner: Duck Amuck (1953, Chuck Jones)

Animated Shorts Hall of Fame
Winner: The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (1946, Bob Clampett)

Horror Hall Of Fame
Winner: Nosferatu (1979 Werner Herzog)

Slasher Hall Of Fame
Winner: Halloween (1978 John Carpenter)

Science Fiction Hall Of Fame
Winner: The Thing (1982 John Carpenter)

Film Noir Hall Of Fame
Winner: In A Lonely Place (1950 Nicholas Ray)

Animated Musical Hall Of Fame
Winner: Beauty And The Beast (1991 Disney)

Documentary Hall Of Fame
Winner: Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010 Banksy)

Sci-fi/Horror Hall Of Fame
Winner: Alien (1979 Ridley Scott)

European Horror Hall Of Fame
Winner: The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari (1920 Robert Wiene)

B-Movie Hall Of Fame
Winner: Miami Connection (1987 Richard Park)

WW II Hall Of Fame
Winner: Judgement At Nuremberg (1961 Stanley Kramer)

50's Hall Of Fame
Winner: Witness For The Prosecution (1958 Billy Wilder)

Western Hall Of Fame
Winner: Once Upon A Time In The West (1968 Sergio Leone)

50's Part II Hall Of Fame
Winner: 12 Angry Men (1957, Sidney Lumet)

Noir Part II Hall Of Fame
Winner: The Big Sleep (1946, Howard Hawks)

Silent Era Hall Of Fame
Winner: Wings (1927, William Wellman)

40's Hall Of Fame
Winner: Laura (1944 Otto Preminger)

Animation Hall Of Fame
Winner: Wall-E (2008 Andrew Stanton)

Live Action Musical Hall of Fame
Winner: West Side Story (Robert Wise, 1961)

Musical Artist Hall of Fame
Winner: Amadeus (Milos Forman, 1984)

1940's Hall of Fame II
Hinner: The Ghost and Mrs Muir (1947, Joseph L. Mankiewicz)

70's Hall of Fame
Winner: The Sting (1973, George Roy Hill)

Women Directors Hall of Fame
Winner: The Ascent (Larissa Shepitko, 1977)

Best Picture Hall of Fame
Winner: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975, Milos Forman)

Foreign Language Hall of Fame
Winner: The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964, Jacques Demy)

1930's Hall of Fame
Winner: The Scarlet Empress (1934, Josef von Sternberg)

1930's Hall of Fame Part 2
Winner: It Happened One Night (1934, Frank Capra)

Russian Language Hall of Fame
Winner: Solaris (1971, Andrey Tarkovsky)

B-Movie Hall of Fame II: The Sequel
Winner: Night of the Creeps (1986, Fred Dekker)

80's Teen Movie Hall of Fame
Winner: Say Anything (1980, Cameron Crowe)
Winner: Better Off Dead (1985, Savage Steve Holland)

Second Chance Hall of Fame
Winner: Raise the Red Lantern (Zhang Yimou, 1992)

Horror Hall of Fame II
Winner: Deep Red (Dario Argento, 1975)

Pixar Hall of Fame
Winner: Ratatouille (Brad Bird, 2007)

Classic Comedy Hall of Fame
Winner: Modern Times (Charlie Chaplin, 1936)

Pre 1930s Hall of Fame
Winner: Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1927)

2nd Science Fiction Hall of Fame
HWinner: Aliens (James Cameron, 1986)

Pre 30s Hall of Fame II
Winner: It (1927 Josef von Sternberg)

2nd Animation Hall of Fame
Winner: Spirited Away (2001 Hayao Miyazaki)

Golden Age of Comedy Hall of Fame
Winner: Dr. Strangelove (Stanley Kubrick 1964)

VHS era Comedy Hall of Fame
Winner: Back to the Future (Robert Zemeckis 1985)
Winner: The Princess Bride (Rob Reiner 1987)

Japanese Hall of Fame
Winner: High and Low (Akira Kurosawa 1963)

Western Hall of Fame II
Winner: The Ox-Bow Incident (William Wellman 1943)

Best Picture Hall of Fame Part 2
Winner: Unforgiven (1992, Clint Eastwood)

Western III Hall of Fame
Winner: McCabe & Mrs Miller (1971, Rober Altman)

Film Noir III
Winner: The Third Man (1949 Carol Reed) & Winner: The Big Heat (1953, Fritz Lang)

Fantasy Hall of Fame
Winner: Lord of the Rings; Fellowship of the Ring (2001 Peter Jackson)

rauldc14 12-22-20 02:47 PM

Re: 24th Hall of Fame
What they said basically.

SpelingError 12-22-20 06:08 PM

Re: 24th Hall of Fame
One last question: Are we supposed to nominate films we've already seen, or can we nominate films we haven't watched yet?

edarsenal 12-22-20 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by SpelingError (Post 2156320)
One last question: Are we supposed to nominate films we've already seen, or can we nominate films we haven't watched yet?
Either way works.
You can nominate something you love or something you've been wanting to see and haven't yet. (known as a "blind grab"). The very first Hall of Fame I joined in on I did a Blind Grab and have now and again.
VERY COOL to have ya all join in!!

Obviously I'm in as well. Sending my nom in now.

Wyldesyde19 12-22-20 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by SpelingError (Post 2156320)
One last question: Are we supposed to nominate films we've already seen, or can we nominate films we haven't watched yet?

Takoma11 12-22-20 07:06 PM

I sent in a nomination.

Selfishly, it's a movie I love and I just want to force other people to talk to me about it. :D

cricket 12-22-20 07:08 PM

Oooh Sean's back and we have virgins. I'll have to think about this.

Takoma11 12-22-20 07:41 PM

So here is a question: there are some films that I just will not watch, on principle or for emotional wellness reasons or both.

For example, I do not watch Polanski films. I do not watch films that include real animal cruelty.

Can I still participate knowing that there may be one or two films I will not/may not see? How do you handle your final ranking if there are films you have not seen?

Citizen Rules 12-22-20 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by Takoma11 (Post 2156368)
So here is a question: there are some films that I just will not watch, on principle or for emotional wellness reasons or both.

For example, I do not watch Polanski films. I do not watch films that include real animal cruelty.

Can I still participate knowing that there may be one or two films I will not/may not see? How do you handle your final ranking if there are films you have not seen?
I think the host: Raul, should address that one.

But Raul did say this in the 1st post:
I will take last minute nominations after the unveil if people are interested in joining after seeing what was nominated.
So you could pick out your movie, but wait until after all the movie noms are revealed and then decide if you want to still join or not, based on what the movies are.

Siddon 12-22-20 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by Takoma11 (Post 2156368)
So here is a question: there are some films that I just will not watch, on principle or for emotional wellness reasons or both.

For example, I do not watch Polanski films. I do not watch films that include real animal cruelty.

Can I still participate knowing that there may be one or two films I will not/may not see? How do you handle your final ranking if there are films you have not seen?

Highly unlikely you are going to see a Polanski film in the nom pool...most of the time people tend to pick newer films or ones by famous auteurs.

Now with that said certain people will nominate controversial and gross films in which case if you do decide to drop out let us know early.

Good to know about Polanski so out of respect I won't nominate this film

Thief 12-22-20 08:21 PM

Re: 24th Hall of Fame
Seems like a pretty cool idea. I guess I'm in.

MovieGal 12-22-20 08:23 PM

Re: 24th Hall of Fame

I may be in after I see all the first set of nominations.. however, if I join, @MovieMeditation has to join as I got a movie for him!

Rauldc14 Im going to send you my nomination and after I see all the noms, I will let you know if Im in or not.

MovieGal 12-22-20 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2156144)
I skimmed the last 12 pages of Rate The Last Movie You Saw and copied the names of newer members who seemed active, of course anyone can join.

Let's see if some of our newest members will join the fun🙂
@SpelingError @Captain Terror @Thief @Jinnistan @WHITBISSELL! @Torgo @Wooley @John W Constantine @crumbsroom @Rockatansky @Takoma11

HoFs (Hall of Fames) are a HUGE thing here at MoFo. They help to shape upcoming MoFo Top 100 Countdowns and are a great way to join in and share a movie you love. And if your movie nomination receives the most points it will then be added to MoFos Hall of Fame Archives
you forgot @LordWhis

cricket 12-22-20 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Siddon (Post 2156377)
Now with that said certain people will nominate controversial and gross films in which case if you do decide to drop out let us know early.
Who would do such a thing?

MovieGal 12-22-20 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 2156385)
Who would do such a thing?

For HOF, I was told certain films and directors are out...

I cant nominate a Tinto Brass film :(

Wyldesyde19 12-22-20 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by Takoma11 (Post 2156368)
So here is a question: there are some films that I just will not watch, on principle or for emotional wellness reasons or both.

For example, I do not watch Polanski films. I do not watch films that include real animal cruelty.

Can I still participate knowing that there may be one or two films I will not/may not see? How do you handle your final ranking if there are films you have not seen?
This is a fair warning, and One I think should be easy enough to follow for most. Especially when one considers the amount of film available.
If it is, and you find a particular film triggering, you can opt out.
There are always other HOF.
That’s said, welcome aboard.

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