edarsenal's Avatar
Last Activity: 1 week ago


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
9,681 POSTS



15¾ years HERE

just outside detroit, michigan, U.S. Location
artwork, learning to play fingerstyle blues guitar, amateur nature photography Interests
Presently: Dispatcher for towing company Occupation
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio
Showing Comments 13 to 16 of 34
  1. 09-14-17
    I can't seem to find The Spiral Staircase anywhere. I wasn't even able to find it on youtube. Please give me the link you found on there. I'd like to watch it again. Thanks!!

    And I am still kind of mad over making that mistake today. I just hate doing things like that. I know things like that happen but still.....
  2. 09-04-17
    Yes, I would say Leon is also... human. Ok, maybe he sleep in the chair, but who doesn't He is perfect trained, but he hadn't lost his humanity. He can be beaten (sadly).
  3. 09-02-17
    Yeah, Nikita is also brilliant. Female main characters in Besson's movies are quite disturbing. They are brave but not like superheroes, if You now what I mean. They are strond and weak at the same time.But nothing is better than Leon: the professional Would You agree?
  4. 09-02-17
    Wow! I don't know what to say. You are real Besson fun
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