nat666195's Avatar
Last Activity: 02-28-22


2,230 POSTS


8¾ years HERE

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Showing Comments 13 to 16 of 16
  1. 09-19-15
  2. 09-19-15
    Hey, just to let you know you should have left that comment on my profile because i would've got a notification.
  3. 09-19-15
    I am a fan of documentaries. I will try and come up with a list by January 1st. Thanks for letting me know cam ☺
  4. 09-19-15
    Hey Nat . I was wondering if you're a fan of documentaries? Our next countdown is going to be of them and we are always looking for members to take part. You can't send a list until you have been here a month but the deadline is January 1st giving you plenty of time to watch enough to come up with at least a partial list.
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